Biochem Unit Review Game

¨  What is the atomic mass of bromine and how is it determined?

o  79.904 amu, determined by number of protons + neutrons of most common (or avg) isotope

¨  What element is symbolized with the letter N?

o  Nitrogen

¨  How many electrons are in the valence electron shell of Carbon?

o  4

¨  What 4 elements make-up the vast majority of living things on Earth?

o  C, H, O, N

¨  What is the name for an atom that has gained or lost an electron?

o  ion

¨  What is an isotope?

o  An element with more/less neutrons than average

¨  What is done with electrons in a covalent bond?

o  They are shared

¨  What is done with electrons in an ionic bond?

o  They are given and taken

¨  Give an example of a compound bonded covalently.

o  Various answers accepted

¨  Give an example of a compound bonded ionically.

o  Various

¨  What is a hydrogen bond?

o  Weak attraction between partial positives and negatives in a group of polar-covalently bonded molecules (water most common)

¨  What part of a water molecule has a partial positive charge and what part has a partial negative charge?

o  + Hydrogen, - Oxygen

¨  Name 3 unique water properties that affect living things.

o  High specific heat, cohesion, adhesion, high density at 4C, good solvent, high surface tension

¨  What property of water assists humans in cooling down with sweat?

o  It’s high specific heat

¨  What is the difference between an organic and an inorganic compound?

o  Organic are assembled by living things, inorganic are not

¨  What part(s) of an organic molecule gives the molecule its unique properties?

o  Functional groups

¨  What functional group is made up of COOH?

o  Carboxyl group

¨  What elements are in the functional group known as an amine group?

o  N, and H (2)

¨  What functional group is made of 1 Phosphorus and 4 Oxygen?

o  Phosphate

¨  Team that can draw a ribose molecule correctly and most quickly wins.

¨  Team that can draw a glucose molecule correctly and most quickly wins.

¨  What is the most common function of a carbohydrate?

o  Stored energy

¨  What is the base unit of a carbohydrate?

o  Monosaccharide

¨  What is the name for a molecule made of more than two monosaccharides put together?

o  Polysaccharide

¨  What type of reaction is used to join monosaccharides and what does it mean?

o  Condensation reaction (water released)

¨  What type of reaction is used to break apart disaccharides?

o  Hydrolysis (water used)

¨  Starch, cellulose and glycogen are all examples of what?

o  Polysaccharides

¨  Glucose, fructose and lactose are all examples of what?

o  Monosaccharides

¨  Maltose, sucrose, and galactose are all examples of what?

o  Disaccharides

¨  In what way is cellulose used by living things?

o  Used in plant cell walls

¨  In what food might one be most likely to find fructose?

o  Fruits

¨  Describe the structural difference between a triglyceride and a phospholipid.

o  Remove one fatty-acid chain from a triglyceride and add a phosphate to get a phospholipid

¨  What is the backbone of a triglyceride?

o  Glycerol

¨  In what way is a phospholipid used by a living organism?

o  Cell membranes

¨  Name one example of a common steroid made by organisms.

o  Cholesterol, testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, etc…

¨  How could one recognize a steroid from other lipids?

o  It has a unique 4-carbon-ring structure

¨  First team that can produce an accurate drawing of an RNA nucleotide wins.

¨  How can you tell a purine from a pyrimadine?

o  Purines are large (2-ring) and pyrimadines small (1-ring)

¨  How is DNA different from RNA?

o  Deoxyribose sugar vs. ribose, thymine vs. uracil

¨  What bases in DNA are complementary?

o  A-T, C-G

¨  What bond connects one base to it’s complementary base?

o  Hydrogen bond

¨  First team to accurately draw a basic amino acid wins

¨  How many R groups are available to amino acids on Earth?

o  20

¨  How are nucleic acids related to amino acids?

o  Nucleic acid codons (3-letter combos) designate specific amino acids

¨  How is one protein really different from another?

o  Their sequence of amino acids (which dictates their shape)

¨  What type of bond is formed between two amino acids?

o  Peptide bond

¨  What kind of reaction takes place in a peptide bond formation?

o  Condensation (water given off)

¨  Describe what happens at each stage of polypeptide modification to make a working protein.

o  1 = sequence, 2 = shape change (alpha helix, beta sheets), 3 = 3 dimensional shape changes/contortions (due to R group interactions) and 4 = combine with other polypeptides

¨  Name and give an example of 2 types of proteins.

o  Various (structural, enzymatic, transport, defensive, etc…)

¨  How are fibrous proteins different from globular proteins?

o  Fibrous = long, globular = dense

¨  Hemoglobin and immunoglobulins are examples of what kind of protein?

o  Globular

¨  How does an enzyme work?

o  A biological catalyst, lowers activation energy to make a reaction more probable/faster

¨  How does pH affect enzyme action in catalase?

o  Most effective near neutral, drops off in acidic/alkaline environments

¨  How does temperature affect enzyme action in catalase?

o  Most effective near 37-40 C, drops off in hot/cold env.

¨  What is enzyme-substrate specificity?

o  One enzyme fits w/ one type of substrate (lock and key)

¨  What is denaturation of an enzyme?

o  Rendering it ineffective (unfolding)

¨  What is an active site on an enzyme?

o  Where the substrate fits

¨  What is an allosteric site on an enzyme?

o  Non-active site where cofactors, coenzymes and non-competitive inhibitors can bind

¨  What are 2 types of metabolic pathways that use enzymes?

o  Chains, and cycles

¨  Describe feedback or end-product inhibition.

o  The product of a metabolic pathway inhibits the production of more of that product by affecting the pathway enzymes

¨  How is lactose-free milk produced?

o  With lactase enzyme (produced commercially by bacteria)

¨  Describe induced-fit.

o  Enzyme only has the right shape for substrate when substrate binds.