A New Era in TB: Can We Replace the TST?

Spring 2006 Annual Conference

40th Educational Conference

May 11-12

Doubletree Hotel Anaheim - Orange

Thursday, May 11, 2006

8:00 - 9:00 Registration, Full Breakfast, Poster Viewing and Vendor Visits

9:00 - 9:05 Welcome – Dr. Hildy Meyers, Acting Health Officer, Orange County

9:05 – 9:10 Introductions – Allyson Tabor

9:15 - 10:15 Jayne Ash Keynote Address:A New Era in TB: Can We Replace the TST?

Dr. Charles L. Daley

10:15-10:45 Break, Vendors, Poster Viewing

10:45-11:30 Development of Guidelines for Using the QuantiFERON-TB Gold Test

Dr. Gerald H. Mazurek

11:30-12:15 State address

Dr. Jennifer Flood

12:30 - 1:30 Awards Luncheon – Allyson Tabor

  1. Honorary Memberships – presented by Sirlura Taylor
  2. Andy Lopez Award – presented by Nancy Miskel
  3. Renteln Award – presented by Sirlura Taylor
  4. Outgoing EC Members – presented by Allyson Tabor
  5. Scholarships and Donations – Dr. Julie Low & Allyson Tabor
  6. Announcements and Reports – Allyson Tabor
  7. President’s Report
  8. Spring 2007 Conference-Northern California (10 month terms)
  9. International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, North American Region (IUATLD-NAR) and CTCA Joint Conference 2/27-3/1/08, San Diego (14 month terms)
  10. CNTC – Tom Steubner

1:45 - 3:15 Breakouts

  1. Applications of Genotyping in TB Control – Dr. Charles Crane, Moderator

Faculty: Dr. Patrick Moonan, Martin Cilnis, Jennifer Grinsdale

  1. Lab and Program Issues of In Vitro Diagnostic Testing (QFT) – Dr. John Jereb, Moderator

Faculty: Dr. Sally Liska, Dr. L. Masae Kawamura

  1. TB in the Foreign-Born – Dr. Tony Paz, Moderator

Faculty: Dr. Kathleen Moser, Anne Cass, Dr. Diana Schneider, Subroto Banerji

  1. Issues in HIV-TB Coinfection – Dr. Helene Calvet

Faculty: Dr. Christopher Ried, Dr. Gisela Schecter, Dr. Gulshan Bhatia

3:15 - 3:45 Break, Vendors, Poster Viewing

3:45 - 5:15 Breakouts Repeat

5:30 – 6:30 Radiograph Case Presentations - Dr. Lauri Thrupp and Dr. Julie Low

Friday, May 12TB Controllers Meeting

7:00 – 8:00 Registration and Full Breakfast

8:00 – 8:10Welcome and Introductions, especially new members – Tony Paz10 minutes

8:10 – 8:40Comments and Discussion from Floor30 minutes

A. Old Business

1. Local Implementations of Due Process Protections for Isolation

B. New Business

1. CalOSHA Airborne Control Standards – Barbara Cole

2. Outbreak investigation in prisons and role of public health

(submitted by Dr. Chapman, Solano County)

3. Other items as raised

8:40- 9:40State Report - Sarah Royce60 minutes

  1. State update and CDC allocations formula: Sarah Royce
  2. Advocacy: Bob Benjamin (15 min)
  3. HR Assessment: Sarah Royce

9:40 – 10:10 QuantiFERON TB Gold Issues - Masae Kawamura 30 minutes

10:10 – 10:25Break 15 minutes

10:25 – 10:55Sacramento Regional Facility - Olivia Kasirye30 minutes

10:55 – 11:05Update on SFGH BT/TB Isolation Facility - Masae Kawamura10 minutes

11:05 – 11:20SF Curry Center - Tom Stuebner15 minutes

  1. SF RTMCC report
  2. RTMCC and CTCA collaborations: Tom Stuebner and Allyson Tabor
  1. Conference collaborations
  2. Other projects

11:20 – 11:40Acquired TB Drug Resistance in California -Travis Porco20 minutes

11:40 – 11:55A Report on Guidelines and Priorities -Tony Paz15 minutes

  1. LTBI Guidelines
  2. Active Treatment Guidelines

11:55 – 12:10By-laws Revisions and Vote - Helene Calvet15 minutes

12:10 – 12:20Election of Officers - Allyson Tabor and Sirlura Taylor10 minutes

12:20 – 12:30Evaluation10 minutes

12:30 Adjourn

12:45 Mingle and Munch Membership Lunch Please join us for a light-hearted opportunity for food and fun with your colleagues!


Chair:Lynette Leviste, PHN

Co-Chair:Elizabeth Goold, PHN

Nurse at Large:Ann Porter, PHN

Allied Health Professional at Large:Renee Simmons-Wilkins, CCDR

Past Chair:Marie-Fe Tiongson, PHN

Friday, May 12

7:00 – 8:00Registration and Full Breakfast

8:15 – 8:20Call to Order
8:20 – 8:35Report Updates


Section Updates ……………………Jan Young, R.N., M.S.N. Chief, Program Development

8:35 – 10:25 Hmong Refugee Training for Healthcare Providers: Hmoob Kev Hais Lus ~ Hmong Culture and Way of Speaking

This is an abbreviated workshop tailored to meet the needs of different healthcare providers and organizations. The information is generally applicable to other refugee populations.

Speakers: Marilyn Mochel, R.N., Clinical Director

Palee Moua, Hmong Trainer, Healthy House Within a MATCH Coalition

10:25 – 10:40 Break

10:40 - 11:25 TC Reimbursement for PHNs in the Alameda County TB Program

Speaker:Jennifer Howser PHN, Alameda County TB Control Program

11:25 -11:45CURE TB Update - Alberto Colorado, Director, Binational Health Projects, TBCB, Office of Public Health, H& HSA

11:45 -12:15NAHPF Business Meeting

  1. Approval of Minutes from Spring 2005 NAHPF Meeting
  2. Nominating Committee Report
  3. Elections of 2006-07 Steering Committee Members
  4. Education Committee Update (Tony Paz, Janie Burkhart PHN)
  5. Discussion:
  6. 1 NAHPF Membership Meeting vs. 2X/year
  7. Advantages/ Disadvantages
  8. Survey meeting attendees & non-attendees
  9. Future Topics of Interests


12:45 Mingle and Munch Membership Lunch Please join us for a light-hearted opportunity for food and fun with your colleagues!

Mingle and Munch Membership Lunch

Friday, May 12a light-hearted opportunity for food and fun with your colleagues!

12:45 – 1:00 Introductions, Reports and Announcements – Allyson Tabor

  1. TB Controllers Meeting – Tony Paz
  2. Introduction of New CTCA EC Officers
  3. NAHPF – Lynette Leviste
  4. Introduction of New NAHPF Officers

Announcements/ New Business/ Items from the Floor

12:45 – 2:00Lunch & TB JEOPARDY-

Flex your TB muscles and win prizes while networking with your colleagues brought to you by: Loren Stein Jensen a.k.a. Helene Calvet and her colony, the Executive Committee


Materials and presentations are provided for information purposes only and are not necessarily endorsed

by CTCA or other organizations affiliated with the conference.