To Bob Cooper at Rhode Island Governor’s Commission On Disabilities (GCD) , 8-20-15

Bob: I'm delighted that GCD has responded so promptly and appropriately to the concern about forums being non-accessible to those impacted by EMFs. As we both realize, this is a huge, wide-spread problem, and may seem intimidating to GCD, with its limited power to solve. However, I think there is a piece of it that is small enough, yet important enough, on which to focus. I see two areas that could be explored: public buildings & "smart meters".

"SMART" METERS: This could be low-hanging fruit, despite resistance from the companies involved. These replacements for existing none-EMF meters are totally unnecessary and even a job-killer. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

SCHOOLS & LIBRARIES:I suggest that work could be done on minimizing exposure in schools - and, hopefully, in libraries as well. It is happening already elsewhere. We can't tear the Cell Phones & Laptops from consumers' resisting hands. However, these some of these two types of public buildings could be at least places of some refuge from the bombardment of EMF/WIFI emissions.

Below is a quick set of links indicating both concern and action in other locales that might serve as a starting point in thinking about what might be done in Rhode Island. Note that there are also quite a few ads online re: devices claimed to shield against EMFs. However, it would be a bit of a job to figure out if any are really effective.

I hope you and others at GCD can find time to "consider the possibilities" over the coming months. There is no perfect solution, but some of the mitigating options described might be helpful. Blessings, Liberty G


Liberty Goodwin, Director, Toxics Information Project (TIP) 401-351-9193,


EXCERPTS FROM AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE STATEMENT ON WIRELESS RADIOFREQUENCY IN SCHOOLS: Nov. 14, 2013. The AAEM strongly supports the use of wired Internet connections, and encourages avoidance of radio frequency such as from WiFi, cellular and mobile phones and towers, and “smart meters.” The peer reviewed, scientific literature demonstrates the correlation between RF exposure and neurological, cardiac, and pulmonary disease as well as reproductive and developmental disorders, immune dysfunction, cancer and other health conditions. The evidence is irrefutable… In May 2011 the World Health Organization elevated exposure to wireless radiation, including WiFi, into the Class 2b list of Carcinogens…There is consistent, emerging science that shows people, especially children who are more vulnerable due to developing brains and thinner skulls, are being affected by the increasing exposure to wireless radiation. In September 2010, the Journal of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine Fertility and Sterility, reported that only four hours of exposure to a standard laptop using WiFi caused DNA damage to human sperm. In December 2012 the American Academy of Pediatrics, representing 60,000 pediatricians, wrote to Congress requesting that it update the safety levels of microwave radiation exposure especially for children and pregnant women.

Wifi In Schools A website helping the public realize that wireless internet, or WiFi,emits radiation that causes a myriad of serious health effects, including damage to DNA, cancer, and infertility. Research shows that autism, ADHD, and other behavioral problems are also associated with wireless radiation exposure. Many scientific and medical experts have issued warnings because of the evidence before them. (See links on page)

EMF Exposure in Schools

Many school officials and parents believe that Wi-Fi, "smart meters", or other sources of EMFs in the school are the cause of health concerns…

Teachers Unions In Germany, UK, USA & Canada Who Have Done Their Research Do Not Support WiFi In Schools, November 11, 2014,

Why Are Youths And Young Adults At Greater Risk? Investigation on Wireless Impacts on Children - Cell Phones, Wi-Fi, and Cordless Phones

EMFs in Schools

WiFi Radiation Free Schools List.

EMF in Schools – EHIB, California Electric and Magnetic Fields Program A Project of the California Department of Health Services .

EMF and Schools FMS has assisted numerous school districts in addressing EMF concerns in both new and existing school buildings.


Smart Meter Dangers: Solutions For Smart Meter Problems California gives its residents an opportunity to opt out of its Smart Meter Program.

Meter Radiation Exposure Can Be Up To 160% Greater Than Mobile Phones October 6th, 2013 | According to Daniel Hirsch, California radiation expert and UCSD instructor, one smart meter can provide up to the full body radiation exposure of 160 cell phones. Hirsch provides this information in his Comments on the Draft Report by the California Council on Science and Technology “Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters”. Hirsch criticizes the industry-influenced CCST report that incorrectly minimized smart meter risks, based on the widely distributed industry-generated Tell Associates report.

Smart Meter Dangers: Constant Microwave Emission October 7th, 2013 Concerned about the potential dangers of smart meter radiation? A WUSA news station reports that digital smart meters installed by PEPCO utility have been emitting microwave frequency signals at a much higher frequency than the company claims. In this report, frequency signals that send data to the company have been found to occur at about 4-6 times per minute, as opposed to every 4-6 hours as Pepco claims. Some residents have complained of dizziness, headaches and other health issues since the smart meters were installed.

Public Health Physician: No Evidence Smart Meters Are Safe

October 6th, 2013 Physician and former Director at the New York State Department of Health Dr David O. Carpenter talks about the impact of Smart Meters on our health. “The question to ask… is what is the evidence that smart meters are safe and have no adverse health effects? The answer to that questions is: there is no such evidence. In fact, while no-one has actually done human health studies in relation to people living in homes with Smart Meters, we have evidence from a whole variety of other sources of radio-frequency exposure that demonstrates convincingly and consistently that exposure to radio-frequency radiation at elevated levels for long periods of time increases the risk of cancer, increases the damage to the nervous system, causes electro-sensitivity, has adverse reproductive effects, and a variety of other effects on different organ systems. There is no justification from the State Department that Smart Meters have no adverse health effects.”



Australian Government Ordered To Compensate Worker With Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity