Grade Four Final Review Pack

Name: ______Grade Four _____


Section A: Reading

All about Dinosaurs

Long ago, before there were any humans, there were dinosaurs. Dinosaurs lived on the earth for over 165 million years but then they strangely became extinct, this means they all stopped living.

There were lots of different kinds of dinosaurs that lived at different times. Some were huge and some were much smaller. Some dinosaurs could move quite quickly on two legs. Others walked on four legs in a slow and clumsy way. Some dinosaurs could fly. The biggest complete dinosaur found by historians is the Brachiosaurus. It was about the length of two large school buses. The smallest dinosaur, the Compsognathus, was about one metre long and slightly bigger than a chicken.

Different dinosaurs liked to eat different things. Dinosaurs like the Diplodocus liked to eat leaves and plants: these types of dinosaurs are called herbivores. Some dinosaurs like the T-Rex liked to eat meat: these types of dinosaurs are called carnivores.

For how long did the dinosaurs live on earth?

Dinosaurs lived for over 165 million years on earth.

Did humans live on earth at the same time as dinosaurs? Write a full sentence to explain.

No, as dinosaurs existed a long time before humans came to live on earth.

List the ways that the text says dinosaurs could move.

Some dinosaurs could move quite quickly on two legs. Others walked on four legs in a slow and clumsy way. Some dinosaurs could fly.

How long was a Brachiosaurus?

The Brachiosaurus was about the length of two large school buses.

Name the dinosaur that was slightly bigger than a chicken.

The Compsognathus was slightly bigger than a chicken.

What did the Diplodocus like to eat?

The Diplodocus liked to eat leaves and plants.

What are dinosaurs that only eat leaves and plants called?

Dinosaurs that only eat leaves and plants are called Herbivores.

Weather, Climate and Climate Zones

What is weather and what is climate?

Different places around the world have very different weather and climates. Weather is the temperature and precipitation from day to day. In contrast, climate is the average temperatures and precipitation over a much longer time, like 100 years. Temperature is how hot or cold it is and is measured in degrees (°) centigrade or degrees (°) Fahrenheit by a thermometer (fig. 1). Precipitation is the collective word for all the different ways that water can fall from the sky, such as rain, snow, hail and sleet, and is measured in mm, cm or inches by a rain gauge (fig. 2).

What is a climate zone?

Large areas of the Earth have the same sort of climate, and these areas are known as climate zones. In a climate zone the temperatures and precipitation are similar. The four major climate zones are temperate, desert, polar and tropical. Temperate areas are mild, which means they are comfortable to live in because they get enough rain, but not too much, and temperatures are not too high or too low. Deserts are arid (dry) and hot, whereas the Polar Regions are extremely cold. Tropical regions have high temperatures and rainfall all year round. A region is a large area of the Earth’s surface. Each of these climate zones can be further split up into smaller areas, as shown in fig. 3.

Fig 3: Map of climate zones around the world

Why do different places have such different climates?

The main influence on climate is distance from the equator, which is measured in degrees (°) of latitude e.g. 27° north. Each degree of latitude represents around 70 miles. The equator is an imaginary line running around the middle of the Earth (see fig. 3). At the top of the Earth is the North Pole and at the bottom is the South Pole. The poles are the coldest places on Earth because they are the furthest places from the equator.

Does anything else influence weather?

Other influences on weather include mountains and the sea. Close to mountains rainfall is higher because when clouds reach the mountains they are pushed higher into cool air, the water they are carrying condenses (turns from a gasinto a liquid) and falls as rain (see fig. 4). Usually closer to the sea weather is less extreme, with winters and summers both being milder. Further inland (away from the sea) normally summers are warmer and winters are colder.

Fig. 4: The water cycle

So, with these different influences, can a country be in more than one climate zone?

Countries, especially the bigger ones like Russia and the USA, do not always fit into one climate zone. Indeed, you can find desert, polarand temperate climates in different parts of the USA. For example, NewYork on the east coast of the USA has a temperate climate,while Las Vegas in the south-west of the USA has a desert climate, and Alaska inthe north-west hasa polar climate (see fig. 5). Smaller countries like Britain and New Zealand tend to be in just one climate zone; in their cases, it is temperate. Fig. 5: USA Climate map

What use is it studying all these climate zones?

Splitting the world up into climate zones helps us see patterns of climate and weather. Doing this helps us to explain why different places have different climates. For example, if you see that as you move away from the equator temperatures get colder this raises the question, why does this happen? Realising that different places have different weather also helps us to make decisions, such as what clothes we need to bring on holiday, where it would be best to live and where it would be best to grow different crops.

1)What is the title of the report?

The title of the report is Weather, Climate and Climate zones.

2)Find and copy a subtitle e.g., ‘Does anything else influence weather’?

Any of the subtitles given.

3)What is weather?

Weather is the temperature and precipitation from day to day.

4)What is climate?

The climate is the average temperatures and precipitation over a much longer time, like 100 years.

5)What is temperature?

The temperature is how hot or cold it is and is measured in degrees (°) centigrade or degrees (°) Fahrenheit by a thermometer.

6)What is precipitation?

Precipitation is the collective word for all the different ways that water can fall from the sky, such as rain, snow, hail and sleet, and is measured in mm, cm or inches by a rain gauge.

7)Name the four main climate zones of the world.

The four major climate zones are temperate, desert, polar and tropical.

8)What is the main influence on climate?

The main influence on climate is distance from the equator, which is measured in degrees (°) of latitude e.g. 27° north.

9)Name two other things that influence climate and weather

The sea and mountains have an influence on climate and weather.

10)Where are the earth’s poles?

The North pole and the South pole are the earth’s poles.

11)Name one part of the USA that has a desert climate.

Las Vegas in the USA has a desert climate.

12)What type of climate do we have in Saudi Arabia?

In Saudi Arabia, we have a desert climate.


Section B: Grammar

Complete all questions on the page in the space provided.

  1. Underline all the common nouns in the sentences below.
  2. Shannon drives a red car.
  3. Mum and I made pasta for dinner.
  4. Pencils and felt tips are now being sold in our shop.
  1. Fill the gap with an appropriate pronoun from the list supplied. You may not use the same pronoun two or more times within this question.

I, me, they, he, she, it, we, him, them, us, hers, his
  1. ___We____ are identical twins.
  2. Robert is my father and _____she____ is my mother.
  3. __I__ am going shopping on the weekend.
  4. _We_ will both be going to the party.
  5. John is always speaking to Linda on the phone because _she__ is _his__ wife.
  1. Look at the box below. Choose the best prefixto add to the word in bold.



  1. Circle the words that are pluralin the box below.

pancakesmice trainergeese

  1. Rewrite this sentence in the past tense.

When I watch a sad television programme, it makes me weep!

I watched a sad television programme and it made me weep!

  1. Rewrite this sentence so that the all thenecessary verbs are in thepresent tense. You must not add extra words.

Ryan baked a cake that was enjoyed by everyone.

Everyone is enjoying the cake Ryan backed.

  1. Underline all the verbsin the sentence below.
  2. I have been next door all afternoon.
  3. Where are you going?
  4. The house was built in 1967; it has always been in our family.
  1. Write any three proper nouns on the spaces provided.

Any examples can be given.

  1. ______b. ______c. ______
  1. Match the words below with the function. Draw a straight line from each block to its corresponding block. There are only 4 correct matches.
  1. Circle the pair of homophones below.

bear beat bare bean

  1. Add speech marks/quotation marks/inverted commas where appropriate in the passage below.

“I'm going to swim right to the bottom”, said Emily, boasting.

“I can't do that!” replied James. “You know the water stings my eyes”.

“Wear your goggles then”, suggested Emily.

James thought for a while. “They hurt my eyes a bit”, he said. “Maybe I should get some new ones”.

  1. Rewrite the sentences below adding an adverb.Any suitable adverb to be used.
  1. Music played throughout the shopping centre.


  1. The keeper ran back to his own half of the pitch.


  1. Kate stared at the cake.


  1. Underline the subordinate clausein each sentence.
  2. Not wanting to appear rude in front of his host, he finished the meal but did not enjoy it.
  3. Sahil, who never arrived late for school, was the first person in the classroom.
  4. Unless it’s too hot, I will cut the grass this afternoon.
  1. Choose the word that is not a verb from the box below.

is had until went

  1. Choose the word that is not an adverb from the box below.


  1. Label the parts of speech in the boxes provided that explain what type of word is being indicated.

Ashley, who often came, sat in front of me in the class.

  1. Add commaswhere needed, to the sentences below.
  2. Well, shall we go?
  3. My brother, who is my twin, is shorter than I am.
  4. After the match, we had a BBQ together.
  5. The shop sells magazines, cards and gifts. (Do not use the Oxford Comma!)
  1. Remove the connective/conjunction from the sentences below and replace it with a semi-colon. Rewrite the sentence.
  1. It’s going to be 27 degrees today;be sure to pack the sun cream.


  1. Replace the battery;then it will work properly.


  1. Manchester United always win at home;they have very loyal fans.


  1. Add the missing punctuation to the sentences below.
  2. Are you going to the movies?
  3. “Will you come to my party?” she inquired.
  4. We have the following drinks: tea, coffee, water, or milk
  1. Put the following words into alphabetical order. Write them on the line provided.

stencilstranglestreetsstrength strings

Section C: Writing

Remember to include:

-Introduce what you want to say


-Explain your reasons...... Extra bonus reason


-Exaggerations using ‘WOW’ words


-Short sentences

-Concluding sentences

Imagine that Apple computer company is choosing students to visit the moon. Explain why you should be chosen for the trip. The following is an example of a letter that would be written to explain why they should be chosen to go on a trip. DO NOT REPEAT THE EXAMPLE!

The Principal

AGS School

AlNahdah District


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dear Principal

I hope you don’t mind me writing to you about a possible trip for G4 to Al Shalal Theme Park.

Everyone agrees that you are the kindest head teacher that this school has ever had and that you do everything in your power to ensure that AGS School is an enjoyable place to learn.

I am sure that you have noticed that G4 have worked exceptionally hard this year and produced some outstanding work, particularly in literacy. However, they are all now tired and really need something to give them a boost until the end of term. A trip to AlShalal would be the perfect solution!

In addition, when we return to school, we would have so much to write about for our next topic, “Theme Parks of Saudi”. I know that if you agreed to this, we would feel as delighted. A trip to AlShalal would be the most sparkling, special, and spectacular day of our whole lives!

To finish: would you love to give your pupils an extra reward for working so hard this term? Then please agree to our request! We would remember it forever!

Thank you very much for reading my letter.

Yours sincerely


Write your letter here.
