Piedmont Cheerleading Constitution

Revised: November 19th, 2013

As a Piedmont cheerleader, you are an ambassador of our school. You are expected to respect all adults and peers with whom you come in contact with and to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner at all times. Your words and actions are a direct reflection of the athletic department, your coaches and fellow cheerleaders, and your parents. A system of demerits has been compiled to ensure that every cheerleader is held responsible for his or her actions and that only the highest quality student-athletes wear the Piedmont Red and Black. In order to maintain the high standards of the squads, we require strict adherence to the regulations set forth in this constitution.

Every Cheerleading Squad member is expected to reflect the Seven C’s of Leadership:

Cooperation: working together.

Competence: being prepared and proficient for every game or pep rally.

Communication: listening to and talking with coaches, captains, and teammates.

Consideration: being aware of others’ feelings and situation.

Confidence: trusting in yourself and others.

Consistency: equal treatment of teammates.

Control: setting a good example using self-control.

Practice will be held on Wednesdays 4:30-6:30pm. Any additional or later practices will be announced.

All practicesare scheduled and cancelled by the Coaches. Each member is required to attend all meetings and practices. Attendance will be taken at every scheduled event, including practice. Tardiness will result in demerits.

Notification of all family vacations must be submitted to the Coaches in writing at least 10 days prior to absence in order to be considered an excused absence.

Missed events due to work or social functions will be unexcused without prior notification and may result in suspension from a game, competition or other spirit event.

Uniform inspections will take place prior to the beginning of each game or pep rally. Demerits will be given for improper attire. Improper attire may eliminate a member from cheering for that scheduled event.

The Coaches have the right to suspend a team member from a performance if the member: has an unexcused absence from practice, game, or pep rally; does not have proper knowledge of the routine; has accumulated too many demerits; has missed too many practices; or does not have the proper attire. If a suspension occurs, the team member must still attend the event. Final decisions are at the discretion of the Coaches.

Captains are chosen by the coaches. They must support coaches in all decisions, assist in planning and implementation of pep rallies and other activities, and serve as positive role models for other cheerleaders.



1. Cheerleader obligations and responsibilities start from tryouts through the end of basketball season.

2. In accordance with the NC Middle School Athletic rules, a cheerleader must be present at school at least half of the day on a game/practice day to take part in any cheerleading that day. If the cheerleader is absent from school, it MUST be a lawful absence in order to not accumulate demerits, Lawful or not, the participation rule still applies.

4. The school administration in conjunction with the coaches works diligently to assure the safety of all cheerleaders. All games have adults and police officers present to insure the safety of all in attendance. Therefore, NO cheerleader should ever miss a game or event due to any reason except illness or death in the family. If there are safety concerns about any event, please address them to the coach.

5. If going to tutoring, let the coaches know the day before you go. Do not go and have someone else tell the coaches at practice.


Good grades and good cheerleading are a matter of pride. Piedmont cheerleaders are expected to do the very best they can and work to their potential. Cheerleaders will be required to show their interim reports and report cards to the cheerleading coach. Failure to do so will result in two demerits. Academic and behavior progress may be checked at ANY time be the coach. NC Middle School Athletic eligibility requirements for athletes will also apply to cheerleaders.


Piedmont cheerleading squads represent our school and community. We want a positive image; therefore, cheerleaders are expected to conduct themselves in such a way that they maintain a good reputation, having respect for self, coaches, and others. Cheerleaders are leaders of the school and sports; we expect them to fully dedicate themselves to the school and cheerleading as a sport. Therefore, the standards are exceptionally high. Cheerleaders should positively influence students by their behaviors. For this reason, anyone who does not believe that they can meet these standards should not tryout. We expect our cheerleaders to be the highest quality student at Piedmont. Therefore, they should refrain from all excessive behavior, both in and out of uniform and in and out of school.


Uniforms are designed to give a squad a unified appearance. It is important, that they be flattering as well as functional and practical.

Uniforms are purchased through the school. The uniform includes shoes and a bow. The uniform belongs to the cheerleader and must be taken care of.

Uniforms (including shoes and/or socks) must be neat, clean, and in good repair. Uniforms may not be worn except to authorized events or with coach’s permission.


No jewelry is to be worn with the uniforms or at practice (NO EXCEPTIONS). Only soft hair decorations are to be worn. This is a matter of safety.

Hair must be neat, away from the face, and off the neck. This is a matter of safety. Make-up should be moderate and no wild colored nail polish (only school colors allowed).

No fake or wrapped fingernails are allowed at practices or games. Natural nails can be no longer than finger-tip. Fake, wrapped, or inappropriate length of nails will result in suspension of activity until nails are cut or removed. This is a matter of safety.

Uniforms will NOT be worn during school hours.

Demerit System

All cheerleaders are assessed according to a demerit system. Cheerleading can be a dangerous sport; we need to insure that all cheerleaders comply with the safety measures implemented by the coaches. Some of the demerits listed are for safety reasons only. Cheerleaders are responsible for letting their coaches know if they are going to miss a practice or game prior to the event. If anyone else tells the coach, it is the same as the coach not knowing.

1.Missed game or activity for any reason other than illness verified in writing.10

2.Unexcused absence from school on game day.10

3.Unauthorized uniform (including wearing uniform during school hours) 10

4.Classroom or school disciplinary violation based on offenses.5-10

5.Food or drink (other than water or Gatorade) at practice or game.5

6.Public display of affection when in uniform.3-5

7.Unkempt uniform or unkempt appearance.2-5

8.Not wearing uniform on game day or the specified time.5

9.Excessive talking during practice or game.3-5

10.Arriving at game or function without necessary items (ex: shoes, poms, etc.)2

11.Rudeness/disrespect to squad member (including negative remarks).2

12.Late to practice.2

13.Improper practice clothes, shoes, or uniform.2

14.Gum at practice or game.2

15.Colored nail polish (other than school colors), inappropriate nail length, and jewelry at game or practice. 2

16.Coach’s discretion.1-10

17.Stunting/tumbling without coach’s supervision.10

*Second offense dismissal from squad at coach’s discretion

One Game Suspension

Cheerleader is required to attend game, be in full uniform, and sit with coaches for duration of game.

Blatant disregard of coach’s authority

Rudeness/disrespect to coach

Missed practice without notifying coach in advance for any unexcused reason

Certain classroom or school disciplinary violations based on offenses

Late to a game or activity without prior approval

Missed game or practice without doctor’s note

Accumulation of TEN demerits

Dismissal from Squad

Refusal to attend game/activity

Failure to attend cheerleading camp, without proper notification

Failure to meet state minimum grade requirements

Excessive or Extraordinary Discipline Policy Offenses

Failure to attain physical and/or insurance