Montana Secretary of State Linda McCulloch

Elections and Government Services Division


Election Disaster and Contingency Planning

Disaster and contingency planning is a vital tool in the election day planning process. Each county election administrator should have a disaster and contingency plan on file. Following is an outline to be used as a tool to help prepare a plan.

1.  Identify potential types of disasters and/or contingencies, and draft a plan for each potential disaster:

a.  Natural Disaster (snow/ice, flooding, tornado, fire, etc.)

b.  Health-Related Disaster (influenza outbreak, etc.)

c.  Unexpected Poll Worker Shortage

d.  Shortage of Ballots or other Critical Supplies

e.  Phone System Crash

f.  Bomb Threat

g.  Power Failure (election office, polling place, etc.)

h.  Internet Connection Problem

i.  Other

2.  Develop and put in writing a line of succession for staffing the election office.

3.  Designate staff responsible for each task in the event of a disaster or contingency.

4.  Identify agencies that can assist with a disaster or contingency.

a.  Create a list of key contact people for any identified agencies.

5.  Compile emergency contact information to include key personnel and after hours contact information for:

a.  Disaster and Emergency Services

b.  Law enforcement

c.  Fire department

d.  Phone company

e.  Internet provider

f.  Health department

g.  State election office

6.  See “Polling Place Relocation Checklist” form (attached) if you need to do an emergency relocation of a polling place.

7.  Sample Plan is attached – note: sample plan does not include every possible disaster and/or contingency.

/ Polling Place Relocation Procedures Checklist
Chief election judge or polling place manager will use this checklist in the event of an emergency that requires relocation of the polling place. This checklist is a sample only. Please modify as necessary for county-specific procedures.
for use by chief election judge or polling place manager at polling place in case of emergency
1. Is there an immediate threat to the safety of voters and election judges?
If so, evacuate voters and judges, then call 911 immediately.
2. If there is not an immediate safety threat:
Contact the County Clerk and Recorder/Election Administrator at (insert phone number): ______
Evacuate voters in a calm manner. Let voters who have a ballot finish voting, unless threat is imminent
Seal and secure ballots for transport
Before you turn off voting machines, note the number of ballots on each machine so that the number can be verified at the new location
Secure voting equipment and prepare for transport
Transport equipment and supplies to your designated relocation area using bi-partisan teams of judges
Post Polling Place Relocation Signs where they are easily visible at evacuated polling place
Set up machines, ballots and other supplies at the new polling place
Verify that seals on equipment and ballot boxes are intact
After voting machines are turned on, verify that the number of ballots on each machine is the same. New “zero” tapes are not required
Resume voting as quickly as possible
Contact the County Clerk/Election Administrator when relocation is complete

SAMPLE PLAN – Please adapt to individual county needs

Disaster/Contingency Scenarios / Task List / Staff Responsible for Task / Assisting Agency(s) / Emergency Contact / After Hours Contact
Natural Disaster / Provide transportation to critical staff
Provide Power
Provide Internet service if possible
Provide phone service/forwarding
Provide PC desktop access to critical staff
Communication to Public
Health-Related Disaster / Set up protocol for polling places.
Contact public health department
Publish/post warning notices to public
Communication to Public / Election Administrator
Election Administrator
Election Staff / DES
Public Health
NA / John Doe
NA / John Doe
Poll Worker Shortage / Call back-up poll workers
Instructions to poll workers who may be short-staffed / Deputy Election Administrator
Election Administrator
Ballot/Supply Shortage / Contact election administrator
Copy sufficient number of ballots; hand-number; give voting instructions to poll workers (must vote and tabulate by hand, etc.)
Amend ballot reports to indicate additional ballots / Chief Election Judge
Election Administrator
Election Administrator
Phone System Crash / Notify phone service provider
Notify Secretary of State elections
Notify public
Provide cell phones if applicable / Deputy Election Administrator
Election Administrator (use cell)
Bomb Threat / Clear election office/polling place if imminent
Contact law enforcement
Communication to Public if necessary / Law Enforcement or Chief Election Judge
Election Administrator or Chief Election Judge
Power Failure / Contact election administrator
Contact SOS election office
Contact power service provider
Instructions for poll workers on how to vote manually
Plan for registering voters and issuing ballots manually
Plan for tabulation of ballots / Chief Election Judge
Election Administrator
Internet Problem / Contact SOS Elections division
Contact internet service provider
Plan for registering voters and issuing ballots manually / Election Administrator
County IT Manager
Election Administrator

Sample Disaster and Contingency Plan (cont.)

Plan for Ballot Shortages

1.  (describe procedures)

Plan for Poll Worker Shortages

1.  (describe procedures)

(Sample) Plan for Voter Registration and Ballot Issuance Manual Procedures in Case of Power Failure:

In the event of an Internet and/or power failure on election day, the following procedures shall be followed for registering voters and for issuing absentee ballots:

1.  Voter Registration

a.  Voter registration forms must be accepted and any applicants must be provisionally registered until the means to verify the identification number of each applicant is available.

2.  Issuing Absentee Ballots

a.  A paper log for each precinct must be kept that includes

i.  The name of each voter

ii. The ballot stub number for each voter

b.  All ballots must be issued provisionally to new registrants who were provisionally registered (see 1. a.)

i.  Provisional ballots can be resolved when the identification number of the applicant is verified, unless there is any other reason for the ballot to remain provisional.

c.  Regular ballots may be issued to existing voters who are not late registering.

(Sample) Plan for Ballot Tabulation Procedures in the Event of a Power Failure or Failure

In the event of an power failure or equipment failure on election day, the following procedures shall be followed for tabulation of ballots:

·  Counting boards must convene at the location designated by the county election administrator at the designated time for counting of ballots by hand.

·  Procedures outlined in the Recount Guide should be followed, to the extent applicable, for hand counting paper ballots.