Hillsborough Elementary School

PSSC Agenda

March 10, 2014

Attendance: Krista Reid, Harry Doyle,Dave Wheaton, Linda Rose, Kelli Stevens, Lori Fowler, Leah Williams, Janet Ducommun, Shelley McNaught, Angela Barkhouse, Karen Lindsay

Welcome: Krista Reid

Approval of Agenda: motion by Linda Rose 2nd by Janet Ducommun

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Janet Ducommun 2nd by Kelly Stevens

Business Arising from Minutes: ELF training in Riverview recently trained and working in school

We did not get Reading is Wild

Discussion about ACE coloring

Popcorn did not restart

Harry talked about cursive writing being irrelevant

Krista talked about yoyo workshops

Talked about getting someone to come in to talk about internet safety…Brian Butler?

Correspondence: None

Home and School- Lori not present – finding a date for Spring Tea

Dec Report –Harry has some $ available for some needed things / reported on court proceedings/balanced budget

Dave – we got 1 SMARTboard …expected to get another

Harry asked about coordinating survey about committees and such for administrators and teachers.

New Business:

Review of the Tell Them From Me grade 4&5 survey. Sam Hailey and Liam made a presentation

Principal’s report

Gardening Club Leah-

Janet – March 20 Garden of Salem Bountiful Harvest

Dave talked about the grants – planting and stuff is in the greenhouse

STEM expo kids from our school going

Wildcat Allstars- weekly and overall winner

“Caught You Doing Something Great” still ongoing

Kindness Hearts month of February and ongoing

Wellness Month – only healthy foods

3.14 Day – Pie Day for Staff

Aimsweb– outlook of kids who need reading intervention based on data analysis from testing

7 Habits for Happy Kids PD – Dave showed a video – Melissa Judson found it - books and PD coming up

Inclusion PD – co teaching 70%

Power Hour – Grade 5 building leadership capacity through boys and girls club