Gressam 3s, 4d, William the son of Richard, Wilson, one messuage (14s) 1 bovate of land & 11 perches (7s 4.5d) of demesne land in the same place, and pays 21s, 4.5d

1520 William the son of Richard Wilson for one mess <14s> 1 oxgang of land and the 12 part of the demesne <7s 4½d> 21s 9½d 4½d >


Gersum 42s paid Reginald Wilson holds one messuage, one bovate

to Anthony Dale of land and one parcel of demesne land, by the

lord’s warrant, and renders per annum 21s 4d


Gersum 20s 41s The relict of Reginald Wilson (Alice buried 1578) holds by the lord’s warrant dated 20 October 30 Henry VIII, for andduring widowhood one messuage with the lands belonging to the same. And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid; 21s 4d

The same relict holds at the will of the lord one parcel of waste in Newclose containing 3 parts of one rood of land. And it yields per annum at the feast of St Michael; 4½d

Raynold Wilson 1570 Borthwick vol 19 fol 340 In die no(m)i(n)e amen the xjx day of october Anno dom 1570 I Raynold Wilson secke in bodie and of pfecte memorie loved be almyghtie god make this my last will and testamente in manr and forme Folowinge First I give and bequeathe my soull to allmightie god and and (sic) my bodie to be buried in the pishe churche yearde of gigleswicke also I give and bequeathe for my mortuarye and other churche dewes all that righte will Also I give and bequeathe the title and tenand right of my tenemente after my wyffe and me to Willm Wilson my sonne also I will that my husbandrie geare shall remaine to the occupacon of my farmhold excepte my carte and carte geare and that shall my wyffe have Also I will that my wyffe have her widowright accordinge to the lawe Also I give to olivr windser my godson iiij d and to Isabell fawthroppe iiij d Also I give to Thomas Wilson my son to yt that I have geven him and he to have yt for his childes porcon Also……Willm Wilson my sonne shall have no childes porcon of my goodes because I delivrd him halfe of my Farmhold sawen in the grown. Also I agree to Thomas Fawthroppe ….rest of my parte of goodes my depts and Funralle expenses paid and …I give ..bequeathe to Alice my wyffe and Raynold Wilson my sonnes sonne whom I make …executors Thes witnes Richarde pailey thelder Thomas Jude(?) xpofer Cockhead and James foster the curaite ther

1572 continued

He owes William Wilson holds nothing the son of the said

Gersum 20s Reginald holds and occupies the moiety of the said

Dismissed tenement by licence of the late Earl/Countess of

Cumberland, in writing, directed to Richard

Newhouse, late Bailiff and Official in the same

place, bearing date at Burgham 4 July 1558, and he

paid a fine to George the now Earl of Cumberland

as pertains to his full estate.

1579 jurors William Wilson one messuage, one barn and a little house with a garden, one croft containing by estimation half one acre. Also 13 acres of arable ground and meadow lying in the common fields, whereof is of the demesne ground 2 acres and three roods. The yearly rent is 21s 4d. Sum is 13 acres and a half acre.

No wedding

23.10.1564, Reginaldus, William, Wilson, died, 1597, 4, Reginald, Wilson, 1597,

28.2.1568, Willelmus, William, Wilson, died, 1581, 3, William, Wilson, 1581, adoles

1.1.1571, Thomas, William, Wilson, alive see will below

6.1.1575, Elizabeth, William, Wilson,

8.12.1575, Jacobus, William, Wilson,

40th Eliz.Reginald Wilson has died. Richard Wilson his brother is the next heir and is aged 10 years.

Renold Wilson b1564 died 1597 (son of William in his grandad’s will) Borthwick vol. 27 fol. 421 In the name of god amen the 10th day of October Anno do. 1597 I Renold Wilson of Giglesweeke singleman being sicke in bodye but of perfect memory praised be almightie god, did make his last will and testament in manner and forme following First he did Comend his soule into the handes of almightie god his heavenlie father believing by the merittes of Jesus Christ to be saved Also he did give and bequeath his tenement (and) tenement right thereto to Christopher Wilson his brothers sonne, and to the issue of his bodye lawfully to be begotten And for default of such issue he did give and bequeath the same to Thomas Wilson his brother and to thissue of his body lawfully to be begotten And for default of such issue he did bequeath his said tenement to Lawrence Lawson Thomas Lawson Ellyn Claphamson and Agnes Newhouse equally amongst them, if the Right ho(nourable) thearle of Cumberland did not redeame the same Also whereas he did owe to the said Earle or his assignes the some of xxij li for the latter payment of his fyne for the said tenement his will was and he appointed that the said xxij li should be made of the ground and tenemente itselfe And if the said Earle or his assignes did redeeme the same, then he bequeathed the money already paid to Christopher Wilson or his assignes And yet nevertheless he willed and ordeyned that if Christopher and Thomas Wilson aforesaid dyed without issue of their bodyes lawfully begotten, that then the money already paid to the said Earle or his assignes should returne from the said Christopher and Thomas Wilson and be equally devided amongst theise fower vidz Lawrence Lawson Thomas Lawson Ellyn Claphamson and Agnes Newhouse or their assignes Also his will was and he did give & bequeath to George Lawson his uncle the use occupacon, and government of his said tennement and lease and also the tuition of Christopher Wilson abovesaid until the said Earle or his assignes should redeame or during the nonage of the said xpofer Wilson Also whereas Lawrence Lawsonne aforesaid and John Armitstead of Giglesweke stand bound to Robt Bancke of Giglesweke for the payment of twenty pounds for him the said Renold, his will was and he did ordeyne that the said Lawrence and John should have his land in Giglesweke for their discharge And if it did fortune at any tyme hereafter, that xpofer Wilson did repay the said twenty poundes to Lawrence Lawson and John Armitstead aforesaid or their assignes that he appointed and ordeyned that the said land should discend and remayne to the said xpofer and to the heires of his bodye lawfully to be begotten and for default of such issue to Thomas Wilson and to the heires of his bodye lawfully to be begotten and for default of such issue to Lawrence Lawson and to the heires of his body lawfully begotten for ever Also whereas he acknowledged himselfe indebted to his brother Thomas Wilson and to some others his will was & he ordeyned that his debtes should be paid of his goodes and the remaynder to be to Thomas Wilson his brother for his better mayntenance and in Consideracon of all such debtes as the said Renold did owe unto him whome he willed also to be relieved of his said tenement Also he did ordeyne and appointe Lawrence Lawson & John Armitstead aforesaid to be executors of this his last will and testament willing that as well George Lawson aforesaid as also his said Executors should be kept harmles Theis being witnesses Chr: Shute George Lawson, Willm Newhouse, Oliver Newhouse Richard Armitstead Thomas dockney

37 eliz William Wilson, tenant, has died. A son called Richard Wilson has similarly died. A son Christopher survives, whom the jurors thought to be the correct tenant.

1600 Pierse 21s 8d

Christopher Wilson holds one messuage or mansion house with a barn, stable, yard and garden adjoining and also diverse lands thereunto belonging lying dispersed within the fields aforesaid. Sum total 13- 2- 9- 3 £5 3s

Meadow 8- 1- 1- 3

Arable 5- 1- 8- 0

His beastgates in the common pasture


Christopher Wilson for one tenement / 21s 8d
1613 Christopher Wilson / 9 / 8.5

Robert Banckes, 8 October 2 James of England 1604 All that one messuage or tenement one lathe one garden and half an oxgang of land meadow and pasture with the appurtenances lying to the said messuage containing these several parcels following viz The Neither Crofte Sandeholme close and Satrum lande the Crookes Dadall Buttes Hungromes and the Inge Closes late before that in the tenure of one Robert Crake Of the ancient annual rent of 11s And also one little close called Crofte Bancke and a little close or garden called the Hempelandes sometimes parcel of the tenement of Richard Claphamsonne and lateand late before that in the possession of the said Robert Crake of the ancient rent of 12d And also certain parcels of arable lands and meadow sometimes parcel of the tenement of William Wilson viz The Rough Croft the Felling land Clovenstone the Saunde Rygges a Hungrom land the Inge Close the Mylne Butt two Keldes and the ground in Brakenbarr on both sides of Swabeck All which are of the ancient annual rent of 12s And also certain butts called Rilabuttes and also one parcel of coppice or woody ground parcel of Giggleswick Spring and all rocks crag and waste grounds and all fences hedges and hedgerows ways and easements lying and belonging to the said parcel of coppice and woody ground and therewith heretofore used occupied or enjoyed and then newly rented and demised for the annual rent 20d And also one parcel of meadow ground called Foster Inge newly rented and demised for the rent of six pence All which premises are situate lying and being in Giggleswick aforesaid and then were in the tenure of the said Robert Banckes and are of the annual rent of 26s 2d.To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 26s 2d, Moore Rent 5s 9d,

Mr Robert Bankes by indenture dated 13 April 13 James (1615)All that messuage and tenement etc before granted to him under 26s 2d rent, A messuage and tenement sometimes John Swainsons <parcel of Tho. Newhouse tenement called Ashton Banck 4d> rent 6s 8d, parcels of a tenement late Christopher Wilsons Rent 8s 9d, And parcel of Richard Prestons tenement Rent 2d, Divers parcels of the Moores aswell his own as by assignment, To have to him and his heirs in fee farme yielding etc per annum 42s 1d, And for moore rent 21s 2d at Michaelmas only,Suit of court and mill etc. [Note in RH margin] 42s 1d Moore Rent for his owne of 26s 2d R[ent] 5s 9d for Wilsons [moor rent] 2s 4½d paid by Mr Armitstead Moore Rent for Swainsons 21d now paid by Tho. Preston & Thomas Craven]

[Note in LH margin: Thereof Mr Armistead 16s 11d ... 2 parts of 2 parts [Mist]ress Banckes 14s 3 parts 1d Tho. Woo 3s 4d Tho. Preston 7s 10d and 3 parts of 2 parts of 1d.]


4s, 6d, Helen the relict of John, Wilson, 1 lodge, , the same John, , 10s

1520 Ellen the wife of John Wilson 10s

1550 Roger Wilson the son of John holds one tenement with the lands appertaining by [blank] and renders per annum 10s

1572 Gersum 30s Roger Wilson holds by the lord’s warrant dated

Fully paid 25 October 4 Edward VI for the term of his life

etc one tenement with the appurtenances in Mewith.

And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid 10s

1579 jurors Roger Wilson one messuage, one barn and one house, one close called the Nether Field by estimation 5 acres and a half, and one other close by estimation 6 acres and a rood. Yearly rent is 10s.

, , , Roger died 1603 of Tipperthwaite, , , , , , , , ,

, , , Elizabeth wife of Roger died 1598, , , , , , , , ,

?? William

31, 3, 1559, 31.3.1559, Agnes, Roger, Wilson died 1607 spinster Tipperthwaite

22, 4, 1564, 22.4.1564, Johannes, Roger, Wilson, died 1565, , , , ,

18, 6, 1566, 18.6.1566, Thomas, Roger, Wilson, , , , , ,

, , , 16, 5, 1611, Thomas, WILSON, D, Agnes, OVEREND, ,

, , , , , , 12.2.1612, Willelmus, Thomae, Wilson, Tiperthwaite, ,

, , , , , , 6.11.1614, Jacobus, Thomae, Wilson, Tiperthwaite, ,

, , , , , , 11.10.1618, Ricardus, Thomae, Wilson, Tiperthwaite, ,

, , , , , , 28.1.1621, Willelmus, Thomae, Wilson, Tipperthwaite, ,

, , , , , , , , , , , ,

10, 4, 1569, 10.4.1569, Adam, Roger, Wilson, , , , , ,

, , , 16, 12, 1626, Adamus, WILSON, D, Elizabetha, BROWNE, D,

, , , , , , 28.10.1626, Anna, Adam, Wilson, Giggleswick, ,

, , , , , , 12.5.1633, Robertus, Adam, Wilson, Giggleswick, ,

, , , , , , 13.8.1637, Margareta, Adam, Wilson, , ,

, , , , , , 1.5.1639, Agnes, Adam, Wilson, , ,

, , , , , , 18.10.1640, Jacobus, Adam, Wilson, , ,



Willm Wilson sone of Roger Wilson of Mewith haith taken of the said Commissioners one mess one Laythe one outhouse one Close called the nedder field conteyninge by estimacon five acres and a half one other close conteyninge by estimacon 6roods of the rent of 10s now in the tenure of the said Roger to Have and to holde And payinge for his fyne £7 10s
Provydett that the said Willm shall suffer the said Roger to occupye two pts of the premises during his Lyff and the wyf of the said Roger the therde pte therof During her widowhood

1600 Pierse £4 7s 4d

William Wilson holds one mansion house with a barn, stable, turf house, yard, two gardens and a small **** of meadow and arable land thereto adjoining called Tipperthwaite together also with one other **** of meadow and arable land near there unto called Tipperthwaite Close cont together 13-3-9-0 His beastgates in the common pasture


William Wilson for a messuage and certain closes / 8s 6d
Robert Shutt for the Stonehouse and a garden 8d and for the moiety of a tenement 10s, for the Holme late William Wilson’s 18d, for Ostell Bank close and other grounds 5s / 18s 2d


William Wilson / 8 / 6


Wm. Wylson, the first day of September 4 King James of England etc 1606 All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances situate in Meweth in G aforesaid and then in the tenure of Wm. Wylson of the annual rent of 8s 6d To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 8s 6d, And for Moore Rent 2s ¾d, Thereof Wm. Banckes 6d, Roger Wilson 12d, Robert Payley 2d, Thomas Heatone 1d, Jo. Franckland 3d, Mr. Shute 6d, Roger Wilson 7s, Robert Payley 12d