Notes from WSSCMeeting
- The meeting started at 7:06 pm. The meeting was attended by Adam Miller, Chris Koch, Stuart Vanorny, Sam Venouziou, TimOsmani, Travis Gilligan, Tom Geringer, Mike O’Shea, John Santiago and Karen Tannenbaum.
- To wrap up the fall season, Karen asked the coaches to turn in their a/r receipts for reimbursement. Alec Raatz (trainer) is leaving but Terry Gordon has assured Karen that he is getting the club a replacement. All coaches were happy with the trainers provided by Challenger. All games are complete and fields can be closed with the possible exception of Janes North. The U12 boys may still have a game to play.
- The indoor season will be starting on November 20. The coaches were informed that until the beginning of the new year, Ben will be training all teams at Prairieview. After the first of the year, the teams will be training with a Brazilian futsal trainer in the ARC gym. The indoor practice schedule was handed out to the coaches.
- The U11 Girls will be playing the indoor league at the ARC. They are placed too high for the league. They were given the option of playing up at the U12 level. One other option to look at is to play in the boys’ division. Both options were explored. John Santiago will have a response shortly.
- Mike O’Shea discussed his thoughts about a new referee assignor. He and Karen had interviewed another referee assignor previous to the meeting. His stance was that we keep our current assignor because the Rec league was not interested in changing their assignor and Storm should work in tandem with the Rec league to make it easier to get games assigned. All coaches agreed that the majority of their games this past season had officials. There were a few inconsistencies and there is one center referee that two coaches had issues with. It was agreed that Karen should speak to the ref assignor about him. Also, Karen should speak to the assignor about some less mature referees that are hesitant to pull cards or unwilling to make the difficult calls. Lastly, for the referee that multiple coaches had issues with, Karen is asked to speak to the assignor and request that he not referee for our club before games are available for self-assigning in the spring.
- Sam Venouziou and Stu Vanorny spoke about the possibility of the Director of Referees from the WSA Board being in charge of speaking to the referee assignor on the behalf of all of WSA.
- Since the club does not only want to make note of complaints about referees, Mike O’Shea suggested that the coaches also keep track of when the officials performed well. Karen will put a section on the bottom of the a/r receipts to act as a quick survey concerningeach game’s officials.
- There was a request that the club ask parents not to smoke at club practices or games on the sidelines.
- All coaches were made aware of indoor tournaments that will be taking place in the winter. The coaches all discussed a spring tournament. The coaches are inclined to all attend the same tournament as a club. The suggestion was made that the club attend a tournament down in St. Louis. There are two dates being discussed: one tournament in April and one tournament in May. This discussion was tabled and will be taken up again in emails.
- The coaches were informed about the tryouts for the U8/U9 teams on January 13, 2018. The hope is that there will be enough interest to pick up at least one more team for the spring with a trainer as the coach. Adam Miller and Tim Osmani requested that the tryouts be opened up to include U12 and U14 players. It was also mentioned that flyers should be passed to the students of the local schools. Karen will work on getting that together.
- The tryout dates for the 2018-2019 year have been set as May 19 and May 24, 2018 for the boys. The girls’ tryouts will be May 29th and May 30th. The decision was to hold them early this year as the schools get out earlier this year and it may be harder to get them back in June for tryouts.
- The club is scheduled to get new uniforms for the 2018-2020 soccer years. The options were shown to the coaches. The vote was for one red jersey, one black jersey, one pair of black shorts and two pairs of black socks. The style chosen was the Adidas Tabela 2018 jerseys and the Regista 2018 shorts.
- Adam Miller showed his collection of items with the Storm logo that he set up and purchased through The idea is to send this information out to all Storm families so that they could make spiritwear purchases as holiday gifts. Adam also passed out discount coupons for all club members.
- Meeting ended at 8:45 pm.