SIT Meeting – March 26, 2015

Members Present

Mahlon AnnasLaura BiltonBrandy BlackburnRusty Hall Wilma Harvey

Karen KookenJoan LogginsSandra MaineJan MorganDillon Robertson Connie Rogers Christina Rush Vivia Scales John Sealey Jon Sundell

Jennifer Wallace Sandra Wiggins Linda WinikoffJack Wooten


  • Reading of the mission statement
  • Approval of minutes

End of the Year Calendar

  • Dates were confirmed for end of the year activities. The week of April 13 – 17 includes PTA with a 2nd Grade program, LeAnn Nickelsen’s return for workshops, and the BUG game. Other dates include: April 25th – Spring Festival, May 1st – Field Day, May 18 – 22 Spirit week, Testing begins after Memorial Day, June 5th – PTA movie night and food truck festival, June 8th (?) Career Day, June 9th – K-4 Awards Day, June 11th @ 12:00 5th Grade Celebration, June 12th – Staff Talent Show.
  • BB&T volunteers had contacted Christina Rush to offer more time to Old Town. They may help with Field Day, Spring Carnival, library assistance and/or grounds projects.

Change the World Savings

  • We have between $10,000-13,000 savings from the grant. Suggestions were taken for possible uses of the money. Some suggestions were: bringing back LeAnn on early release days and for other staff development, the summer SIT retreat, paying staff for working to help set up the school library to be genre-based.

Title 1 Budget updates

• Mr. Hall had come from a Title 1 principals meeting but had received no exact numbers for next year. We will prepare several budgets that range from 85% of 2014-2015 through an increase.

CNA/SIP Time Line

• The Comprehensive Needs Assessment is due May 8th to Title 1. The SIT team will update it before that time.

Feedback for April Meeting

• Grade levels need to discuss:

  1. Class List process – Is the process we’re using working? How can we improve it? Think about ‘looping’ classes and sending them to teachers with similar teaching styles.
  2. Event Calendar for next year – Would like to have dates set for PTA events, curriculum night, etc. by our June SIT meeting.
  3. Master Schedule for next year – Do there need to be any considerations for changes?
  4. Committees – How can we make committees more meaningful and more in sync with the ‘Old Town Way’? Should some committees be combined?

This information will be shared at the April SIT meeting to make decisions for next year.

There was no further business so the meeting was adjourned.

The next SIT meeting will be April 30, 2015.