People For People Frequently Asked Questions

What types of appointments can I receive transportation help for?

We can assist you with transportation to covered medical appointments that are billed to your Medicaid Card.

What kinds of transportation options are available?

Bus Passes/Tickets/Tokens Volunteer Driver

Dial-A-Ride/Paratransit Tickets/Passes Taxi

Commercial Bus Train

Gas Vouchers Wheelchair Accessible Van

Mileage Reimbursements

How much does it cost?

There is no charge to the client.

How do I qualify?

You must have a valid DSHS Provider One Medicaid Identification Card.

What if I have not received my Provider One Medicaid Card?

We may be able to look up your information with your last name, first name and date of birth.

How can I get help to get to my doctor's appointment?

Local area trips, call at least two (2) working days in advance

Long distance, out-of-area trips, call five (5) working days in advance

Call Center Hours

Monday-Friday 7:00 am - 4:30 pm

(Closed weekends and all major holidays)

Toll Free: 800-233-1624 Locally: (509) 248-6793

TTY Toll Free: 800-606-1302 TTY Locally: (509) 453-1302

What do I need to have ready when I call to ask for a trip and what questions will I be asked?

You will need your current DSHS Medicaid Card and you will be asked:

•Your Name (as listed on your Medical Card)

•Provider One ID#

•Your date of birth

•Your current street address (directions if necessary) and mailing address

•Telephone number, cell number or a message number

•Your current transportation resources

•Appointment date and time

•Special considerations (i.e. on portable oxygen, low immune system, etc.)

•Location (Doctor’s Name/Office or Clinic, Suite#, Department, Floor & Phone)

•Referring doctor name and telephone number for out of local area trips

•Mobility (Walk, Use a Wheelchair, Reclining Wheelchair, Crutches, etc.)

•Escort or other medically necessary attendant going along to help client

•The name and detailed address and phone number of your medical appointment

•Emergency contact information

What time will they pick me up?

•For local trips you need to be ready 30 minutes prior to your appointment.

•For long distance trips it varies depending on the city your appointment is in. You can check your pick-up time by clicking here or call the business day prior to your appointment after 2:00 p.m. and press Option 3 to receive your pickup time, or go to our home page and click on Check my Trip.

Who can go with me to my appointment?

•If you do not have childcare, please notify us when you call. As required by law, you will need to provide child safety seats.

•If you need to take a caregiver or an adult to assist you, please tell us when you call, as seats are limited.

•If you have a service animal, please let us know.

How do I cancel my ride?

Call People For People as soon as you know you will need to cancel your ride. For local appointments call at least two hours prior to your medical appointment. For long distance trips, please call the business day prior, or choose option 3 to leave a message on our voicemail system.

What happens if I forget to cancel my ride?

It is important to contact our office so you don’t receive a no show. Providers may not be willing to pick you up if you no show. You may receive a letter stating that you no showed and after three no shows, you could be suspended.

If I have a car, can I get help with gas or mileage reimbursement?

Yes, you will need to provide a copy of your driver’s license, vehicle registration and insurance before your appointment. If you are not driving, you will need to provide the same information for the person that will be driving. You can either bring it into our office (304 West Lincoln Avenue, Yakima, WA) or you can fax the information to (509) 574-5085. Make sure you address the fax to the attention of the PFP staff person who is helping you with your ride.

When will I get my mileage reimbursement check?

You can estimate receiving your reimbursement check about 45 to 60 days after you have submitted your properly completed forms.