Holland Fen with Brothertoft Parish Council meeting held at

Brothertoft VillageHall onTuesday3rdJanuary 2017.

In the absence of Chairman D.Ball, Clr. P. Robinson, Vice-Chair, welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2017.

1.1Present:Clr.P. Robinson (Vice-Chair),Clr. N. Early, Clr. R. Leggott,Clr. A Dring,Clr. A. Cannon,Clr. M. Leggott andClr. B. Holden.

1.2Apologies:Clr. D. Ball (Chairperson),Clr M. Brookes, Clr. E. Ransome and PCSO Williams.

1.3Public Forum: No members of the public present.

  1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.
  1. Minutes: The minutes of the lastmeeting were agreed by the Council andsigned by the Vice-Chairperson.

4.Matters Arising:

4.1 Highways:The Clerk relayed the reply received from the Highway Department.

  • There was to be no action at this time on the road split at the end of Parsons Lane, Holland Fen.
  • The ridge at Chapel Hill Bridge was to be reported to the structures team in Lincoln – this has since been attended to.
  • A planned pot hole order has been raised to address some of the minor defects on areas on Ferry Lane, Andersons Corner and Gill End.
  • Funding has been applied for work at Langrick Bridge Stores. It requires a structural patch and it is hoped that improvement work will also take place. However this is by no means guaranteed due to the uncertainty of funding.
  • Funding has been applied for the uneven road surface of North Forty Foot Bank but it is not expected that all of the issues will be addressed even if funding was obtained.
  • No action on dips and subsidence along Cheethams Lane as Highways believe the road to be in good condition.
  • An order has been raised for the huge dip on the verge adjacent to Hubberts Bridge Community Centre where the school bus stops. Work is expected to take place in the spring.
  • There was no response to the query about the wooden fence on Langrick Bridge.

4.2 Triton Offshore Wind Farm:–ongoing.

4.3Police Matters: There was no police presence but an apology had been received. Councillors reported that there had been several hare coursing incidents over the Christmas period. There had also been an attempt of diesel theft and a farm 4 x 4 vehicle had been stolen within the last week.

4.4Traffic Lights – there was still no change to the lightsstill requiring a second sensor on Ferry Lane.

4.5Viking Link –National Grid have forwarded a map giving the preferred route.

4.6Speed Limit – The 30mph speed limit has been implemented at Langrick Bridge.

4.6Boston Borough Council Future Funding: - the department had been informed of the Parish Council decision regarding street lighting within the parish.


5.1Boston Borough Council Dog Fouling – Signs received advising on penalties for

incidents of dog fouling were circulated to Brothertoft Village Hall, Holland Fen Village Hall and Langrick Bridge Stores.

5.2Boston Borough Council Transformation Programme – details of the footway

lighting estimated costs and timings were circulated.

5.3 Parish Precept 2017/2018 – details of expenditure to-date and projected expenditure was circulated to Councillors to discuss the Precept for next year. It was proposed by Clr. R. Leggott and seconded by Clr. N. Early that the Council precept for £2750. It was unanimously agreed.

6.Accounts:Councillors discussed the donations to both Parish Churches and Langrick Darby and Joan Club.

It was proposed by Clr. M. Leggott and seconded by Clr. B. Holden that the donation to Brothertoft and Holland Fen Churches be increased to £225.00 per Church.

It was also proposed by Clr. R. Leggott and seconded by Clr. B. Holden that the donation to the Darby and Joan Club be increased to £135.

Both proposals were unanimously agreed.

A review of the above donations would be made annually..

There werefive cheques signed at the meeting by Clr. M.Leggott, Clr. A.Dring and the Clerk.

6.1Brothertoft Village Hall£15.00Hall hire

6.2Brothertoft Church £225.00Churchyard Upkeep

6.3Holland Fen Church £225.00 Churchyard Upkeep

6.4 Langrick Darby & Joan£135.00 Donation

6.5 Boston Borough Council £110.00Overpayment EU Referendum

7.Planning Applications:

There were no planning applications.

  • The grit bin has been installed at Parsons Bridge.
  • Several signs were damaged along Punchbowl Lane – they include the Chevron Boards at the bend; buckled sign at the junction with the B1192; broken sign at the end of Punchbowl Lane towards Boston.
  • Concerns were expressed about the lack of gritting along Punchbowl Lane although it is shown on the gritting route.
  • The fence on Great Fen Road requires attention.
  • There is a big hole near John Flatters property.
  • There is subsidence along Kirton Fen near Pete Cooks.
  • Due to vehicles being parked at the junction near Ferry Lane causing a hazard; vehicles are to be reported anddiscouraged from parking at this site.
  • A pot hole at Forest Cottage, Main Road, Brothertoft has been repaired but has deteriorated again.

Date of next meeting – Tuesday7thMarch 2017 atHolland FenVillage Hall at 7.00pm.

Meeting closed at 8.30pm.

