Couples for Christ-Singles for Christ

Christian Life Program

Prayer Warriors’ Prayer Guide



In the name of Jesus, we take authority and we bind all powers and forces in the air, in the ground, in the water, in the underground, in the netherworld, in nature and in fire for You are the Lord over all the entire universe and we give You glory for Your creation. In Your Name, we bind all demonic forces that have come against us, our families, our community – SFC and we seal all of us in the protection of Your precious blood that was shed for us in the cross. Mary, our mother, we seek Your protection and intercession with the sacred heart of Jesus for us and our families and surround us with Your mantle of love to discourage the enemy. St. Michael and our guardian angels, come defend us, our families, and our community – SFC, in the battle against all evil ones that roam the earth. In the name of Jesus, we bind and command all the powers and forces of evil to depart right now away from us, our homes and our land and we thank You, Lord Jesus, for You are a faithful and compassionate God. AMEN.

3. Psalm 104 (Praise the Lord, O My Soul)

4. Psalm – Prayer

L – God, You created the whole world to show Your power and overflowing love. Send forth Your grace in our hearts and renew the face of the earth by Your word, that we may sing Your praises in a chant of eternal resurrection.

Blessed are the eyes that see what You see.

Resp – And the ears that hear what You hear.

5. Psalm 144 (Blessed Be the Lord my Rock)

6. Psalm – Prayer

L – God, You have created heaven and earth. You are the sanctification of the saints and the justification of repentant sinners. Receive us into the community of Your saints that we may eternally praise You.

7. Marian Prayer

Heavenly Father, we thank You for giving us Mary, the mother of Your Son and our mother. As we pray this rosary in her honor, we dedicate our families, our on-going CLP and our community – SFC to her motherly care and protection. Through her prayer and intercession, may we grow closer to Your son, Jesus, and may the spirit of unity, peace and a desire for reconciliation grow among us. Like Mary, may we constantly ponder in our hearts the great mystery of Your love for us and seek to do Your will in all things. Give us like Mary the insight and awareness to recognize the needs of our brothers and sisters and the courage to respond to those needs. To seek the truth and to work for justice that all men may come to know what it means to be Your children. Mother Mary, pray for us.

8. Prayer for the CLP

Father, through the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, You prepared a worthy place for Your Son. In view of the foreseen death of Your Son, You preserved her from all sin. Through her intercession, grant that we may also reach You with clean hearts through our on-going Christian Life Program, especially to:

a.  Our invited participants, that they may find new life rediscovering Your Son.

b.  Our speaker, bro./sis. ______, defend him/her against the treacheries and deception of Satan and help him/her hereby giving him/her the wisdom and knowledge to impart.

c.  Our heads of the service and music ministry ______& ______, that they will forever be clothed with Your grace of servanthood.

d.  To our discussion group leaders and assistant discussion group leaders, grant them the grace to become effective workers in Your vineyard.

e.  Our loved ones, that You may watch over them and protect them from any physical, material, emotional, psychological and spiritual harm.

9. The Holy Rosary with Biblical Meditations

The Apostle’s Creed…

Our Father…

L – “Hail Mary, privilege daughter of God the Father.”

Resp – Hail Mary, full of grace…

L – “Hail Mary, mother of God, the Son.”

Resp – Hail Mary, full of grace…

L – “Hail Mary, sanctuary of God, the Holy Spirit.”

Resp – Hail Mary, full of grace…

L – Glory be to the Father…

Resp – As it was in the beginning…

FIRST MYSTERY: Jesus Arises from Death.

“…go to my brothers and tell them, I am ascending to my Father and Your Father, to my God and Your God.” (John 20:17)

Reflection: Let us pause a little while in order to realize the need to follow Jesus and serve Him through others in joyful hope… (Pause)

L – Our Father…

Resp – Give us this day….

L – 1. The third day Jesus arose from the dead, defeating death and hell. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 2. Jesus descended into limbo, to liberate the awaiting saints. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 3. Risen, Jesus first shared His joy and triumph with his blessed mother. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 4. Jesus appeared to Magdalene, sending her to inform the apostles. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 5. Peter and John ran to the tomb and found it empty, but for the shroud and head-cloth. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 6. Later Jesus appeared to Peter still grieving for his triple denial. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 7. The disciples on the road to Emmaus said, “When He joined us on the road and explained the scriptures, were not our hearts burning.” Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 8. At nightfall, Jesus stood amid His apostles and said: “Peace to You.” Before leaving, He gave them the power to forgive sins, giving us the sacrament of confession. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 9. Eight days later, Jesus cam again, inviting doubting Thomas to touch his wounds. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 10. Moved by such love from his Master, and the bare truth before him, Thomas exclaimed, “my Lord and my God.” Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – Glory Be…

Resp – As it was in the beginning…

All – O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell and bring all souls into heaven, especially those who have most need of thy mercy.

SECOND MYSTERY: Jesus Returns to Heaven.

“Then He led them out near Bethany, and with hands upraised, blessed them. As He blessed, he left them, and was taken up to heaven.” (Lk 24:50)

Reflection: Let us ask ourselves what it means to live with heaven in mind… (Pause)

L – Our Father…

Resp – Give us this day….

L – 1. Before going up to the Father, Jesus passed on his powers and mission to the apostles, to lead and govern the church. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 2. Jesus said to his disciples: “Go to all the nations in the world, to preach the ‘Good News’ of salvation.” Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 3. You shall teach them to observe all that I have commanded You, and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 4. Jesus said: “Those who believed and are baptized shall be saved; those who do not believe shall be condemned.” Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 5. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to assist the apostles in their task. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 6. Jesus added: “…and see, I am with You until the end of the world.” Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 7. Then, they all saw Jesus ascending into heaven, blessing them all. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 8. Jesus opened heaven to us and sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 9. The wounds of the Son moved the Father to endless mercy on mankind. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 10. Jesus, our mediator, desires that all men may be saved through Him.” Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – Glory Be…

Resp – As it was in the beginning…

All – O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell and bring all souls into heaven, especially those who have most need of thy mercy.

THIRD MYSTERY: Jesus Sends the Holy Spirit

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down on You, then You are to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, yes even to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

Reflection: Let us examine ourselves concerning our duty to spread the faith… (Pause)

L – Our Father…

Resp – Give us this day….

L – 1. After ten days, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, the teacher of all truth. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 2. Mary, the mother of the church, was with the apostles in prayerful expectation. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 3. The Holy Spirit manifested His coming by the rush of a strong wind and by tongues of fire. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 4. Filled with the Spirit, all started praising God in different tongues. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 5. In the Spirit, the apostles were enlightened about their sublime call and duty to preach salvation for all, through Jesus the risen Lord. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 6. The Holy Spirit sent them a fire with love for God and men. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 7. They boldly told the outside crowds: “The Jesus You crucified has risen from the dead. We all bear witness to that.” Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 8. Moved by this witnessing, repentant thousands believed in Jesus as the savior, asking to be baptized. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 9. O Holy Spirit, come also in our hearts to help us change our worldly ways. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 10. Come, Holy Spirit, stir us into commitment to live and spread the faith. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – Glory Be…

Resp – As it was in the beginning…

All – O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell and bring all souls into heaven, especially those who have most need of thy mercy.

FOURTH MYSTER: The Assumption of Mary

“If we have been united to Him in a death like His, we shall certainly be united to Him in resurrection like His.” (Rom 3:11)

L – Our Father…

Resp – Give us this day….

L – 1. Mary was taken up to heaven because God’s Son became man from her flesh. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 2. God the Father lovingly received Mary into her heavenly glory. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 3. God the Son embraces His mother. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 4. God the Holy Spirit welcomed the Virgin Mother. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 5. The mighty Cherubim and Seraphim humbly paid homage to their queen. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 6. The angels and saints surrounded Mary in triumphant jubilation. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 7. Mary, the sorrowful mother of Calvary is now sharing the glory of her Son. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 8. Mary is ever concerned for mankind, redeemed by the blood of her Son. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 9. Being our mother, she pleads for us with God, for mercy and salvation. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 10. God’s graces come to us through Mary, the mother of our savior. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – Glory Be…

Resp – As it was in the beginning…

All – O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell and bring all souls into heaven, especially those who have most need of thy mercy.

FIFTH MYSTERY: The Crowning of Mary in Heaven

“God who is mighty has done great things for me, holy is His name; His mercy is from age to age on those who fear Him.” (Lk 1:49-50)

Reflection: May God’s love and mercy be on us so that we may persevere unto the end… (Pause)

L – Our Father…

Resp – Give us this day….

L – 1. Having entered heaven, Mary was gloriously crowned as queen. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 2. Mary was crowned for her incomparable love for God. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 3. Mary was crowned for her angelic purity. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 4. Mary was crowned for her profound humility. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 5. Mary was crowned for her unreserved obedience. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 6. Mary was crowned for her saintly prudence. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 7. Mary was crowned for her devoted endurance.” Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 8. Mary was crowned for her boundless gratitude for all God’s graces. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 9. Mary was crowned for her reverence in all virtues. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – 10. Mary was crowned above all angels and saints as she becomes the mother of God. Hail Mary…

Resp – Holy Mary…

L – Glory Be…

Resp – As it was in the beginning…

All – O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell and bring all souls into heaven, especially those who have most need of thy mercy.

All – O Mary, most pure and glorious virgin-mother of God, we offer You this crown of prayers, in union with all the praises and prayers addressed to You in and on earth. Deign to accept them as a token of love and graciously may Your Immaculate Heart obtain from Your divine son, for us and our dear ones for whom we pray for grace to live a good life and to die in God’s merciful love. Amen.

L – Blessed be the name of Jesus and Mary.

Resp – From now unto eternity.

10. Song – Te Deum

11. Diving Praises