Minutes of Compliance Certification Meeting

September 30, 2004

Present: Kathy Carlisle, Gina Sheeks, Lougene Brown, George Stanton, Carl Wallman, Neal Thomson, Wayne Summers, Thomas Dolan, Joyce Hickson

Absent: Dutchie Riggsby

The minutes were read and approved with the following corrections:

1. Change : “The committee decided that faculty should submit information in their vitae’s for at least the past five years…” to read, “The committee decided that faculty should submit information in their vitae’s for at least the past five years, if possible/available. [Explanatory note: There may be new CSU faculty who have just finished their doctorate and who have not had time to build their vitae in this sense.]

2. Change From incorrectly spelled name, Don Andrea, to correct spelling, Don Andrae.

New Business:

Action Item eCore classes-The eCore concept was presented to the VPAA Council in November 1999 by Dr. Jones and was approved as a recommendation by the council in June, 2000. It was supposed to be presented to the Curriculum Committee for approval or disapproval at the fall meeting, but during this time Dr. Jones left the university and it fell through the cracks. Dr. Wallman stated that this item would be presented to the University Curriculum Committee in October as an information item. The committee endorsed this idea. Dr. Wallman also related that the university system has approved eCore courses and that in the BOR substantive change report SACS approved eCore for the university system.

Action Item Format of Syllabi – Consideration was given to a template for all syllabi incorporating certain common elements such as learning outcomes, the ADA statement, a statement on plagiarism, a statement on classroom etiquette, etc. This could be given to all faculty to use beginning Spring Semester. It was agreed that other than the common elements there could be variability in syllabi. Dr. Thomson will ask the Senate to come up with the common elements. Dr. Thomson also stated this could be a recommended template for permanent faculty and required for part-time faculty. Dr. Stanton stated that it was a good idea to address things that at a minimum should be on all syllabi. Dr. Stanton also stated that this was a good idea, independent of the SACS review. It was also agreed to permit faculty to submit fall syllabi in the form they currently are in.

Action Item Faculty Credentials – Discussion centered on the SACS guidelines for faculty credentials. It was agreed that these guidelines should be followed wherever possible, but that there could be some special exceptions to certain guidelines. These exceptions would be handled on the “justification section” of the faculty roster. Regarding the guidelines about credentials, Dr. Dolan noted there have been courses taught by unqualified faculty and these courses have been put in the name of another faculty member, Dr. Rainey. No action was taken on this item.

Action Item Learning Outcomes – The committee agreed that learning outcomes must be on all syllabi submitted for spring semester.

Discussion– National Survey of Student Engagement- Dr. Wallman reported that the student surveys are used to compare all institutions and the CSU response rate was 42%, which is above the national average for completing this survey. He stated that many of the compliance sub-committees could use the results and relate them to the SACS standards. Dr. Wallman also stated he would be preparing a power point presentation on NSSE and would present it to the CCC.

Discussion - Dr. Summers passed out examples of SACS websites by other institutions. It was agreed by the committee that we follow the EastTennesseeStateUniversity example for CSU’s website. The committee also decided that the material on the CSU web site should be placed on the CD going to the SACS off-site review committee. Committee members also wanted to know who would be handling this web site and Dr. Hickson said she was not sure at the present time, but would be checking with Don Andrae and Rodney Clark about this. Discussion about the CSU web site is to be continued at the next meeting.

Committee Reports:

Kathy Carlisle – Indicated the need for more information about how to submit the reports.

Gina Sheeks -About ¾ of the resumes are in. Things are on target.

Lougene Brown - She’s working on the draft for the 1st standard. Cannot change the FY ending date because of GASBY 39.

Tom Dolan - The committee work on the compliance standards has been organized.

Wayne-Summers -The committee has met and the work is being organized.
