Scenario A: Introductions on an online course

Compiled Messages

Message No. 1:
posted by TUTOR on Nov. 1, 2008, 09:45
Subject: Welcome to our tutor group

Hello and welcome to our tutor group discussion. This is going to be an area where we will work together on the course related activities throughout the coming year. I really hope that this will be a place where you will feel completely at ease working with each other and we will be able to share our experiences and developing conceptions of the course content.

To start us off, please introduce yourself by replying to this message, telling me a little bit about yourself and what you hope to get out of this course.

I look forward to getting to know you all


Message No. 2:
posted by PB on Nov. 1, 2008 , 16:46
Subject: re: Welcome to our tutor group

Hello - I hope I'm in the right place. I'm Paul and I'll be studying this course. I am a lecturer at Cardiff uni in the Photography department. There are a few of us from my department who have signed up for this course this year so I'm hoping that we will all be able to share the workload and motivate each other. Paul

Message No. 3:
posted by LS on Nov. 2, 2008 , 07:12
Subject: re: Welcome to our tutor group

Hello everybody,

I just wanted to login before the kids wake up and say that I'm here too. Next stop that great big box of course materials. There seems to be an enormous amount to get through. I hope I haven't taken on too much.


Message No. 4:
posted by DC on Nov. 2, 2008 , 22:41
Subject: re: Welcome to our tutor group

Thank you for your welcome Chris. I will be in this tutor group as well I think. I have been teaching for 15 years in a number of universities in Eire where I am based and am constantly trying to improve what I do. I've taken a variety of staff development courses over the years and I'm very much looking forward to this one. What I really hope to get out of this course is a greater theoretical underpinning to what I do. I've been greatly influenced by the work of Carl Rogers (Freedom to Learn) but this was published a while ago now and I'd like to be up to date with my knowledge of the educational literature. Last week I worked my way through the first set text - thank you for that - I found it a real inspiration. What did other people think of it? Do you think there is any mileage in differentiating between scholarship for teaching and scholarship of teaching?


Message No. 5:
posted by TUTOR on Nov. 4, 2008 , 09:38
Subject: re: welcome to our tutor group.

Hello Deni, Laura and Paul. What a thrill to see those little red flags this morning. I'm very pleased to see that you have joined our little group here already. I'm expecting another 20 or so to join us this week. Is anyone else out there ready to say hello yet?


Message No. 6:
posted by VI on Nov. 4, 2001 , 11:24
Subject: re: welcome to our tutor group

Just testing that my password works and that I can get into this conference. It took a few go's but now I'm here. I'll post a full introduction soon.


Message No. 7:
posted by TUTOR on Nov. 4, 2008 , 12:38
Subject: re: welcome to our tutor group

Hi Vince,

Good to hear from you. Yes, I would appreciate a fuller introduction when you have time.


Message No. 8:
posted by MP on Nov. 6, 2008 , 17:29
Subject: re: welcome to our tutor group

Well, nobody else has posted for a few days so I guess it must be my turn. My name is Maureen and I am a consultant gynaecologist at St. Thomas' in London where I have been for the last 22 years (scary!). I am taking this course to assess its suitability for other staff in my department. I have had many students working alongside me and have been variously encouraged, frustrated and amused by observing their developing knowledge and skills. I'm hoping that this course will give me a greater understanding of what is going on in their heads.

I live in High Wycombe with my husband, 2 kids (1 at Uni now) and 4 dogs.


Message No. 9:
posted by TUTOR on Nov. 7, 2008 , 16:07
Subject: Posting your introductions

It would be really great to hear more from the other people in this conference. I can see from the history function that there are several people out there who are reading and not posting. Yes, it's OK - you are in the right place and we would love to hear from you.


Message No. 10:
posted by DC on Nov. 7, 2008 , 22:44
Subject: re: welcome to our tutor group

I agree Chris. I've been here almost a week now and I'm itching to get going with our first activity. Maybe if people posted their introductions we would be able to start it.


Message No. 11:
posted by TUTOR on Nov. 8, 2008 , 09:37
Subject: re: welcome to our tutor group

Thanks for the prompt Deni. I had thought as we seem to be a bit slow to get going that I would delay the start of the first activity until next week. I'll post some more information up about it on Monday.

And 'hello' to Maureen!

Message No. 12:
posted by OP on Nov. 8, 2008 , 11:07
Subject: re: Posting your introductions

>It would be really great to hear more from the other people in this
>conference. I can see from the history function that there are
>several people out there who are reading and not posting. Yes, it's
>OK - you are in the right place and we would love to hear from you.


You must mean me Chris. I have enjoyed reading your messages but I am incredibly busy at work at the moment and I'm just concentrating on working through the first set text as Deni and others seem to be way ahead with this already.

So, my introduction…

I am a lecturer in Nursing at Nottingham Trent where I have been since 1999. I was practising as a nurse for many years and felt competent and professional in that role. As a teacher I still feel a bit of a 'newbie'. I'm hoping that this course will give me a range of techniques I can use in the classroom and in assessments, particularly assessing clinical skills.



Scenario A: Introductions on an online course


Scenario A: Introductions on an online course

Message No. 13:
posted by PB on Nov. 8, 2008 , 15:23
Subject: re: Posting your introductions

Chris - could you say a bit more about the first activity. I would be happy to get started with it early next week, but most of the time I have for this course is evenings and weekends so it would be helpful to have some idea today?

Thank you


Message No. 14:
posted by TY on Nov. 10, 2008 , 14:29
Subject: re: Posting your introductions

My name is Tony and I'm joining you from Barcelona where I work as a TEFL teacher. I've had lots of problems getting this software to work on my Mac OSX but I seemed to have got it working now. Thanks for the tip about the helpline Chris - they responded quickly to my queries and didn't even mind calling me back and paying international call charges.


Message No. 15:
posted by TUTOR on Nov. 10, 2008 , 14:50
Subject: re: Posting your introductions

OK Paul, Deni and others - you'll see that I have created a separate conference for us to get started on the first activity.

In the meantime, I would still like to carry on this Introductions discussion until everyone is here which should be by the end of next week.

I'll post a detailed brief for everyone about the first activity when I am back in the office on Monday morning, but feel free to get started before then if you want to.

Best wishes



Scenario B – Halfway through an online debate

Compiled messages

Message No. 1:
posted by TUTOR on Tues, Feb. 6, 2008, 08:52
Subject: The online debate!

I've posted this same message below to each of the seminar group discussion areas. As before, you will be able to see all of the seminar groups but please only post to your own group.

The topic for discussion continues the work we were doing in last week's lecture and seminars on Power. I would like you to discuss "How can we best explain the larger role of the state in society and the economy in industrialised countries? How can we reconcile liberal ideology with this large role for the state?"

This first discussion task will not contribute to the assessment for this module. However, later online group tasks will (see course handbook), so please make use of this opportunity to practice working in this way with your group.

As well as the lecture notes and required textbook (Shively's "Power and Choice"), you should make use of the links to good web sites on political science which you'll find in the 'content' area of Brookes Virtual. As usual, you should try to relate contemporary issues to our discussions through your reading of the press and news websites.

I will not contribute to your discussions but will look in at the end of next week to see how you are getting on.

I hope you find this a valuable exercise and opportunity to extend your understanding of the key course concepts.

Good luck

Neil Boston.

Message No. 2:
posted by K O-B on Tues, Feb. 6, 2008, 10:32
Subject: re: The online debate!

Dear Dr. Boston

Please provide clarification of task date to be complete.

Thank you

Message No. 3:
posted by KP on Tues, Feb. 6, 2008, 13:12
Subject: re: The online debate!

Hi - this sounds like it's gonna be fun - everyone ready

Message No. 4:
posted by GH on Tues, Feb. 6, 2008, 13:22
Subject: re: The online debate!

Glad you're up for it. Go on - start us off then Kieran…

Message No. 5:
posted by KP on Tues, Feb. 6, 2008, 13:49
Subject: re: The online debate!

Well Marky, let's say that we pick a couple of countries where the role of the state has varying degrees of influence - say France, China and the US… we could then look at the role the state plays in the economy of each of these countries. Good enough for you?

Message No. 6:
posted by AM on Tues, Feb. 6, 2008, 14:24
Subject: re: The online debate!

Not bad, but that's not the question is it? - Ade

Message No. 7:
posted by GH on Tues, Feb. 6, 2008, 15:04
Subject: re: The online debate!

Sounds OK to me - I'll pick France and post something up here by the end of the week. Have you seen the websites yet - the US state dept one is worth a look - as is ch. 6 of Shively. Anyone else?

Message No. 8:
posted by BW on Tues, Feb. 6, 2008, 15:50
Subject: re: The online debate!

> Anyone else?

I'll take US - obviously!


Message No. 9:
posted by AM on Tues, Feb. 6, 2008, 15:56
Subject: But what's the question?

I'm not sure the task asks for such direct comparisons. Do we need these countries to just 'explain the role of the state?' - Ade.

Message No. 10:
posted by FN on Thu, Feb. 8, 2008, 11:07
Subject: My thoughts

Shall we get going on this? I would expect this discussion to focus on the governance role of the state ownership. You could argue that a gradual transfer of operational control and financial claims over state assets remains the most desirable goals, but needs to be paced so as to avoid regulatory capture, and in the first instance the capture of the privatization process itself. The gradual creation of institutions partially autonomous from the state and from political power must become central to the development to an optimal mode of regulatory governance.


Message No. 11:
posted by K O-B on Fri, Feb. 9, 2008, 17:44
Subject: re: The online debate!

Spively ch.6 is of the most relevance to assessed group discussion - what time the deadline please?

Message No. 12:
posted by BW on Fri, Feb. 9, 2008, 18:37
Subject: re: The online debate!

Attached is my analysis of the US situation. I found that I drew most on the last lecture to structure this. Any others coming in? Anyone want to pick China? Can we discuss these on Monday cos it all needs to be done by next Friday (that's the deadline Keng). Best, Bethany.

Message No. 13:
posted by GH on Fri, Feb. 9, 2008, 19:07
Subject: re: The online debate!

Cheers Bethany - thanks helped loads - Glenn.

Message No. 14:
posted by AM on Mon, Feb. 12, 2008, 09:23
Subject: re: The online debate!

Anyone had a look in the other seminar groups - they are storming this task. I think we need to do some more work on this. Any offers? - Ade.

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