Alabama Chapter of NENA

July 22, 2004 – Athens, AL

1.Meeting Called to Order – 1000 AM President Roger Humphrey.Thanks were extended to Limestone County E911 for hosting the meeting.

2.Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance – Richard Holt

3.Welcome By Roger Humphrey and Richard Holt.Richard introduced Will Ellis, Limestone County E911 Board Member, and employees Lanita Smith and Jo Tranter.

4.Recognize Guests and New Members - Roger Humphrey

5.Review and approval of April 22, 2004 Chapter Minutes.

1)Motion to approve – Art Faulkner

2)Second – Pat Hall

3)Motion Carried without discussion

6.Review and Approval of Financial Report – Richard Holt

A copy of the financial report was provided to the membership for review.Richard Holt stated the balance is lower now due to the fact that AL NENA has paid the accountant bill completely for the 501c3 filing and approval project.Richard stated the IRS would not require any back payments.Richard also stated the chapter account is still due a deposit from the conference account..The conference account will transfer the funds as soon as all 2004 AL911 Association dues have been paid.Richard stated the Language Line is not costing AL NENA as much now since the larger users have established their own Language line accounts.

Motion to approve – Chris Heger

Second – Margaret Bishop

Motion carried

7.Committee Reports

1)Legislative Overview and Discussion – Roger Wilson reported the committee had met with CLEC’s and the Public Service Commission about the definition of “access Line”.It appears that either the PSC or Legislature will have to define an “access line”.They are still looking for a cost recovery plan for Phase 2.Roger Wilson stated that when the legislature is in session that AL NENA members needed to be in Montgomery asking their local representatives for support.

2)Wireless Report – Johnny Hart reported Bill Brodeur had been confirmed as a member of the CMRS Board.Max Armstrong will servo on the cost recovery committee.The CMRS Board hopes to get checks moving to Wireless Carriers in the near future.The accounting contract was terminated and the CMRS Board is in the process of bidding and hiring a new accounting firm.Roger Humphrey thanked Max Armstrong for his loyal support, both as a CMRS Board Member and as a member of the Cost Recovery Committee.

3)Membership Report – Donnie Smith reported the Alabama Chapter of NENA is a strong chapter nationally, and asked everyone communicate to employees and board members the importance of being a member.Bill Brodeur stated that Roger Humphrey had a listing from National NENA of current NENA members that needed to be corrected.Harold Parker asked that any Birmingham LATA members check with him after the meeting to review the listing.President Humphrey indicated the list cleanup needed to be done quickly and sent back to National NENA.Bill also announced that the National NENA Director, Mr. Terry Peters had resigned and the interim Director is Dr. Bob Cobb.The last national election was voided due to NENA having inaccurate membership lists.Art Faulkner asked what caused the elections to be voided.President Humphrey stated there were several close elections and many members did not get ballots.

4)Database – No Report

5)Annual Conference - Conference Chairman Bill Brodeur reported the NENA provided regional mailing list was about 200 less than last year.This is the database that AL NENA uses to send information about the AL NENA State Conference in October.They are researching the decline in the number of members on that list.All vendor booths are filled except one.Sponsorships are doing well.Jo Tranter is working on the Educational portion of the conference.Bill reported a comedian would present the closing session.Bill also acknowledged the hotel had a problem registering online and was working to correct it.

6)Internet Web Site – Roger Humphrey reported AL NENA has a premier web site maintained by John Ellison, and a fine conference web site maintained by Chuck McKinley.Roger commended both on outstanding work with the web sites.

7)Minimum Dispatch Standards – Jo Tranter reported nothing else is possible without funding support.

8)Managerial Training Report – Jo Tranter reported AL-NENA had conducted one class in 2004 in Montgomery, AL.The class was on VoIP and was well attended.The same presenter will provide a class at the annual conference.Jo is soliciting ideas on classes to present.Ray Patterson asked if a certificate would be provided to those who attended.Jo has those certificates prepared and will send soon.Jo also announced that if anyone has not gotten a certificate for any of the other classes presented by AL NENA they attended to let her know and a new certification certificate could be resent.

9)Public Relations Committee – Roger Humphrey commended the committee for a great newsletter.Johnny Hart recognized Cheryl King and Larry Duncan for their hard work on the first Chapter newsletter in many years.He stated the committee hopes to publish another one in January 2005 reporting on the annual conference.Donnie Smith asked if the newsletter could do an ECD “spotlight”.Cheryl stated the committee had requested input from ECD’s to include a write-up and photos for this use.Donnie suggested a form be placed on the web site outlining what was needed for submission.Roger Humphrey asked about any future news releases.Johnny Hart said the next would most likely be concerning VoIP.Chris Heger stated we need to make hard efforts to expose the VoIP issues with E911.Johnny Hart asked for a consensus if VoIP is the major issue facing E911 today.Roger Humphrey stated VoIP was a major problem, and that E911 personnel needed to be educated about the lack of funding associated with VoIP with E911.Donnie Smith mentioned a small business that “trades” 15-20 individual access lines for a VoIP connection could eliminate E911 funding under present arrangements.He wanted the membership to consider what would happen to E911 funding when this is a common practice.Roger Wilson asked about releasing a fact sheet to each ECD explaining the issues of VoIP into E911.He also suggested each ECD give the VoIP issue to the ECD Board’s attorney for review and comment.Margaret Bishop stated she had provided her local newspaper with the last AL NENA press release and they had not published it.Chris Heger suggested ECD’s discuss VoIP in any community meetings such as Rotary or neighborhood meetings for the subscribers to look closely at the fine print on VoIP contracts regarding “911” service.Johnny Hart welcomed the discussion and stated VoIP is the major issue the Public Relations Committee will work with for the next press release.Harold Parker stated the savings on VoIP is minimal and that many subscribers do not realize the E911 issues with VoIP.Art Faulkner stated this is a national issue and that Oregon has denied VoIP access to E911 since it does not comply with the requirements for Enhanced 911.Art stated the Alabama Attorney General has a staff attorney investigating the issue from and E911 and a consumer perspective.Thus far, the PSC has declined to take on the VoIP issue since the FCC has done the same.A Federal Bill has been introduced to regulate VoIP into E911.Richard Holt asked that everyone work closely with their local representatives to educate them about VoIP issues with E911.Roger Wilson stated he hopes to see an Attorney General injunction to prevent VoIP from introducing into E911 until the same level of information could be provided as by wireline and wireless.Roger Humphrey stated the Cullman County E911 board attorney has concerns about continued membership in NENA since National NENA entered into the agreement with Intrado to provide 10 digit PSAP numbers to VoIP providers.Margaret Bishop asked if she should release her 10 digit PSAP trunk numbers to the VoIP providers and the chapter recommendation was not to do so.

10)APCO Report – Pat Hall announced the National APCO Conference in Montreal Canada beginning August 8.The State Chapter meeting is August 17, 2004 in Clanton at the Chilton County E911 office.

11)Telco Committee – Vernon Lee reported the BellSouth/Communications Workers of America labor agreement expired August 7 and urged everyone to plan any changes with this in mind.

12)IACP – No Report

13)IAFC – Terry Harbarger had no report

14)Terrorism Committee – No report

15)Historian – Ho report by Larry Duncan

16)GIS Committee – Max Armstrong reported a survey sent statewide to get information about coordination and sharing GIS data statewide.

17)Mutual Aid Committee – No report

18)Record Retention Committee – Art Faulkner reported he had contacted the Alabama Department of Archives about E911 records retention.He requested they develop a policy guideline for records retention.Financial records are required by State and Federal law to be retained, but no one is aware of any specific guidelines about retention of tapes and CAD logs.Art stated he does not want to have to send any records to the State archives, only guidance on how long for the records to be maintained by each ECD.

8.LATA Reports

1)Birmingham – Harold Parker reported meetings between all Jefferson County ECD where there was discussion about how to get included in the County’s distribution of Homeland Defense grant funds.The County Commission did not agree to provide any E911 agency with those funds, but did agree to share their GIS database with the ECD’s at no cost.

2)Huntsville – Richard Holt had nothing to report

3)Mobile – No report

4)Montgomery – Pat Hall requested any Montgomery LATA members see her after the chapter meeting to review the NENA membership list.Chris Heger reported Washington County E911 is planning to go on-line and requested any ECD’s contacted by Washington County E911 offer assistance

9.Old Business

A.Roger Humphrey reported he had submitted a proposed definition of “access line” to the PSC.Art Faulkner reported the PSC had contacted him about what NENA wanted from the letter.Art replied that some telephone companies do not apply the surcharge definition the same.

B.Roger Humphrey asked for discussion about the draft resolution to National NENA concerning the recent NENA practice of assessing a ‘surcharge” of $100.00 to members who attend NENA events but do not lodge in “official” NENA lodging.Ray Preston prepared the draft resolution as requested by President Humphrey in the April 2004 chapter meeting.The draft resolution was attached to the April 22, 2004 chapter meeting minutes for the membership to review.

1.Motion to Approve Draft Resolution as printed and send to NENA – Roger Wilson.

2.Second – Chris Heger

3.Motion approved with no discussion.President Humphrey will send the resolution as drafted.

10New Business

A.Art Faulkner reported the State of Alabama received $37M in Homeland Defense Grant funding, and that each county received a minimum of $75,000, and up to $800,000.Each county was required to submit a spending plan.Some of the ECD’s within Alabama have received some of the funds, while many others did not.These are reimbursable grates in that the agencies approved must spend the funds first, and then apply for reimbursement.Art reported the State Homeland Defense office hopes to begin granting Interoperable Communications grants shortly after October 1, 2004.

B.Art Faulkner reported the Alabama 911 Association has named their Board of Directors.The association will not meet quarterly, but will likely meet semiannually.They will meet August 16-18 during the Alabama County Commission Conference in Mobile.Art reported that 58 of 88 ECD’s have joined the Alabama 911 Association.

C.Chapter Officer Elections - The nominating committee of Roger Wilson, Art Faulkner, and Jo Tranter presented the following for nomination.

President – Bill Brodeur

Past President Vice President – Roger Humphrey

Huntsville LATA Vice President – Larry Duncan

Montgomery LATA Vice President – Pat Hall

Nomination from the floor for Montgomery LATA Vice President – Donnie Smith.

oFirst Call Nominations President - No Response

oSecond Call Nominations President – No Response

oThird Call Nominations President – No Response

oMotion to Close Nominations – Johnny Hart

oSecond – Art Faulkner

oMotion Carried – President Nominations Closed

oFirst Call Nominations North LATA Vice-President - No Response

oSecond Call Nominations NORTH LATA Vice-President – No Response

oThird Call Nominations North LATA Vice President – No Response

oMotion to Close Nominations – Art Faulkner

oSecond – Johnny Hart

oMotion Carried – North LATA Vice President Nominations Closed

oFirst Call Nominations Central LATA Vice President - Donnie Smith Nominated

oSecond Call Nominations Central LATA President – No Response

oThird Call Nominations Central LATA President – No Response

oMotion to Close Nominations – Chris Heger

oSecond – Art Faulkner

oMotion Carried – Central LATA Vice President Nominations Closed

oFirst Call Nominations Past President - No Response

oSecond Call Nominations Past President – No Response

oThird Call Nominations Past President – No Response

oMotion to Close Nominations – Art Faulkner

oSecond – George Grabryan

oMotion Carried – Past President Nominations Closed

oPositions of President, Past President, and North Vice President accepted by acclamation.Position of Central Vice President will be decided by election with nominees Pat Hall and Donnie Smith.President Humphrey reminded all nominees to provide a letter from their board allowing them the time needed to serve if elected.

11.For the Good of the Association

1)Ray Preston announced an ENP study group forming and requested anyone interested contact him after the meeting.

2)Chris Heger announced new E911 Directors

oIn Conecuh County – Heather Walton

oIn Escambia County - Janie Cambric

oIn Hale County – Kirk Pearson

3)There was a short presentation by the Interim CMRS accountant to the membership.

12.Next Chapter meeting October 12, 8:00 AM at the Annual Conference in October 2004.Blessing of lunch offered by Art Faulkner.

Motion to Adjourn – Harold Parker

Second – Pat Hall

Motion Carried