Elliot Bailey
London Borough of Hackney
Corporate ICT
6-15 Florfield Road
London E8 1DT
Tel: 020 8356 5000
020 8356 2144

Our Reference:FOI16-0706-13467

Dear Mr Bailey

Re: Your Freedom of Information Request.

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request received by this office on 26 January 2016 as follows:

“Please provide me with an up to date Organisational Structure chart for Adult and Children services including all manager NAMES, contact details and job titles. Yours faithfully, Elliot Bailey”

S21 Information readily accessible elsewhere

The Council has considered S21 of the FoI Act 2000. A public authority is only obligated to publish the top three tiers of senior management within the Council. The majority of the information you have requested is exempt under section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act. Section 21 (2a) states that information which is reasonably accessible to the applicant is exempt. In this case the organisational structure is available at As such the Council considers S21 to be engaged.

S22 Information to be published at a later date

The Council has considered exemption S22 Information to be published of the FoI Act 2000. This is because the structure chart is due to be updated in the near future. As such the Council considers S22 to be engaged.

S40(2) Personal Information

The Council has considered exemption S40(2) in the processing of your request. A public authority is only obliged to publish the first 3 tiers of its structure. The Council has to consider whether it would be ‘Fair and Lawful’ as per the 1st Data Protection Principle to publish the names of staff who are not senior management. The Council also has to consider what impact disclosure of names of staff who are not senior management, would have on those members of staff. As a Freedom of Information request is considered to be disclosure to the public at large, the Council is not satisfied that disclosure of names of staff other than senior staff would be fair and as such considers S40(2) to be engaged.

Please note the information is still covered by copyright legislation. You are not authorised to re-use this information for commercial or research purposes as defined by the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005. If you do wish to re-use this information please contact

Information Governance Team

London Borough of Hackney

3rd Floor, Maurice Bishop House

Reading Lane

London E8 1HH

If you are dissatisfied with this response and wish to appeal, please write to the Information Governance Team, Appeals, 1st Floor, 6-15 Florfield Road, London, E8 1DT and this will be dealt with through our Internal Review procedure.

If you are still not satisfied following the Internal Review, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner. He can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone:01625 545 700

Yours sincerely

The Information Management Team

Document Number: 17001190

Document Name: 03 Staff Names or Structure Chart