README FileUK 1995 Survey Data

(World 5.5 – Release 3; World 5.8 & World 6.0 Release -1)

21 September 2009


Technical description of the survey

Information on the original files

Time-use variables

Variable-specific information


Age range / 16-94
Response rate / 93%
Number of diary days / 1-day
Survey period / May-June(41 cases), 1995
Multi-member household survey / No
Type of diary / Recall
Mode of data collection / Interview/self completed diary
Time interval in the diary / 15-minutes
Data on secondary activities / No
Data on where the activity was carried out / No
Data on who else was present / No
Number of activity codes / 31
Number of cases in the original file / 2,005
Number of ‘good’ diaries / 1,883


TOTAL2.sav is theoriginal data file which contains the original demographic, episode and aggregate data. Episode information presented horizontally using ninety six 15 minute timeslots. A number of the original variables, including the weights, are not labelled in the data file, and no information on these variables is available in the documentation. We converted this file into SAS.

Time-Use Variables

Activity Variable Documentation for UK 1995

AV 41Variables / Activity / UK 1995 original activity codes
AV1 / Formal work / 8 Paidwork
10 Breaks
AV2 / Paid work at home / 18 Work at home
AV3 / Second job / Not possible to create
AV4 / School/classes / 9 Education
AV5 / Travel to/from work or education / 7 Travel (partial, calculated)
AV6 / Cooking/washing up / 3 Cooking
AV7 / Housework / 13 Cleaning
14 Clothes
AV8 / Other domestic work / 6 Care - adult
15 DIY
AV9 / Gardening / 16 Gardening
AV10 / Shopping / 11 Shopping
AV11 / Child care / 5 Care–child
AV12 / Domestic travel / Not possible to create
AV13 / Dressing/toilet / 2 Washing
AV14 / Receive personal services / Not possible to create
AV15 / Meals/snacks / 4 Eating/home
AV16 / Sleep/naps / 1 Sleep
AV17 / Leisure travel / 7 Travel (partial, calculated)
AV18 / Excursions, trips / 26 Outings
AV19 / Playing sport / 25 Sport
AV20 / Watching sport / Not possible to create
AV21 / Walks / Not possible to create
AV22 / At church / Not possible to create
AV23 / Civic organizations / 12 Voluntary
28 Meetings
AV24 / Cinema/theatre / 27 Concerts
AV25 / Dance/party, etc. / Not possible to create
AV26 / Social clubs / Not possible to create
AV27 / Pubs / Not possible to create
AV28 / Restaurants / 23 Eatingout
AV29 / Visiting friends / 24 Socializing
AV30 / Listening to radio / Not possible to create
AV31 / Watching T.V. / 19 TV
AV32 / Listening to music, etc. / Not possible to create
AV33 / Study / 17 Study at home
AV34 / Reading books / Not possible to create
AV35 / Reading papers/magazines / 21 Reading
AV36 / Relaxing / 29 Nothing
AV37 / Conversation / 20 Talking
AV38 / Entertaining friends / Not possible to create
AV39 / Knitting/sewing / Not possible to create
AV40 / Pastimes/hobbies / 22 Hobbies
30 Other
AV41 / Unknown activity / 31 Missing Time
+ Additional missing time


The original activity code 10 Breaks meant breaks at main economic activity, thus is coded as AV1

There is only one code 7 Travel. If a travel time appeared before paid work or education, or a traveltime appeared after paid work or education, this time is calculated as AV5 (travel to/from work or education) and the rest is calculated as AV17 (leisure travel)

Code 29Nothing meant "doing nothing"

MAIN 69 Variables / Activity / UK 1995 original activity codes
MAIN1 / imputed personal or household care / Created by CTUR
MAIN2 / sleep and naps / 1 Sleep
MAIN3 / imputed sleep / Created by CTUR
MAIN4 / wash, dress, care for self / 2 Washing
MAIN5 / meals at work or school / Not possible to create
MAIN6 / other meals or snacks / 4 Eating/home
MAIN7 / paid work - main job (not at home) / 8 Paidwork
MAIN8 / paid work at home / 18 Work at home
MAIN9 / second or other job not at home / Not possible to create
MAIN10 / unpaid work to generate household income / Not possible to create
MAIN11 / travel as a part of work / Not possible to create
MAIN12 / work breaks / 10 Breaks
MAIN13 / other time at workplace / Not possible to create
MAIN14 / look for work / Not possible to create
MAIN15 / regular schooling, education / 9 Education
MAIN16 / Homework / 17 Study at home
MAIN17 / leisure/other education or training / Not possible to create
MAIN18 / food preparation, cooking / 3 Cooking
MAIN19 / set table, wash/put away dishes / Not possible to create
MAIN20 / Cleaning / 13 Cleaning
MAIN21 / laundry, ironing, clothing repair / 14 Clothes
MAIN22 / home/vehicle maintenance/improvement / 15 DIY
MAIN23 / other domestic work / Not possible to create
MAIN24 / purchase goods / 11 Shopping
MAIN25 / consume personal care services / Not possible to create
MAIN26 / consume other services / Not possible to create
MAIN27 / pet care (other than walk dog) / Not possible to create
MAIN28 / physical, medical child care / 5 Care of chld
MAIN29 / teach, help with homework / Not possible to create
MAIN30 / read to, talk or play with child / Not possible to create
MAIN31 / supervise, accompany, other child care / Not possible to create
MAIN32 / adult care / 6 Care of adult
MAIN33 / voluntary work, civic, organisation activity / 12 Voluntary
28 Meetings
MAIN34 / worship and religious activity / Not possible to create
MAIN35 / general out-of-home leisure / 26 Outings
MAIN36 / attend sporting event / Not possible to create
MAIN37 / cinema, theatre, opera, concert / 27 Concerts
MAIN38 / other public event, venue / Not possible to create
MAIN39 / restaurant, café, bar, pub / 23 Eatingout
MAIN40 / party, reception, social event, gambling / Not possible to create
MAIN41 / imputed time away from home / Not possible to create
MAIN42 / general sport or exercise / 25 Sport
MAIN43 / Walking / Not possible to create
MAIN44 / Cycling / Not possible to create
MAIN45 / other out-of-doors recreation / Not possible to create
MAIN46 / gardening/forage (eg pick mushrooms), hunt/fish / 16 Gardening
MAIN47 / walk dogs / Not possible to create
MAIN48 / receive or visit friends / 24 Socializing
MAIN49 / conversation (in person, phone) / 20 Talking
MAIN50 / other in-home social, games / Not possible to create
MAIN51 / general indoor leisure / 30 Other
MAIN52 / artistic or musical activity / Not possible to create
MAIN53 / written correspondence / Not possible to create
MAIN54 / knit, crafts or hobbies / 22 Hobbies
MAIN55 / relax, think, do nothing / 29 Nothing
MAIN56 / Read / 21 Reading
MAIN57 / listen to music, ipod, CD, audio book / Not possible to create
MAIN58 / listen to radio / Not possible to create
MAIN59 / watch TV, DVD, video / 19 TV
MAIN60 / play computer games / Not possible to create
MAIN61 / send e-mail, surf internet, computing / Not possible to create
MAIN62 / no activity but mode of recorded travel / 7 Travel (partial, calculated)
MAIN63 / travel to or from work / 7 Travel (partial, calculated)
MAIN64 / education-related travel / Not possible to create
MAIN65 / travel for voluntary/civic/religious activity / Not possible to create
MAIN66 / child/adult care-related travel / Not possible to create
MAIN67 / travel for shopping, personal or household care / Not possible to create
MAIN68 / travelling for other purposes / Not possible to create
MAIN69 / no recorded activity / 31 Missing Time
+ Additional missing time
Context Variables / Value labels / UK 1995 original activity and location codes
INOUT / Inside, outside or travelling / Not possible to create
ELOC = 1 / Own home / 1 Sleep
4 Eating/home
17 Studyhome
18 Workhome
ELOC = 2 / Another’s home / Not possible to create
ELOC = 3 / Workplace / 8 Paidwork
ELOC = 4 / School / 9 Education
ELOC = 5 / Services or shops / 11 Shopping
ELOC = 6 / Restaurant, café / 23 Eatingout
ELOC = 7 / Place of worship / Not possible to create
ELOC = 8 / Travelling / 7 Travel
ELOC = 9 / Other locations / Not possible to create
MTRAV / Car, motorcycle, taxi / Not possible to create
ICT / Reported using computer, ICT or internet / Not possible to create this variable
ALONE / Alone or with strangers / Not possible to create this variable
CHILD / Child aged < 18 present / Not possible to create this variable
SPPART / Spouse or partner present / Not possible to create this variable
OAD / Other adult present / Not possible to create this variable

Variable-Specific Information


These variables cannot be constructed


The documentation indicates that the survey took place in May, yet the original variable month has 41 6’s (June). Nevertheless, some of these cases where month=6 have a calendar day of 31 (and while there are 31 days in May there are only 30 days in June). 3 diaries did not have a value for month. As the missing month and month set to June are most likely errors in the data, the value of MONTH for all cases is set to 5 (MAY).

The original variables date(calendar day) and desigday(day-of-the-week) are used accordingly as CDAY and DAY the diary was completed. There are 137 cases that the values of date and desigday do not correspond. In those cases, if date has a value, then DAY is calculated based on the 1995 calendar, else CDAY is left blank and leave DAY as is.


The original variable lefted(age completed full time education) is used as EDUCA with no conversion. leftedvalues and labels are as follows:


There are still a small number of cases of which these three variables do not correspond to one and other. Logical adjustments have been made to correct the discrepancies of the obvious cases but some are left behind without adjustments.

By studying the distribution of the original household variables, a number of cases contain values that do not corresponded with one or the others. The table below lists these cases and their fixes. The fixes to q12, q16, q17, or q18are made based on some logical assumptions and are highlighted in red. Some of the cases that aredifficult to make any assumptions uponare left alone and they are indicated by a question mark (?) in the Assumption column.


The original variable q73 (gross income) is used as INCORIG with no conversion. q73 values and labels are as follows:


The original variables q13/q14/q15 are the number of children aged 0-4/5-10/11-15 accordingly. The number of co-resident children aged 16-18 are not captured in the survey. Therefore:

1) NCHILD includes the number of children up to aged 15, plus 1 if the diarist if aged between 16 and 18

2) AGEKIDX=2/3/4 are not precise

3) FAMSTAT=0,2,3 are based on information about children aged up to 15


These are taken from serialno. Examination of the serialno variable revealed that:

1)Two of the serialno numbers (16088249505 and 5016069505) were used twice for different cases; to fix these duplicates, 1 is added to these numbers and that produced serialno 16088249506 and 5016069506 for the duplicates.

2)27 cases have blank serialno and with 1440 minutes of sleep (code 1) but have almost full profile information; these cases are kept, are assigned a new serialno starting with a number 22000000000 + the row number, and are assigned as BADCASE=31.


wta is the original weight variable, but there is one good diary case (serialno=14071159505) with no original weight (wta=0). The Median wta (0.527909426) is calculated of a similar profile (same age, sex, marital status, and education) group and is assigned to this special case. After the SAS programme was written, propwt had one final adjustment,


1994.3 is the sum of weights prior to this final adjustment.


The original data did not provide the categories whether the relationship of the diarist to the household is a sibling or an in-law, thus only RELREFP=1/2/3/4/9/10 are possible.


99% of the cases with a missing value of q119 (last week activity) correspond to respondents who are employed or self-employed. In these cases, if their age is 65+, then set RETIRED=1, else set RETIRED = 0. Regardless, if theage is 70+ and not in paid work, then they are coded as RETIRED=1.


The original variable q116 (age left full education) has a value 97 to label ‘still in full time education’. This isused to compute STUDENT.