What is the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award?
A DofE programme is a real adventure from beginning to end. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from. You just need to be in Year 10 and realise there’s more to life than sitting on a sofa watching life pass you by. At Bishop’s we do the Bronze Award, but you can do Silver or Gold when you leave. Four sections must be completed to achieve the Award, by doing a personal programme of activities. You'll find yourself helping people in the community, getting fitter,developing skills and going on an expedition.
But here's the best bit - you get to choose what you do!Your programme can be full of activities and projects that get you buzzing. Along the way you’ll pick up experiences, friends and talents that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
Here are the Four Sections:
•A Service –this is about helping others
•A Hobby –this is about developing personal interests
•Physical Activity – encouragesfitness and an active lifestyle
•Expedition –you will complete a 2 day adventurous journey in a small team. The training expedition is usually between Ross and Hereford and the Assessed expedition takes pace between Ewyas Harold and Hay.
For Bronze, one section must be done for 6 months and the remaining two for 3 months. On average you must devote at least one hour per week. The expedition does not have a time frame, but you must have completed training and have a minimum amount of activity for each day of the journey. At Bishops the expeditions are on foot. All camping equipment must be carried in a rucksack over the two day period and you will be expected to navigate as a group without the direct support of an adult.
So, why do it?
..Fun…..New Friends…New Challenges…..Improving ExistingSkills…Teamwork…..Exciting Experiences..CommunicationSkills…Confidence…CV…Progress File…Independence....Self Awareness…ProblemSolving…Planning…New Skills….
Who can do it at Bishops?
The DofE is launched to year 10 in the Autumn Term, with an assembly. Unfortunately places are limited to about 50, but we do find that most people who want to take part can. The training is delivered by two experienced instructors, with a teaching background. We do have to charge a fee of between £200 and £250 to cover the hire of instructors for the weekend expeditions, after school training, equipment hire, insurance, DofE licence fee etc. Students usually meet on either a Tuesday or Wednesday night from 3.30 to 4.30. The training usually starts just before the Christmas holidays.