Learning about Sleep - Meet the Doze Family!


·  Identify the key elements to sleep.

·  Explain the consequence of sleep deprivation.

·  Explain why changes in sleep schedules cause problems for sleeping.


1)  Go to http://www.sleepfoundation.org/doze/.

2)  Make sure your volume is on. You may want to go to the corner of the room to ensure that you can hear.

3)  Click on get started when you are ready.

4)  Answer the following questions. Completed and correct = 25 points.

a.  What is the typical cycle of sleep and awake time?

b.  What triggers the biological sleep clock?

c.  When does body temperature hit its lowest point?

d.  Click on the Sleep Wake Meter after the video is over. Explain

i.  What chemical causes sleepy feelings?

ii. How does caffeine affect sleepiness?

e.  Click on the Sleep Monitor and explain

i.  The difference between REM and non-REM sleep.

ii. How long sleep cycles last and how many occur per night.

f.  Click on the Summary Box.

i.  According to the graph, as the night goes on, which stage occurs less and less?

ii. Why is deep sleep so important?

g.  Continue with the videos. How much sleep does Minnie need?

h.  What is the typical high school student’s time to fall asleep?

i.  At 10PM according to the real clock, what time does her biological clock read?

j.  At 3:00 PM, why is Joe sleepy?

k.  How much more sleep should Joe get in order to be better rested?

l.  At 8:00 PM why does Grandpa Doze fall asleep?

m.  Why is Grandpa easily awakened when he falls asleep?

n.  What has caused Grandpa to be unable to fall asleep at 11:00?

o.  What has happened to deep sleep for Grandpa as he has aged?

p.  What factors influence Jane’s sleepiness during her job?

q.  Why does Jane find falling asleep at 10 AM hard?

r.  Why is REM sleep important for the brain?

s.  Why does caffeine not solve the ultimate problem of sleepiness?

t.  What are two effects of drinking alcohol before going to sleep?

u.  What hormone does stress increase? How does this affect sleep?

v.  What is the difference of Minnie’s sleep schedule as a consequence of her going to the slumber party?

w.  What are some lifestyle changes that the Doze family could make?