Owner Basics: Easy Tabs
This wiki covers the basics for using Easy Tabs (http://usermanagedsolutions.com/SharePoint-User-Toolkit/Pages/Easy-Tabs-v5.aspx). Easy Tabs uses a Content Editor Web Part to organize all of the lists and libraries on your page with tabs. Easy Tabs allows users to customize the look and feel of the tabs. APAN has a version, which follows the APAN look and feel.
I. Create Tabs – APAN Look and Feel
1. Click on Site Actions, and then click on Edit Page.
2. Scroll down to the top of section where you want to add the web part. Click on Add a Web Part.
3. Scroll down to the Media and Content section, and click on Web Parts.
4. Left click on the title Content Editor and drag it to the bottom of the section.
5. Click on the down arrow to the right side of the title and click on Edit Web Part.
6. Scroll to the top right to view the Content Editor dialog box.
7. Paste the following link into the Content Link box. /s/SystemWideCode/EasyTabs5.0.txt
8. Expand the Layout section. Check the box next to the word Hidden. Then click OK.
9. Click on the Stop Editing icon in the ribbon.
II. Using Your Own Easy Tabs
1. Get the source code for Easy Tabs 5.0 at http://usermanagedsolutions.com/SharePoint-User-Toolkit/Pages/Easy-Tabs-v5.aspx
2. Save your Easy Tabs file in one of your Document libraries. Note the URL.
3. Return to the page, where you want to add the tabs. Click on Site Actions, and then Edit Page.
4. Scroll down to the top of section where you want to add the web part. Click on Add a Web Part.
5. Scroll down to the Media and Content section, and click on Web Parts.
6. Left click on the title Content Editor and drag it to the bottom of the section.
7. Click on the down arrow to the right side of the title and click on Edit Web Part.
8. Scroll to the top right to view the Content Editor dialog box.
9. Paste your link to the Easy Tabs file into the Content Link box.
10. Expand the Layout section. Check the box next to the word Hidden. Then click OK.
11. Click on the Stop Editing icon in the ribbon.