Alamo Dressage Association

Unapproved Board of Directors (BoD) Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: July 9, 2014

I. Call to Order

Vice President Arlene Gaitan called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. at In the Irons.

II. Board of Directors Roll Call

The following Board of Directors members were present: Arlene Gaitan (Vice President), Karen Silvers (Secretary), Kathy Lubianski (Treasurer), Karen Peacock (Member-at-Large), Vicki Krebsbach (Education Chair), Carolyn VandenBerg (Recognized Show Chair), Kathryn Bryant (Website), Amanda Snyder, (Juniors), and Renee Snyder (Sponsorship). Also in attendance was Cel Cox.

III. Approval of January Agenda

Karen P. moved to approve the Agenda, Amanda seconded. The motion was approved.

IV. Approval of May Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Karen P. moved to approve the June Minutes, Amanda seconded. The motion was approved

V. President’s Report

The reservations for the Region 9 meeting El Tropicano on the Riverwalk are all made. The Region 9 P.M. delegate election for the national convention in Boston are currently being held. The following ADA members plan to attend: Cel Cox, Karen P. Vicki, Jennifer and Arlene.

VI. Vice President’s Report

No report.

VII. Treasurer’s Report

The Frost Bank checking account balance is $30,473.00. It was brought up that PayPal may waive their fee for non-profits. Karen P. moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Vicki seconded. The motion was approved.

VIII. Secretary’s Report

No report.

IX. Member-at-Large Chair’s Report

Karen P. reported she is very disappointed that membership is not stepping up to the plate to volunteer. An article delineating volunteering opportunities will be written.

X. Newsletter Editor Report

Lanet reported that the newsletter would be going out this evening. It will be published quarterly. The next deadline is September 30. It was suggested that a newsletter page be dedicated to volunteerism.

XI. Junior/Young Riders Chair’s Report

The Junior scholarship application was discussed and several changes were suggested.

XII. Education Chair’s Report

Vicki reported that there are six riders for the western dressage clinic with Pam Fowler Grace on July 12 at Vera Muckleroy’s facility. Pam will ride her horse Stars in Stripes and there will also be another demo rider. A possible future education opportunity is a sports psychologist.

XIII. Committee Reports

1.Recognized/Rated Horse Shows: Carolyn has scribes for the September horse show. The prize list is up on Susan Peacock’s website (, but it hasn’t been blessed by the USEF yet.

2.Sponsorship: Discussed outstanding sponsorship payments. Renee is working on fundraising.

3.Schooling Shows/Championships: Need to find a judge for the August 24 schooling show.

4.Membership: Currently 142 members. Discussed raising individual dues to $50, Jr./YR to $40, eliminate the 5 year membership and eliminate the family membership. These changes would put ADA in line with other GMO’s dues and membership categories. Also add a line stating that six volunteer hours are needed to receive end-of-the-year awards. Vicki moved to approve these changes, Karen P. seconded. The motion was approved.

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5.Awards: Board members were asked to read the current end-of-the-year awards guidelines to see if any changes need to be made.

6.Website/Calendar: Kathryn asked that she be contacted regarding any updates or complaints with the website.

XIV. Unfinished Business


XV. New Business:

1. Carolyn suggested recommended restaurants close to the El Tropicano be provided to the Region 9 summer meeting attendees.

XVI. Adjournment

Karen S. moved to adjourn the BoD meeting at 8:40, Karen P. seconded. The motion was approved. The next meeting will be held on August 13 at 6:30 p.m. at In the Irons.

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