Risk assessment pursuant to § 5 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (Arbeitsschutzgesetz)
All workstations / activities / Form 1.2
Risk assessment pursuant to § 5 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (Arbeitsschutzgesetz)
All workstations / activities / Form 1.2
Seq. No.:


Group / Author / Date
First assessment / Yes No Last assessment on (date)
Number of employees
1. General / met / n/
yes / *no
1. Safety officers are designated and known to all employees.
2. Tasks are only transferred to persons suited to the task.
3. There are operating instructions for all equipment and work procedures for cases where their use or application poses a risk to employee health and safety.
4. The operating instructions are known to all employees concerned and are followed.
5. The personal safety equipment specified in the operating instructions is available and is being worn.
6. Steps have been taken to ensure that all employees (including those who do not speak German) have understood the contents of the operating instructions.
7. All employees receive workstation and task-specific training on the basis of risk assessments and operating instructions.
8. The training is given prior to the start of work activities and then at least once a year after that.
9. The contents of the training is documented.
10. The training sessions are confirmed by the participants’ signature.
11. Steps have been taken to ensure that all employees (including those who do not speak German) have understood the contents of the training.
12. If needed, foreign personnel will be instructed about possible risks and necessary safety measures.
13. The special safety measures for minors in accordance with the Young Persons Employment Act (Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz) are observed.
14. The special safety measures for expectant and nursing mothers in accordance with the Maternity Protection Act and Maternity Protection Guideline Regulation (Mutterschutzgesetz und Mutterschutz-Richtlinienverordnung) are observed.
15. The ban on smoking in LMU buildings is observed.
16. All work equipment undergoes a visual inspection prior to use. In the event of slight defects, it is repaired promptly, and in the event of serious defects, it is immediately removed from service.
17. All work equipment (e.g., ladders and steps) is regularly checked for safety.
18. All electrical equipment with an electrical plug is regularly inspected by a qualified electrician or a specialised company; testing is documented.
Inspected equipment has a mark of conformity or an inspection sticker.
LMU Munich
Version: August 2016 1.2/4
Risk assessment pursuant to § 5 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (Arbeitsschutzgesetz)
All workstations / activities / Form 1.2
2. Work environment
1. The ceiling lighting is bright enough.
2. Slatted curtains or blinds are available as anti-glare protection.
3. Floor coverings have no bulges, holes or other damage.
4. Tripping hazards are avoided, e.g., wires and cables are not in traffic areas or are covered with cable channels.
5. There is sufficient area for free movement at the workstations.
6. Ladders and steps are used for lifting items that are out of reach.
7. Pools of liquid on the floor are cleaned up immediately (slip hazard).
8. Photocopiers are placed in well-ventilated locations.
3. First aid
1. Sufficient first responders (10% of employees; if only offices: 5%) are named.
2. First aid kits (cabinets and first aid box) are available, and their locations are known to all employees. At least one kit is accessible at all times for all employees.
3. All the employees know who has been designated to check the contents of the first aid kits at which intervals (at least annually) and to reorder materials.
4. All injuries, including minor injuries, are recorded in a first-aid log. This is retained for five years after the final entry.
4. Emergencies
1. A phone for making an emergency call is quickly accessible to all employees at all times.
2. The emergency plan (Alarm Plan) is posted in a visible spot at each workstation or at least in each work area (for example, next to the phone).
3. Employees undergo annual training on the LMU fire safety regulations. The training is documented.
4. The University Executive Board requires that employees are instructed every year on building evacuation procedures in case of an emergency. The training is documented.
5. Helpers for building evacuation are appointed and known to all employees.
6. In the event of a building evacuation, a meeting point is established outside the building and is known to all employees.
7. Two independent escape routes are available for all workstations (e.g., hall to the stairwell and emergency exit windows).
8. Escape routes are marked as such.
9. Escape routes are always kept clear.
10. Emergency exits are marked as such.
11. Emergency exits are always kept clear.
12. Emergency exit doors open in the direction of escape.
13. Emergency exit doors can be easily opened from the inside without aids, e.g., keys.
14. The locations of the fire extinguishers are known to all employees and are kept clear.
15. All fire extinguishers are inspected (cf. inspection sticker). (Inspection every two years by the designated administration and maintenance)
LMU Munich
Version: August 2016 1.2/4
Risk assessment pursuant to § 5 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (Arbeitsschutzgesetz)
All workstations / activities / Form 1.2
5. Special workstations / activities / yes / no / If yes
Workstations in laboratories / Form 2.0
Handling of Hazardous Substances / Form 2.1
Handling of Biological Agents / Form 2.2
Handling of Biological Agents in Risk Groups 2 and 3** / Form 2.2.2
Handling of Biological Agents in Risk Group 3 / Form 2.2.3
Activities in storerooms containing hazardous substances and gas cylinders / Form 2.3
Workstations in the laboratory animal house (cages and aquariums) / Form 3.1
Workstations in the laboratory animal house (large animals) / Form 3.2
Workstations in electrical workshops / Form 4.1
Workstations in woodworking workshops / Form 4.2
Workstations in mechanical workshops / Form 4.3
Workstations in the workshop for building glass instruments / Form 4.4
Office and computer workstations / Form 5.0
Cleaning work / Form 6.0
Workstations in dissection rooms / Form 7.0
Expectant and nursing mothers / Form 8.0
6. Other risks and corresponding safety measures
Risk / Safety measures
7. Additional measures and corrective measures
Re. Item / Description / Measures / Implementation

Should you need any advice, please contact your designated specialist for occupational health and safety in the Occupational Health and Safety and Sustainability staff unit.

LMU Munich
Version: August 2016 1.2/4