NameDue Date A-Day on 11/17 and B-Day on 11/18

Multi-Media Visual Info Sheet and Rubric

Assignment: Your Powtoons, Prezi, PowerPoint, orPechaKucha assignment involves creating a presentationfor the class about the myth that you researched. The presentation will demonstrate your hard work in researching the myth and your knowledge of the myth. In addition, the presentation will help “bring to life” the myth and characters for your peers and teacher during your presentation.


•Remember, your audience is not familiar with your myth. Thus, make the presentation very user-friendly for them. Also, give the audience time to “take in” all of the information on the slide.

•You will be using this multi-media piece to present your myth, so make sure that you have practiced giving your presentation with what you will say. It looks bad when you are struggling to pronounce words off of your slides or you are reading word for word off of a slide.

•10 slide minimum for Prezi, Powtoons, and PowerPoint. 10 point deduction if not met.

•20 slide minimum for PechaKucha. 10 point deduction if not met.

•Make sure that students can easily see visuals, headings, etc. in your presentation.

•Do not repeat pictures or visuals.

•Do not use a “blurry” or “too stretched” visual.

•Use school appropriate pictures and visuals.

•Use attractive and coordinating colors, but keep the presentation professional looking.

•I will take up to 5 points off for grammatical errors, so please proof your work. Nothing is worse than having a beautiful presentation with typos.

•This project is a major test grade; therefore, the project needs to reflect time and effort worthy of a test grade.

•The due dates for the project are 11/17/14 (A-Day) and 11/18/14 (B-Day). There will be a 10 point deduction per day late.

•The rubric needs to be turned in with the project.

NameDue Date A-Day on 11/17 and B-Day on 11/18

Date SubmittedScore


CATEGORY / Exceeds Standards / Meets Standards / Average / Needs Work / Unacceptable
Originality of Media Product
80 Points / Shows considerable originality and inventiveness with the images, characters, etc. selected. The content and ideas are presented in a unique and interesting manner. The presentation is a strong reflection of the scenes, characters, and themes of the myth. The student has creative choices - evidence that symbolic thought of the myth has taken place. / Shows originality and inventiveness with the selected images, characters, etc. The content and ideas are presented in an interesting way. The presentation is a good reflection of the characters, scenes and themes of the myth. There are some creative choices and some evidence that symbolic thought of the myth has taken place. / Shows an attempt at originality and inventiveness with the selected images, characters, etc. The presentation is a satisfactory reflection of the scenes, characters, and themes of the myth. There is little evidence that symbolic thought or creativity of the myth has taken place. / Predictable. Very little attempt at originality with the selected images, characters, dialogue, etc. The presentation is a poor reflection of the myth. / The multi-media piece needed revision and is poorly designed. Overall final product portrays little to no effort; expectations not met for English 2 test quality.
Overall Presentation of Media Product
20 Points / Sound and visual quality are excellent. The student created a realistic interpretation of the myth. Reflects an exceptional degree of student creativity in its production. / Sound and visual quality are good. The students create a somewhat realistic interpretation of the myth. Reflects a good degree of student creativity in its production. / Sound and visual quality are average. A few elements reflect student creativity in its production. / Sound and visual quality are poor in a few spots. A couple of elements of the reflect student creativity in its production. / The project needed revision and is poorly designed. Expectations are not met for English 2 test quality.