PGCE Link Tutor Visit Quality Assurance Checklist


Link Tutor’s name:
Student Teacher’s name:
School name:
Mentor’s name:
Date of visit:
Please indicate if this is a: / New School / New Mentor

The purpose of this form is to monitor the processes involved in the link tutor school visit. The form should be completed by the link tutor and signed by the Mentor and Student Teacher.

Have you: / Yes/ No / Comment
Discussed progress with the Student Teacher and looked at their evidence, using any relevant assessment (eg. Interim/ end of phase profile, Professional Learning Action Plan). (This includes checking that he/she is receiving regular feedback using the lesson feedback record; that weekly professional learning meetings are taking place and are recorded; and the range of professional learning activities undertaken is supporting learning against the Teachers’ Standards)
Reviewed Pebblepad (for Primary)/Professional Learning Record (LFRs, WPLRs) and ensured Student Teacher and Mentor are making use of this to record professional learning activities.
Discussed the Student Teacher’s progress with the Mentor and the Student Teacher.
Collaboratively observed a lesson with the Mentor or class teacher.
Collaboratively completed a lesson feedback record and ensured that there are annotations on the associated lesson plan.
Listened to the Mentor/class teacher conducting the post-lesson conversation and been involved in the discussion where appropriate. Provided the Mentor/class teacher with feedback on the way in which the post-lesson conversation supported Student Teacher learning.
Read the Student Teacher’s Files 1 and 2 using the guidance provided to check the contents. Ensured that: Class Profiles are being used to inform medium and short term planning; there is evidence of differentiation to support the progress of all pupils; Student Teachers are assessing pupil learning and evaluating their teaching and using this data to plan the next phase of pupil and their own learning.
Taken a copy of the summary section of the interim or end of phase Profile; the annotated lesson plan; and lesson feedback record from the observed lesson. Provide a copy for the Mentor and student.
Ensured that the Mentor is aware of the dates for Mentor training and any other relevant Brunel Partnership events taking place.

NB. If any aspect of the visit identified above was not completed, please indicate the reasons for this below and other general information connected with the visit:

Please sign: / Link Tutor:
Student Teacher:
This form needs to be returned to the PGCE Secondary Subject Tutor or PGCE Primary Programme Leader.

FSE/DSE Link Tutor Checklist