Minnies Preschool and Nursery

December 2016

Our Vision:

We will provide a curriculum that lays the foundations for a love of learning as we inspire children to be curious and independent learners whilst supporting all akonga to build positive connections between home and the Centre.

Welcome/Kia ora everyone

Our 2 new preschool teachers, Adele and Kate, have settled in well and are enjoying getting to know all the children and their families. In the New Year they will become the key teachers for some of our children. They will begin observing, planning individual learning experiences and assessing the learning and development for these children and begin to write learning stories for them.

We would like to welcome Lola to our Nursery.It has been wonderful to see you settling in well and having fun during the day.

Our 2 lovely boys Sebastian and Beau will be transitioning from the Nursery to the Preschool room during the next few weeks and the preschool teachers are looking forward to better getting to know you and your families during 2017.

Olivier, Jacob and Jed have turned 5, and we sadly say ka kite to them and we will miss you all. Everyone at Minnies wishes you all the best as you venture off to primary school.

We farewell Romily and Wilson who are moving North. All your teachers and friends at Minnies will miss you and your family and hope to see you again in the future. Ka Kite Anau!

Our Christmas Giving Tree

As part of teaching kindness and generosity to our children we would like to invite our families to give a small gift to another preschool aged child or baby, by leaving a gift in the box provided in the entrance hall. Please label the gift with a note stating what age group it is for, and whether it is for a boy or girl. The gifts will be delivered to Pillars, who are a charity providing

Christmas holidays

Minnies will close on Friday 23rd December at 3pm.

We appreciate your support in letting us know if your child will be attending or absent from Minnies during the Christmas holiday period. This enables us to roster the correct staff to children ratios during this time.

We will be closed on Monday 26th & Tuesday 27th December 2016, and Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd January 2017.

Reminders for Parents

  • Sun Safety.During term 4 and term 1 we ask that you please ensure your child has a named sun hat and you apply sun screen before arriving at Minnies. Sun screen will be reapplied throughout the day using theHelp-It Ultra Block Sunscreen SPF 30+ 1 product.Please inform us if your child has an allergy to this product, and provide your own sun screen to be stored at the Centre. The teachers will encourage the children to wear a sun hat when outside and children who do not have a sun hat will be asked to play inside. Your child’s hat can be left in their bag and the teacher’s will support them to find their own hat before they head outside to play.
  • We have children at Minnies with nut allergies, so we appreciate not having any nuts or nut products brought into the Centre, including peanut butter, bars or biscuits, or any cooked food or other items which contain nuts.
  • Please ensure that you sign your child in and out of Minnies at the correct time on our daily role in the entrance hall as this is used for billing purposes and in the case of an emergency.

Thank you

Thank you to all our wonderful families who joined us at our Family Christmas Party. It was wonderful watching the children having fun and enjoying being entertained by Adam Allsorts and receiving their gift from Santa.

Many learning opportunities occur for our children when they are involved in planting and taking care of our Minnies gardens. Thank you to Thomas Hayward’s family for the lovely vegetable plants you provided for us to plant in our garden. We look forward to watching them grow into delicious healthy vegetables.

We wish to thank Jed’s family for the lovely books you gave us which the children are enjoying looking through and having read to them.

Thank you to Simon and Zoe’s family for bringing some toys to Minnies that they no longer required in their home.

Our ever hungry pet rabbits, Steve and Lloyd, appreciate all the delicious vegetables that many of our families bring in for their kai times. Thank You!

Transition to School Group

Our wonderful teacher Karla has written a learning story which covers the learning and experiences provided for our 4 year old Transition to School group during this term. TheseTransition to School group learning stories will be emailed out to all our families to enjoy. Currently our 4 year olds are taking part in activities relating to Christmas during the Transition to School group time.


We have 199 likes on our facebook page. If you haven’t already, please ‘Like us’ on Facebook, so we can share our news and events with you, as well as photos of our children having lots of fun and wonderful learning experiences at Minnies.


We have a homebased care called Family Tree. If you would like to become a homebased educator or would like to find out more information about Family Tree Homebased care please see our website and Facebook page, or we have brochures available in our entrance hall.

Face Book page:


As this is the last Parent Newsletter for 2016 I would like to thank all our families for your wonderful support during the year, and wish you all a safe, fun and relaxing Christmas and New Year!

Look forward to seeing you all in 2017!


From The Minnies Teaching Team

Below is a community event that maybe of interest to you: