Microsoft Outlook Help Guide

Version 2.0

Revised January 7, 2005

Revised by Gary Batchellor


1.  Click on that icon in the start menu called email and you will immediately enter your email screen. Gary has taken considerable time to set up everyone’s email settings, so you will not have to change anything.

2.  Your screen will be divided into 3 sections after you enter outlook. On the left is your navigation information. (any area you are working in will be highlighted in orange) These instructions are hands on, so open up your outlook and see the screen that I am describing to you.

3.  The center part of this screen is your “inbox” screen. This part of the screen will show you your “today” mail, “yesterday” mail etc. You will then see your email.

4.  On the right side of the screen is your email to read.

5.  At the top of the screen is your tool bar in which you can reply to your email, forward your email, delete etc. Your delete key is the key marked with the “X”.

6.  Now that you have the “feel” of looking at your inbox, you will notice the

Envelopes next to each email. When you message first arrives the envelope is closed, after you have read it, it will show the envelope open, if you reply to this email you will have a purple arrow pointing to the left and if you forwarded this message it will have a blue arrow pointing to the right. This is just for your information and helps us keep track of what we actually did with the message after we received it.

7.  You have “blue up and down arrows” in the button bar to help you navigate

Between messages.

8.  You can also print a message by clicking on the print button on the toolbar.

The top part of this note is receiving email and now we will concentrate on sending an email.

1.  Open your email.

2.  Click on the “NEW” button at the top of the toolbar.

3.  You will then have the screen in which you will type the address of the person you are sending your email to in the “TO” box, fill in the subject line and then type your message on the white area

4.  If you are sending this message to more than one address, separate the address with a semi-colon.

5.  After you have finished with your message, simply hit the “SEND” key in the upper left corner of your page. Your email has been sent. You might want to practice this technique. Send an email to your home or to someone else in the company to practice.

6.  When a message is sent a copy of your email is automatically placed in your

“Sent Items Folder”. You can access your messages by clicking on the Sent Items folders then opening your message or delete it. You can also put these messages in a folder.


This area will help you store your addresses for future use:

Right click on the contacts folder in the list on the left, and choose properties. Open the tab that is named “Outlook Address Book” and check the box that says “show this folder as an e-mail address book.

If you click on the “TO” button when creating a new email you will bring up the global address list. Gary has already supplied us with everyone in the FMC family. You simply locate the person you are wishing to email (alphabetical by first name) and click on their name and hit the “OK” button and your email is ready to go. You just need to add your subject matter and hit send. Your “TO” box will automatically be filled in with the person’s email address.

You can also create your own address book by clicking on the “To” button and again you have the global list. In the right hand corner you have a drop down screen that if you drop down to “contacts” and here is where you can type in your new address. Click the “advanced” button at the bottom left corner and hit “new contact” and the “OK” button. You can then type in your new email address and then hit the “SAVE & CLOSE” button on the top left toolbar.

If you received an email and want to add it to your “contacts”, simply right click on the name and a menu box will appear and it will give you a box that reads “Add to Outlook contacts”. If you click on that box your address will now be saved in your “contacts” list. If you want to you can now give more personal information for that particular person by browsing through the screen. When you are done you can use the “Save and Close” button on the top of your tool bar.

Remember that in order to find these addresses you click on the “To” button when creating a “new” email and remember you have saved them under “contacts”.

You can also add a new email address by clicking on the “address book” on the toolbar at the top of the page and add it manually and save it under “contacts”.


Many times we need to send an attachment (a saved item) to an email we are sending someone. In order to do this you will type in your address etc. and a note because you need to be in the “text” area to attach. If you click on the “paperclip” on the toolbar you will get an “insert file” box in which you will find the file you need to attach. In the right hand lower corner you will see the “Insert” button and that is how you “attach” your document. Hit the insert button and it will take you back to your email screen and now you will see your titled document in the mail screen. You now know your attachment is ready to go along with your note.


You also have a calendar in your outlook 2003.

It is pretty simple to use.

Click on your calendar which is on your original screen on the left. As you enter the calendar you can add calendar events that you want to remember; i.e., coworker birthdays, lounge duty, etc. There is also a “help” button in this area to assist you.

One of the best features of this outlook 2003 is the “Out of Office Assistant”. Here is where you can type a note if you are going to be out of the office and want anyone sending you an email to get a note from you saying that anything from “I will be away. …etc.” This is a great tool to use when you are going to be out of the office and want people to know you will respond when you return. If you click on the “Out of Office Assistant” in the tools menu, you will get a box in which you can navigate, add your message and then hit the “OK” button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. The next time you return to your outlook 2003 you will get a box asking you if you want the “out of office” turned off? You hit the “yes” or “no” button.


Viruses come in many shapes and sizes; a file may look just the same as it usually does from a friend, but could still contain a virus. The first step to avoiding getting one is to delete any email from someone you don’t know, especially if it contains an attachment. If you do know the person who is sending you an attachment, talk to them before you open it to make sure they actually sent you something. Many viruses today go through a persons address book and send an email with an attachment to every address in the list, so be sure you know a file is safe before opening it. You shouldn’t get any junk mail with our system, but just delete any you may receive.


These folders are the easiest way to organize and clean up your inbox. To create a new folder for your e-mail it’s as simple as opening the file menu, new, and folder. Just type in the name of the folder and click ok. You can now save your messages by just dragging the e-mail from your inbox to the new folder. You can have as many folders as you need to stay organized, and having too many messages in you inbox can cause outlook to go slow.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help.

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