June 19, 2014 WI High school Fishing meeting

Members Present: Location Part of State

  1. Chris Jones- Neenah- Eastern
  2. Wendy Dallman- Prairie Farm North West
  3. Bill Schrooten Webster- Northwest
  4. Trent Tonn Burlington Southeast
  5. Pat Kolbe North Fondy Eastern
  6. Greg Franzen Appleton West Eastern
  7. Ted Bonde Kiel/New Hosltein Eastern


·  Tournaments-


o  December Wausau Ice fishing show

o  January

§  Bruce 3rd HS tourney Hemlock lake

§  Luck 10th ---- Bone lake

§  Charity Ice tourney Lake Winnebago

§  Ashland-17th --- NATIONAL GUARD TOURNEY

§  Webster Jan 24

§  Prairie farm 31

o  February

§  Unity 7th

§  Mason Lake Amazing Race

§  State Championship 21st of Feb

§  Battle on Bago 27th and 28th

·  Raffle tickets must be ordered in 250qty

State Championship- every 3rd year rotation

§  Guidelines for each state tourney

·  Registration online by Wednesday prior event.

·  Team size- 10 or less

·  Only high school for state tourney. Middle school allowed for others

·  Host area sets up rules

o  2015 state championship – Northwestern Part of State

o  2016 state championship Northeastern part of state

o  2017

o  2017 State championship Lake Winnebago

§  Criteria to host

·  Housing possibilities

·  Rules are set by each host of tournament

·  Times-Sunrise to sunset is the mandatory stipulation

·  How does your club work

o  Money?

§  Raffles---Augers, Shanty’s, custom Fish house

§  Brat/Fish Fry’s

§  Booster Club

§  50/50 Raffles

§  Casino Donations

o  Travel

§  Idea of what to drive on website

§  Directions or map on website

§  Hotel Accomadations

§  School accomodations

o  Prizes------ARE NOT REQUIREMENT------contact Ted or Wendy for prizes

·  Wendy

·  Ted Bonde----

§  Jiffy Linda Schoenborn

§  HT Enterprize Scott steffes Tom Grunewald outdoors TGOFISHING.com

§  Berkley Roxanne Colemann

§  Potentially ---CLAM---