/ Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors
L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique
/ CIPHI Ontario
Westmount P.O. Box #22045
50 Westmount Rd. North
Waterloo ON N2L 6J7

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (Ontario Branch) Inc. will be held on Monday October 6th, 2014 at 13:30pm at:

Hyatt Regency Toronto

Studio B
370 King Street West
Toronto, Ontario

The purpose of the meeting is to conduct the annual business of the Branch, including proposed amendments to the By-laws of the Ontario Branch and to elect Officers.

There are three positions available on the Ontario Branch Executive in 2014.

a) President-elect

b) 2 councillor positions.

If you are interested in nominating an individual or being nominated for one of these positions please complete the attached Nomination and Consent form and submit, no later than September 6, 2014, to:

CIPHI Ontario

#720-999 West Broadway Ave

Vancouver, BC

V5Z 1K5


Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors

(Ontario Branch Inc.)

Nomination and Consent Form


I, Click here to enter text. , being a member in good standing of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (Ontario Branch Inc.) wish to nominate: Click here to enter text.

Residing at: Click here to enter text.

For the Position of: Choose an item. for the Term 2013- 2015.

Date:Click here to enter text. Signature: ______


I, Click here to enter text. , being a member in good standing of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (Ontario Branch Inc.), hereby accept the nomination and will let my name stand for election to the office of: Choose an item.

Date: Click here to enter text. Signature:______

Brief History (eg. # of years as CIPHI member, work history etc.; use separate page if necessary):

Click here to enter text.

Health Protection: Cornerstone of Public Health
Promotion et Protection de la Santé: Fondement de la Santé Publique
/ Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors
L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique
/ CIPHI Ontario
Westmount P.O. Box #22045
50 Westmount Rd. North
Waterloo ON N2L 6J7
Portfolio: / Presidential Role
Reports to: / CIPHI National Executive Council
CIPHI Ontario Branch Executive Council
Type of Position: / Ontario Branch President
Ontario Branch President-Elect
Ontario Branch Past President
Time Commitment: / The presidential track for the OBEC is 6 years. Time required varies depending on the current role and is dictated by committee and council meetings, assigned projects and other tasks described within assigned responsibilities. Note: meetings, teleconferences may occur on lunch hours and weekends.
·  General OBEC obligations – 2 to 3 hours per week
·  Other NEC Obligations – 1 to 2 hours per week
·  Other OBEC obligations – 3 to 5 hours per week
·  Other NEC Obligations – 2 to 3 hours per week
Past- President
·  Other OBEC obligations – 2 to 3 hours per week
General Description
Provides the Ontario Branch Executive Council (OBEC) with leadership, guidance, and ensures all obligatory by-laws of the branch are fulfilled.
The presidential role is comprised of three distinct positions within the executive council – president-elect, president and past president. Each position possesses defined roles and responsibilities and is accountable to the membership, CIPHI Ontario Branch Executive Council and CIPHI National Executive Council.
To enter into the presidential role, a member is elected by the membership to the president-elect role. The president-elect is then mentored by the current and past presidents and participates in national executive council activities as a guest for 2 years. After 2 years, the president-elect becomes the president and assumes all the responsibilities of the position. After 2 years, if a successor present, the president assumes the role of past president.
General Councillor Responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities vary depending on which position an individual is currently holding:
·  Participate in and attend OBEC meetings and AGM.
·  Represent the Ontario Branch on various committees and task groups as assigned.
·  Engage in activities which allow growth and development within the president-elect role.
·  Act as a support to the President by chairing various committees in his/her absence.
·  Act as a representative of the CIPHI Ontario Branch Membership.
·  Abides by the CIPHI Code of Ethics.
·  Acts as an advocate and leader for CIPHI Ontario Branch Membership.
·  Engages stakeholders who have a vested interest in Public Health and the work of Environmental Public Health Professionals.
·  Chairs various internal and external committees.
·  Represents CIPHI Ontario at CIPHI National Executive Committee meetings.
·  Participates on NEC committees.
·  Abides by the CIPHI Code of Ethics.
Past President
·  Provides leadership and guidance to president-elect.
·  Helps orientate new councillors and chairs to OBEC expectations and responsibilities.
·  Participates on assigned committees and initiatives at the discretion of the president.
·  Abides by the CIPHI Code of Ethics.
Specific Responsibilities
·  Attend OBEC meetings and AGM (Annually: 1 AGM – 4 hours, 10 – 1.5 hour teleconferences, 1 – two day in-person meeting).
·  Attend on the CIPHI Finance Committee meetings (Quarterly 1 hour teleconferences).
·  Attend CIPHI Conference Steering committee as OBEC representative (Quarterly to bi-monthly teleconferences).
·  Attend National Executive Council (NEC) meetings and AGM when possible as a guest (Annually 12 – 1.5 hour teleconference. 1 – two day in-person) (funded by OBEC).
·  Participate on NEC committees if possible.
·  Attend CIPHI Ontario Annual Educational Conference if possible (funded by OBEC) (3 days).
·  Attend CIPHI National Annual Educational Conference if possible (funded by OBEC) (3 days).
·  Ensure all CIPHI Ontario bylaws are upheld.
·  Chair OBEC meetings and AGM (Annually: 1 AGM – 4 hours, 10 – 1.5 hour teleconferences, 1 – two day in-person meeting).
·  Represent CIPHI Ontario during National Executive Council meetings and the AGM (Annually: 12 – 1.5 hour teleconference. 1 – two day in-person) (funded by OBEC).
·  Participate on NEC committees.
·  Attend CIPHI Ontario Annual Educational Conference (funded by OBEC) (3 days).
·  Attend CIPHI National Annual Educational Conference (funded by OBEC) (3 days).
·  Provide the Association of Supervisors of Public Health Inspectors of Ontario (ASPHIO) an update at spring conference (1 day).
·  Liaise and attend meetings with a variety of government and non-government stakeholders on behalf of CIPHI (4 – 6 days).
Past President
·  Attend OBEC meetings and AGM (Annually: 1 AGM – 4 hours, 10 – 1.5 hour teleconferences, 1 or 2 – two day in-person meeting).
·  Attend CIPHI Ontario Annual Educational Conference (funded by OBEC) (3 days).
·  Attend on the CIPHI Finance Committee meetings (Quarterly 1 hour teleconferences).
In additional to a passion for field of environmental public health and CIPHI an individual:
·  Must be a member of the CIPHI Ontario Branch with voting privileges
·  Must be able to travel (potentially outside the province).
·  Obtain employer support and endorsement to participate in CIPHI activities (Highly recommended).
·  Possess strong leadership skills.
·  Must have the ability to chair meetings (via teleconference and in person).
·  Possess strong organizational skills.
·  Must have the ability to clearly communicate through verbal and written means.
·  Must have the ability and flexibility to work outside regular business hours.
Health Protection: Cornerstone of Public Health
Promotion et Protection de la Santé: Fondement de la Santé Publique
/ Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors
L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique
/ CIPHI Ontario
Westmount P.O. Box #22045
50 Westmount Rd. North
Waterloo ON N2L 6J7
Portfolio: / Membership Support and Engagement
Reports to: / Ontario Branch President
Type of Position: / Councillor
Time Commitment: / Councillor positions are 2 years in duration with the opportunity to re-run at the end of a term. Time required varies depending on the current role and is dictated by committee and council meetings, assigned projects and other tasks described within assigned responsibilities. Note meetings, teleconferences may occur on lunch hours and weekends.
·  Approximately 2-3 hours per week.
General Description
Each executive councillor has general responsibilities in addition to those assigned to them as a portfolio chair and CIPHI member. Councillors are encouraged to offer their varied opinions on any branch programs, general and or those regarding public health issues.
General Councillor Responsibilities
·  To represent members of the CIPHI Ontario Branch at executive and annual general meetings and at any external committee the councillor is appointed to by the President, and any function sponsored by the Ontario Branch.
·  Attend monthly one hour teleconferences as called by the branch president.
·  To speak as one unified voice when representing the executive of the Branch at all times.
·  To abide by the CIPHI Code of Ethics.
·  Chair a standing committee(s) formed at the discretion of the President.
·  Assess existing goals and objectives of the committee to determine if they are relevant to current needs of the Branch.
·  After each Executive or Standing Committee meeting, each councillor is to review minutes to identify assigned action items.
·  Develops yearly objectives on an annual basis and corresponding workplan in line with applicable strategic objectives.
·  Ensure that the goals of the committee they chair are being addressed.
·  Responsible for completion of assigned portfolio work in a timely manner.
·  Submits all required reports on or before the stated deadline.
·  Ensures all relevant information for their portfolio is posted to the website via assigned councillor.
·  Develops a yearly budget for the portfolio.
·  Attend 1 or 2 face-to-face Ontario Branch Executive Council Meetings ( Length 2 days – Friday/Saturday)
·  Attend CIPHI Ontario Annual Educational Conference (funded by OBEC) (3 days).
Specific Councillor Responsibilities
The specificity of councillor responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:
·  Encourages environmental public health professionals to retain membership and or become CIPHI Ontario Branch members.
·  Acts as a liaison between Ontario Branch membership and the executive to ensure timely response to member inquiries, concerns and or complaints.
·  Attends CIPHI Ontario Annual Educational Conference as a representative of the Ontario Branch Executive Council
·  Attends and participates in CIPHI Ontario Annual General Meeting
·  Chairs Membership Support and Engagement committee and scheduled quarterly one hour teleconferences as required.
·  Coordinates volunteer opportunities with standing committee chairs by developing volunteer position postings and ensuring timely dissemination of them through the CIPHI Ontario Branch listserv.
·  Assists with selection of volunteers and notifying successful candidates if required.
·  Maintains on going database of volunteer opportunities and candidates.
·  Coordinates member representation at meetings, workshops upon request of the President.
·  Ensures volunteer recruitment strategy is reviewed annually.
·  Publishes PHI salary survey every two years.
·  Coordinates and arranges for publication of PHI Directory every two years.
·  Conduct an annual membership renewal campaign
·  Responsible for the promotion and coordination of CIPHI Ontario Branch awards and bursaries:
o  Identifies 25 year pin recipients for the Annual General Meeting
o  Identifies 50 year award recipients for the Annual General Meeting
o  Identifies Health Units that qualify for 100% membership plaque for AGM
o  Award of Merit and Excellence
o  Student Bursaries and awards
o  Conference Bursaries
o  Others as identified
·  Ensures addresses for members who have been identified by Canada Post as having moved are updated and notifies applicable personnel at the National Branch.
·  Responsible for organizing, cataloguing and providing CIPHI Ontario Branch swag (banners, posters, pens etc.) to membership upon request.
·  Supports other councillors with initiatives (i.e. Environmental Public Health Week) or projects upon request.
·  Updates policies, procedures and terms of reference applicable to the Membership Support and Engagement portfolio as needed.
In additional to a passion for field of environmental public health and CIPHI an individual:
·  Must be a member of the CIPHI Ontario Branch with voting privileges.
·  Must be able to travel (potentially outside the province).
·  Obtains employer support and endorsement to participate in CIPHI activities (Highly recommended).
·  Possess strong leadership skills.
·  Must have the ability to chair meetings (via teleconference and in person).
·  Possess strong organizational skills.
·  Must have the ability to clearly communicate through verbal and written means.
·  Must have the ability and flexibility to work outside regular business hours.
Health Protection: Cornerstone of Public Health
Promotion et Protection de la Santé: Fondement de la Santé Publique
/ Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors
L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique
/ CIPHI Ontario
Westmount P.O. Box #22045
50 Westmount Rd. North
Waterloo ON N2L 6J7
Portfolio: / Policy & Advocacy
Reports to: / Ontario Branch President
Type of Position: / Councillor 2 year position
Time Commitment: / Councillor positions are 2 years in duration with the opportunity to re-run at the end of a term. Time required varies depending on the current role and is dictated by committee and council meetings, assigned projects and other tasks described within assigned responsibilities. Note: meetings, teleconferences may occur on lunch hours and weekends.
·  Approximately 2-3 hours / week
General Description
Each executive councillor has general responsibilities in addition to those assigned to them as a portfolio chair and CIPHI member. Councillors are encouraged to offer their varied opinions on any branch programs, general and or those regarding public health issues.