Bracknell Town Juniors Football Club

Annex to Club Constitution and Rules

The club adopted the Charter Standard Template for its Club Constitution and Rules at a committee meeting on 8/3/2011. This Appendix to the constitution is based on the former club constitution and supplements the generic Charter Standard Template in order to retain the club philosophy and culture. Where there are any conflicts between the Charter Standard constitution and this annex, the Charter Standard constitution will take precedence.

1. Name

The club shall be known as “Bracknell Town Juniors Football Club” and abbreviated as “BTJFC”.

The club will operate under and be associated with the main Bracknell Town Football club (BTFC).

2. Primary Goal of the club

To attract and professionally develop youngsters to be prospective football players for the main BTFC.

3. Values of the club

Develop and foster a Juniors club that:

  • Is aligned to the main BTFC
  • Where youngsters enjoy playing football
  • Promotes team play
  • Attract local sponsors
  • Is fair and just, also meets requirements of any associated clubs/leagues
  • Involves parents and is recognised as a community and the club is also recognised in the wider community

4. Club structure

There will be a Club Committee and a Managers’ forum.

In Addition to the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and minutes secretary, The Club Committee will aim to include the following members: Welfare Officer, Head coach, Fund-raising co-ordinator, Club liaison and Parent liaison.

The Club Committee will make decisions with regard to the overall running of the juniors club, including but not limited to:

  • Aspects/issues identified via the main BTFC
  • Aspects/issues identified via the Managers’ forum
  • Sponsorship
  • Fund-raising activities
  • Appoint of Managers
  • Review the clubs on-going finance’s
  • Determination of the annual fee.
  • The committee will also identify and develop appropriate policies that will provide a basis for governance of the juniors club. See Appendix A for list.

The Chairman or an assigned Executive Committee member will provide a monthly update of progress to the main BTFC and vice versa, provide update of the main BTFC activities to the Executive Committee.

Managers’ forum will comprise of the following:

Chairman as above, Head coach as above and all team Managers/Assistant managers.

The Managers’ forum will review football matters, including performance, coaching, football pitch use/issues, matters arising from the executive committee etc

5. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Also any changes to the Constitution must be proposed at the AGM and these must be forwarded to the club Secretary at least 7 days prior to the AGM.

Managers/Assistant Managers will be entitled to one vote.

The parent/guardian of each child will be entitled to one vote per fee-paying child.

7. Membership

The club will operate a two-stage process.

  1. For non-existing members, a pre-registration form will need to be completed to indicate interest in joining the club and the age group the individual intends to join.
  2. For existing members, a registration form will need to be completed and the appropriate fee paid, this will be non-refundable.

See registration/membership policy for further details.

Each player will receive a football kit, aligned to the main BTFC where possible and not necessarily annually. The football kit will remain the property of the club.

Appendix B - Policies list:

  • Policy 101 - Executive Committee roles and responsibilities (Replaced by Charter Standard template).
  • Policy 102 - Registration/membership process
  • Policy 103 - Team structure / number of players
  • Policy 104 - Grievance / disciplinary (Replaced by Charter Standard Template).
  • Policy 105 - Equal opportunities, Racial Equality and Child Protection. (Replaced by Charter Standard Template).
  • Policy 106 - Conditions for a under 17’s team
  • Policy 107 - Sponsorship structure