Lake Keesus Management District

Commissioner’s Meeting

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

7:30 p.m.

Merton Town Hall

Commissioners Present:

Craig Musbach, Chair

Greg Prater, Treasurer

Barbara Carrera, Secretary

Attendees Present:

Bob Plautz

Mike & Linda Timbers

Tom Schreibel

Mary Schlumpf

Gregg Brunclik

Scott Bence

Brian Krebs

Juliane Milbrath

Rick Meissner

Scott Susek

Jenny Susek

Paul Dross

Judy Reinders

1.  Meeting Call to Order; Postings

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. Approval of previous meeting minutes and postings were delayed due to their late arrival for the meeting. Once the minutes arrived, C. Musbach moved, G. Prater seconded to approve as written. Passed. Postings were confirmed in two consecutive issues of the Lake Country Reporter, postcards were sent to all riparian households, and the meeting was posted on the LKMD website.

2.  Review of Invoices

Invoices were available for review and approval. The insurance check for the collision was paid in full. It was decided that a treasurer’s report should be included with every meeting.

3.  Recreational Use Plan Grant Approval

The grant money for the Recreational Use Plan was approved by the Department of Natural Resources. The issue for this meeting was 1.) Accept the money, or, 2.) Reject the money.

Extensive discussion followed regarding the merits and demerits of accepting the grant proposal money. Out of this discussion, the following key points emerged:

-  There was concern that by using public money to fund the survey, the lake could be opening itself up to additional regulation of questionable value

- There is concern that the information gathered through this study could be

used as a tool to support overly restrictive limits on lake use

The conversation segued to other issues not pertinent to the grant money, i.e., high water problems, perceived harassment on the lake, credibility factors of those on the lake, skewed survey results, etc.

Further conversation revolved around the thought that even if a speed limit is imposed, how would it be enforced? The possibility of a follow-up survey was entertained, that might be more specific on certain issues.

C. Musbach moved; G. Prater seconded to not proceed with the grant approval money. Passed.

The Recreational Use Plan survey is seen as a potentially useful tool for the LKMD that could be conducted without the use of public money. The LKMD will review the merits of fully funding and proceeding with the Recreational Use Plan at a future meeting.

In preparation for the next meeting, B. Carrera is to gather as much water patrol information as possible from the Town and the DNR, including incidents that have happened on the lake.

While no definite date was set, it was a general consensus not to delay in moving ahead in formulating a draft resolution for the speed ordinance.

4.  Storage of LKAA Port-a-Potty

N. Etter had requested that the LKMD consider storing the LKAA Port-a-Potty for the months of June, July, August & September on the launch site area. C. Musbach moved; G. Prater seconded that the LKMD find a space for the unit to be stored. Passed.

5.  Conveyor Repair Budget

G. Prater reported that someone dropped yard waste that had wood in it onto the conveyor, thus damaging the unit. It is difficult to find repair facilities for this type of repair. G. Prater is looking for places to bid on conveyor repairs. It was decided that G. Prater would present a detailed estimate and competitive bids for the conveyor repair for our next meeting.

6.  Budget Prep for Year 2010

A brief discussion took place regarding our current bookkeeping, and it was decided that we assign our new bookkeeper, Vicki Daley, with the task of budget preparation for next year. We can utilize our current format, initially designed by Tracy Laumer. By having our new bookkeeper prepare the budget, there is no need for any special programming on either T. Laumer’s part, nor on V. Daley’s part.

7.  Website

We are in the process of populating our website. All meeting notices and minutes will be placed on the website. It was suggested that we direct people to the website on our next postcard mailing.

8.  B. Carrera moved we alter our 2009 budget to eliminate the line item expense for the Recreational Use Plan that was included and approved at the Annual Meeting in September. No action was taken.

9. Adjournment

Prater moved; C. Musbach seconded to adjourn. Passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Carrera, Secretary