Meeting Minutes

May 13th, 2010 2:00 to 3:30 P.M.

Capitol Board Room- Room 240 –StateCapitolBuilding


Lieutenant Governor Greg Bell
Brian Garrett
Molly Pace representing Elaine Pace
Aubri Darton
Karen Mayne and Judy Barnett
Keith Squires
Jake Murakami
Jeanne Hall
Erica Dahl
Gwen Springmeyer
Lloyd Pendleton
Leslie Wagstaff
Shelley Gabriel representing Anne O’Brien
Larry Shumway
Barbara Drake representing Dwight Rasmussen
Katherine Smith
Patricia Johnson representing Betsy Ward
Josh Pedersen / Guests
Gordon Walker
Ed Lombard
Shar Lewis, Executive Director
Shar Lewis
LaDawn Stoddard
Pam Davidson
Justin Hudspeth
Barry Wilcox
ExcusedGeorge Garwood
Jennifer Hogge
Wally Brown
Bill Sederburg


Utah Commission on Volunteers Board Meeting Minutes, May 13th, 2010

Welcome/Approval of Minutes- Lieutenant Governor Greg Bell, Chair

Welcome by Lieutenant Governor Bell followed by introduction of Commissioners and proxy members.Review of last meeting minutes. All action items from the February board meeting are complete.

MOTION: Motion to approve February 13th, 2010 meeting minutes by Lieutenant Governor Bell. Motioned byBrian Garrett, seconded byLloyd Pendleton, motion carried unanimously.

Governance- Lieutenant Governor Greg Bell, Chair

Outgoing Commissioner/Thank You

Lieutenant Governor Bell recognized and gave appreciation to Commissioner Josh Pedersen who will be relocating to Frederick, Maryland to become the CEO of United Way of Frederick. Josh’s service to the Commission and the service efforts in Utah are held in high regard and will be missed.

Commissioner Update

Congratulations to Commissioner Elaine Pace who has taken a new position as President of Sanoviv Medical Institute. Elaine will be completing her term as First Vice Chair and second term of service in December.

Commissioner Recruitment 2011

Current vacant positions:

  • Representativeof Native Americans or expert in the delivery of human, educational, cultural, environmental or public safety services to communities and individuals (one position available)
  • Expert in the delivery of human, educational, cultural, environmental or public safety services to communities and individuals (two positions available)
  • Representative of an entity that receives assistance under the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (one position available).
  • Secretary/Member of the Executive Committee
  • Community Collaboration Chair

ACTION: Please provide vacant Commissioner and Committee member referrals and contact information to Shar Lewis.

Staff Position Available & AmeriCorps VISTA Recruitment

Collette Merrill, Special Events Program Manager, is no longer with the Commission.The Commission will be hiring for a Program Manager-Training & Outreach and a Program Coordinator- Special Projects & Technical Assistance over the upcoming month.

Two AmeriCorps VISTA members, Steve Bagley and Barry Wilcox, will be ending their terms of service at the Commission in July. The Commission will be recruiting for these positions as well.

ACTION:Please provide referrals to Shar Lewis.


Citizen Corpsby Keith Squires, Committee Chair

Continued transition of Citizen Corps program to Department of Public Safety. Jeff Johnson is working hard to reach in to communities. Assistance provided by Steve Bagley, AmeriCorps VISTA member with COV/DPS

Community Collaboration/Volunteer Recognition– Josh Pedersen, Committee Chair

2010 Utah Conference on Service Review

Conference overview with recognition of fantastic conference workshop presenters, detailed preparation by planning committee members, and an overall good rating by attendees. Senator Hatch was able to be keynote and rearranged his Senior Conference to be able to attend the Conference on Service. Appreciated brief and informative awardee recognition. Attendees liked reception for award recipients and would like to see continued collaboration with Silver Bowl awards in the future which will be dependent on the Utah Volunteer Center Association.

Acknowledged Josh’s impact on volunteerism and powerful positive effects that will be missed.

Suggestion to inform volunteers of purpose and goal of the service project before service begins. This assists in positive outlook of feeling accomplishment upon completion.

Volunteer Generation Fund Application

We will be submitting an application for the Commission to request funding specific for State Service Commission that would support three areas: advance volunteer recognition program (train-the-trainer), improve days of service activities (continued volunteer participant) and technical assistance (tracking skills of individuals and connecting them with organizations).

Ongoing Volunteer Recognition Program Hatch/Bell

Senator Hatch’s office would like to partner with the Lieutenant Governor’s office to recognize volunteers. Opened meeting to discussion on how to honor or who to honor as volunteer recognition.

ACTION: Include on Volunteer Recognition form, “please include a quote from volunteer or on volunteering achievement”. Include in recognition letter the specific information regarding the appreciated services that was completed.

Suggestion to screen volunteers and place each volunteer in an area of their strength so they feel good about service and will return to volunteer again.

Youth Engagement– Justin Hudspeth, AmeriCorps VISTA Member & Committee Member

Summer of Service Campaign

Flyer included in the packet to promote the Summer of Service campaign where participants that serve and log their hours are eligible to receive the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. The campaign will kick off on June 1 and end on August 31. We will be honored to provide a luncheon with the Lieutenant Governor for the volunteer with the most service hours. To kick off the campaign, we will promote a statewide log in to have individuals register with the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) website begin logging their hours of service.

ACTION:COV Staff will be sending an email shortly asking you to send on to your organization (flyer attached). Please inform us who you will be sending the flyer to and how you are encouraging those individuals to get involved this summer. Push the June 1st date as the kick off and media event to include your organization/contacts.

AmeriCorps/National Service - by Lloyd Pendleton, Committee Member

Program Director’s Trainings August/September.

AmeriCorps Week

Kicked off the week with Lieutenant Governor Bell reading the Governor’s Proclamation to AmeriCorps and a community service project at WasatchGardens on May 11. on May 13, Real Salt Lake Major League Soccer will be hosting an AmeriCorps recognition event at their pre-game carnival and half time.

Competitive & Formula Application Update

Training provided statewide to educate on how to submit application for funding.

Budget Approval- Serve America Increase

CNCS Admin match reduction request was not approved. Budget was adjusted from previously approved ($250,000-grant/$177,000-match) to reflect dollar for dollar match ($250,000-grant/$250,000-match).

MOTION:Motion to approve revised budget by Lieutenant Governor Bell. Motioned by Gwen Springmeyer, seconded by Josh Pedersen, motion carried unanimously.

Grant Review Committee

The AmeriCorps Evaluation Committee will be meeting frequently over the next several months to review the submitted grant applications.

Disability Inclusion Project Update

Brochure for recruitment included in packet.

Resource Development – by Leslie Wagstaff, Committee Member

This committee is unique in that it provides the opportunity to fundraise for Commission activities.

ACTION:Please follow-up with Leslie Wagstaff or Shar Lewis if you have committee member referrals or ideas.

EncoreSkills Based Initiatives - by Jake Murakami, Committee Co-Chair

Commission has created the Encore & Skills Based Committee in an effort to increase and sustain this current volunteer population. First committee meeting is scheduled for early June. More information will be provided.

ACTION:Please contact Jake Murakami or Shar Lewis with referrals of individuals who may be a good fit on this Committee.

ANNUAL LEGAL TRAINING- byEd Lombard, Legal Council

This board is subject to the Open Public Meeting and is required to have annual open and public meeting training. Always engage council person, who for this board is Kathy Kinsman, when clarity needs to be provided. Must provide notice of location and agenda 24 hours in advance. Must have written and recorded minutes. Minutes must include matters proposed, discussed and passed. At public’s request, minutes must be released as “unapproved” if next quarterly meeting has not taken place. Recording of minutes must be available in three business days.


May 8 -15AmeriCorps Week

May 11AmeriCorps Week Governor Proclamation/Press EVENT BY Lieutenant Governor

May 13AmeriCorps Night at Real Salt Lake

June 1 – Aug 312010 Summer of Service

June 28 – 30National Conference on Volunteering & Service, New York City

August 12Quarterly Commissioner Meeting 2pm at Capitol Board Room

September 11National Day of Service

September 13-16AmeriCorpsState & National Training Conference, Maryland

November 18Quarterly Commissioner Meeting 2pm at Capitol Board Room


Expressed appreciation to members for participation and attendance. Adjournment at 3:32 P.M.

2010MEETING SCHEDULE–please add to your calendars

  • Thursday, August 12th, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m., Capitol Board Room
  • Thursday, November 18th, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m., CapitolBoardRoom- rescheduled due to veteran’s day

**** Next Meeting: Thursday, August 12th, 2:00-3:30 PM in Capitol Board Room ****

The mission of the Utah Commission on Volunteers, an office of the Lieutenant Governor,

is to improve communities through service and volunteering.


Utah Commission on Volunteers Board Meeting Minutes, May 13th, 2010