Last Updated: 2-19-2002

Web Link 18.1 Overview of traditional IRA

Web Link 18.2 Matrix on deductibility of traditional IRA

Web Link 18.3 IRS tables of life expectancy for IRA withdrawal purposes

Web Link (WSJ) 18.4 Comments on computing the minimum required withdrawal from an IRA account

Wall Street Journal- Link no longer available

Web Link 18.5 Overview of spousal IRA

Web Link 18.6 Overview of Educational IRA

Note: Educational IRAs were renamed Coverdell Educational Savings Accounts in 2002.

Web Link 18.6a Overview of Roth IRA

Web Link 18.7 Tables comparing a traditional IRA, educational IRA, and Roth IRA

Web Link 18.8 Future value of an IRA account (annuity due)

Be sure to click on FV and BEG. to as this is a future value of annuity problem with the contributions made at the beginning of each year.

Click on Projected Savings. Be sure to enter $0 for the initial balance, 0% as the annual increase in savings, and 0% as the marginal tax rate.

Be sure to enter the payment amount as $-2,000, and click that the payments are made at the beginning of each year.

Web Link 18.9Which is better: a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA?

Web Link 18.10Other calculators that focus on which type of IRA tochoose

Web Link 18.11Should I convert my IRA into a Roth IRA?

Web Link 18.12Other Roth conversion calculators

Web Link 18.13Overview of Keogh accounts

Web Link 18.14Overview of 401(k)s

Web Link 18.15Overview of 403(b)s

Web Link 18.16 Overview of Income versus Deferred Annuities

Web Link 18.17 Tax treatment of annuity benefit payments

Web Link 18.18 Estimating a monthly annuity payment

Note: this is not the original link discussed in the textbook on p. 394. However, page 8 of this pdf file will walk the student through an approximation exercise.

Web Link (WSJ) 18.19Market performance of variable annuities

Web Link 18.20Terms of fixed rate deferred annuities

This is now a pay site.

Web Link 18.21Quotes on variable annuities

Web Link 18.22Life expectancy tables or calculators

Web Link 18.23What will my expenses be after I retire?

Web Link 18.24Develop a Budget for Post-Retirement Income and Expenses

Web Link 18.25FV Calculators

[Go toWeb Link 4.1]

Web Link 18.26 Future value of current assets and future contributions

[Go toWeb Link 4.4]

Web Link 18.27 Monthly withdrawals (treat the accumulated assets as the loan balance and the investment yield as the loan rate)

On this calculator, you need to enter the actual number of months of the loan.

Enter the actual number of months, and leave the box for monthly payment blank.

Web Link 18.28How long will a person's assets last?

Web Link 18.29Determining the monthly contribution today to provide a specified annual income at retirement

This calculator provides both an annual savings requirement and a lump sum contribution.

Web Link 18.30Determining the necessary accumulated wealth to provide a specified annual income at retirement

Web Link 18.31Complex models for retirement planning

Web Link 18.32Additional complex calculators for retirement planning

Click on Retirement Planning Calculator

Web Link 18.33Pointer sites for financial planning models

Scroll down to Retirement Calculators. This site is maintained by Prof. David Durst at the University of Akron. There are an extensive number of links on other topics at this site.

Web Link 18.34FAQs for IRAs

Web Link 18.35Pointer sites for information on IRAs

Web Link 18.36Miscellaneous sites for IRAs

Discusses why different calculators will provide different answers to theproblem on whether you should contribute to a traditional or Roth calculator.

Web Link 18.37 FAQs for annuities

Web Link 18.38Miscellaneous sites for retirement planning

No links available at this time.

Web Link 18.39Glossary of retirement planning terms

Web Link (WSJ) 18.40[Link no longer available]

Web Link (WSJ) 18.41View recent articles on retirement planning

WallStreet Journal
Click on retirement planning, and then on Read the latest.

Web Link (WSJ) 18.42Recent articles dealing with retirement topics

WallStreet Journal
Click on retirement planning, and then on View an archive of past retirement-planning articles from The Wall Street Journal.

For Web Links 18.43 through 18.50 - use the WSJ Links links in the menu.

Web Link 18.51Information that has changed since the book was written, new information that pertains to the topic, new web sites pertaining to this chapter:

1. Educational IRAs were renamed Coverdell Educational Savings Accounts in 2002.