Trevor A. Bollmann

Campus: Permanent:

2145 Sheridan Rd. – Rm Tech-F379 1224 Oak Ave.

Evanston, IL 60208-3130Evanston, IL 60201



●Highly developed interpersonal skills from discussing seismic experiments with landowners

●Proficient in Fortran, GMT, and Shell programming languages

●Highly organized in undertaking independent and remote field work


Ph.D. in Earth and Planetary Sciences (In Progress)

-Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois; (2010-Present)

-Thesis subject: Teleseismic S and P-wave tomography of the Mid-continent Rift in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Ontario. This will concentrate on upper mantle structure that may be a remnant of the 1.1 billion year old rift.

-Installed and managed 16 seismic stations in Northern Ontario for the as well as helping with the installation of 20+ other stations in the US.

-Courses included Seismology and Earth Structure, Global Tectonics, Earthquakes and Tectonics, Field Problems in Sedimentary Geology, Geophysical Time Analysis and Inverse Problems, Inverse Methods, and two Yucatan Peninsula Field Courses.

-Cumulative GPA (3.629/4.0)

Bachelor of Science in Geology and Geophysics

-Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri; (2005-2009)

-Emphasis in Geophysics with minors in Mathematics and Geological Engineering

-Courses included Intro and Advanced Structural Geology, Intro andAdvanced Field Geology, Sedimentation and Stratigraphy, Seismic Interpretation, Exploration and Developmental Seismology, Global Tectonics and Depositional Systems.

-Cumulative GPA (3.52/4.0)Magna Cum Laude


Northwestern University

-Climate Catastrophes in Earth’s History TA-Fall 2011

-Exploration of the Solar SystemTA-Winter 2013

-Yucatan Peninsula Field CourseTA-Spring 2013

Missouri University of Science and Technology

-Intro to Structural GeologyTA-Fall 2009

-Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology TA-Spring 2010

-Mineralogy and Petrology TA-Spring 2010

-Intro to Field Geology TA-Summer 2010


●Chevron Corporation Professional Intern (June-Sept 2012)

Energy Technology Company: Gravity, Electric, and Magnetic Services Team, Houston, TX

-Responsibilities included creating 5,2-D and a regional 3-D modelof crustal structure to match gravity and magnetic measurements collected in the field.

-The models were used to constrain the Oceanic-Continental Crust boundary relating to the initial rifting of the Atlantic Ocean

●SPREE Seismic Installation Team Leader (April-July 2011)

-Lead and organized a team that installed seismic stations for the Superior Province Rifting Earthscope Experiment

-Contacted/interacted with landowners and scheduled/oversaw station installation

●US Array Siting Team Member (May 2009 – August 2009)

Earthscope, Northern Missouri/Southern Iowa

-Responsibilities included locating potential sites for seismic stations according to specific criteria, talking with landowners, taking noise and cell signal strength measurements and documenting all information in report form.

Summer Geology/Geophysics Intern (June 2008 - August 2008)

Rio Tinto Exploration, Tamarack Nickel Project, Tamarack Minnesota

-Responsibilities included logging and sawing core, conducting point load tests, doing core runs and assisting the geophysics contractors with their surveys.

-This internship created the opportunity to learn how to work alongside contracted workers such as the drilling crew and geophysical contractors.

Summer Geology Intern (July 2007 – August 2007)

Rio Tinto Minerals, Argonaut Mine, Ludlow, Vermont

­Responsibilities Included logging, splitting, crushing, pulverizing, and doing lab work on the core from the 2007 core drilling campaign. Some training with doing surveying and plotting out a blast was also included.


●Proficient in Fortran, GMT, and shellprogramming languages

●Basic knowledge of Matlab and Google KML

●Proficient in ArcGIS and Fugro LCT Software Suite

●Some experience with Kingdom Suite Seismic Interpretation Software


●Currently managing 16 seismic stations in remote regions of Ontario, Canada

-This includes planning and conducting service runs, repairing damaged equipment, downloading data and reporting the station conditions to project PI’s.

●Acted as the geologist in Missouri S&T’s mine design team for the 2009 NSSGA Mine Design Competition in Denver, CO.

-This included doing a failure analysis of the limestone unit being mined in order to plan the safest orientation of the pit, cross-sections using drill core data to estimate the amount of available aggregate, and using electromagnetic data to locate the probable locations of karst in the region of the proposed mine.


●Public Relations Chairman of the Missouri S&T Student Council

●Member of Beta Sigma Psi the National Lutheran Fraternity

●Running races such as the Chicago Marathon and Spartan Obstacle Races


●American Geophysical Union●Society of Exploration Geophysicists

●Geological Society of America