JUNE 8, 2009

7:00 P. M.

Mayor Weller called the regular meeting of the Kadoka City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Micki Word, Colby Shuck, Andrea MacFeat, Kieth Prang and Dick Stolley. Brad Jorgensen arrived at 7:08 p.m. Others present: Nathan Riggins, Sydne Lenox, Ronda Dennis, Jackie Stilwell, Forrest Davis, Patrick Solon, John Kaiser and Jim Stilwell. Ray Clements arrived at 7:08 p.m.

Shuck made Motion 09-06-08:62 to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of May 4, 2009 and May 11, 2009. The motion was seconded by Word, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 5-0.

The bills were presented for approval. After review by all council members, Shuck made Motion 09-06-08:63 to approve the bills as submitted. The motion was seconded by Word. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes, and the motion carried 5-0.

(insert bills here)

The financial statement, along with a report listing the breakdown of revenue, expenses, and bank balances for the month of May was distributed. After a review of the information, MacFeat made Motion 09-06-08:64 to approve the financial report. The motion was seconded by Stolley. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes, and the motion carried 5-0.

(insert financial statement here)

Malt Beverage Hearing: Mayor Weller opened the public hearing on the malt beverage license renewal applications. There was no one present to give their opinions regarding the applications. MacFeat made Motion 09-06-08:65 to approve the following malt beverage applications: KC Enterprises, Inc. (H & H El Centro Restaurant), Jigger’s Restaurant, Discount Fuel, Inc., Kadoka Gas & Go, Inc. and Club 27. The motion was seconded by Word. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes and the motion carried 5-0.


A. 911 Funding/Jackson Co. Commissioners: Jim Stilwell was present on behalf of the Jackson County Commissioners and was requesting assistance to fund the 911 dispatch through Pennington County. The current method for funding 911 (a surcharge assessed on every telephone bill) is not adequate to cover costs. The commissioners requested that the city consider budgeting funds for the 2010 budget year to help offset the deficit. The council will take action on this request during the budget preparation process for 2010.

B. Survey of 8th Street & Locust: The completed survey was distributed for review. John Kaiser and Sydne Lenox were present as residents of the affected street. They stated that they did not wish to have anything done to this road. It was further stated that the question of the exact location of this road has been addressed several times previously. Mr. Kaiser stated that there has been a verbal easement, since at least the mid-1990’s for the road to curve around the trees on the north end of the street. He further requested that any resolution, including verbal easements be put in writing for future reference, so that this issue can be resolved and not continue to surface for the same discussion in the future.

C. SPN/Drainage: A second proposal for engineering costs for the drainage system for the City was received from SPN & Associates. The first proposal was dated April 10, 2009, with an approximate cost of $4,000.00, plus costs. The second proposal was dated May 18, 2009, with an approximate cost of $48,700.00. Some property owners want to install curb and gutter; but the drainage issued should be addressed first. A committee of three council members (MacFeat, Shuck and Stolley) will meet next week and discuss options.


A. Water/Sewer: The average water loss for the city continues to be approximately 30%. A representative of the rural water association will come and perform “leak detection” on our water lines to determine if unknown water leaks are present. The next step is to check all meters, especially very large meters, to insure that they are working correctly. Results will be reported back to the council.

B. Streets: A portion of Oak Street was opened to allow access to property recently purchased by Roger and Nancy Jensen. However, the existing landowners stated their concerns about the location of the newly installed street and the fact that there is not a ditch on the south side for drainage. As the street is now, water will drain down the south side of the road, directly onto the property owned by Terry Deuter. Solon was instructed to obtain quotes for lowering the street and installing a ditch on the south side.

C. Solid Waste: No report.

D. Liquor: The council agreed that if the petition drive is successful and the smoking ban is referred to a vote of the people in the general election of 2010, the city will continue to allow smoking until the matter is resolved. The new sidewalks have been installed on the south and east sides of the bar. However, the south wall and awning were damaged during the installation and will need to be repaired by the contractor. Also, after the concrete was poured on the east side (main street side), it rained. The newly poured concrete was covered with plastic, which blew off and allowed water from the awning to drip onto the concrete. This section was patched, but it is unclear whether or not the repair will last.

The Horizons clean up committee requested permission to have one Saturday designated for “free” rubble due to inclement weather in May during the free clean up week. The council granted this request with the date to be determined by the committee at their next meeting.

E. Auditorium/Park: There is a leak from the baby pool which is draining into the park. This will be a major repair project, as the concrete will need to be removed in order to repair the water lines. The decision was made to keep the baby pool closed indefinitely until the leak has been repaired. A new vacuum cleaner has been purchased for the Museum.

Salaries for the remainder of the summer employees who have been hired were discussed. Shuck made Motion 09-06-08:66 to set the salaries for the remaining lifeguards as follows: Lesa Perault (assistant pool manager)-$8.00/hour; Kristin Schmidt-$7.50/hour; Cally Carlson-$7.25/hour; Kayla Herren-$7.25/hour; Amber Knutson-$7.25/hour; and Emmy Antonsen-$7.25/hour. The motion was seconded by Word. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes and the motion carried 6-0. Word made Motion 09-06-08:67 to set the salary for Lynne Jorgensen, girl’s softball coach at $1,650.00 plus mileage at state rate. The motion was seconded by Shuck. Brad Jorgensen declared a conflict of interest and abstained from the discussion and vote. A roll call vote was taken: Shuck-yes; Prang-yes; Stolley-yes; Jorgensen-abstain; MacFeat-yes; and Word-yes. The motion carried 5-0-1.

Some repairs are required for the auditorium sound system. The sound system was purchased on a 50-50 split with Kadoka Area School. The necessary repairs/items will be purchased and billed to the City; in turn, we will bill the School for their portion of the cost.

The tree spade was discussed. This item of equipment was purchased on a 50-50 split with the Jackson County Conservation District. This item is not used and should be declared surplus property. After discussion, the council gave authorization for the Jackson County Conservation District to declare it as surplus property and sell it.

F. Public Safety: The monthly report was distributed.

G. Mayor’s Report: The committee assignments were distributed. The 2009 Elected Officials workshop will be held in Pierre on July 10, 2009. Anyone wishing to attend is to notify the Finance Officer by July 1, 2009. A list of landowners whose property needs to be mowed was distributed. Mowing letters will be sent tomorrow.

Shuck made Motion 09-06-08:68 to adjourn. The motion was seconded by MacFeat, with all members voting yes and the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.


Finance Officer Mayor