PhysicsName ______

FallBreak Practice TestsPeriod _____

Practice Multiple Choice 1 (1993)

1.In which of the following situations would an object be accelerated?

I. It moves in a straight line at constant speed.

II. It moves with uniform circular motion.

III. It travels as a projectile in a gravitational field with negligible air resistance.

(A)I only (B)III only (C)I and II only

(D)II and III only(E)I, II, and III

2. A ball falls straight down through the air under the influence of gravity. There is a retarding force F on the ball with magnitude given by F = bv, where v is the speed of the ball and b is a positive constant. The magnitude of the acceleration a of the ball at any time is equal to which of the following?

(A)g – b(B)g – bv/m(C)g + bv/m


3. An ideal spring obeys Hooke's law, F = -kx. A mass of 0.50 kg hung vertically from this spring stretches the spring 0.25 m. The value of the force constant for the spring is most nearly

(A)5.0 N/m(B)10 N/m(C)20 N/m

(D)25 N/m(E)50 N/m

4. The figure shows a rough semicircular track whose ends are at a vertical height h. A block placed at point P at one end of the track is released from rest and slides past the bottom of the track.

Which of the following is true of the height to which the block rises on the other side of the track?

(A)It is equal to h/2. (B)It is equal to h/4.

(C)It is equal to h/2.(D)It is equal to h.

(E)It is between zero and h; the exact height depends on how much energy is lost to friction.

5. An object is released from rest on a planet that has no atmosphere.The object falls freely for 3.0 m in the first second.What is the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity on the planet?

(A)0.5 m/s2(B)3.0 m/s2(C)6.0 m/s2

(D)10.0 m/s2(E)12.0 m/s2

6. If Spacecraft X has twice the mass of Spacecraft Y, then true statements about X and Y include which of the following?

I. On Earth, X experiences twice the gravitational force that Y experiences.

II. On the Moon, X has twice the weight of Y.

III. When both are in the same circular orbit, X has twice the centripetal acceleration of Y.

(A)I only (B)III only (C)I and II only

(D)II and III only(E)I, II,and III

7. Two pucks are attached by a stretched spring and are initially held at rest on a frictionless surface, as shown. The pucks are then released simultaneously.

If puck I has three times the mass of puck II, which of the following quantities is the same for both pucks as the spring pulls the two pucks toward each other?

(A)Speed (B)Velocity

(C)Acceleration (D)Kinetic energy

(E)Magnitude of momentum

8. The two spheres pictured have equal densities and are subject only to their mutual gravitational attraction.

Which of the following quantities must have the same magnitude for both spheres?



(C)Kinetic energy

(D)Displacement from the center of mass

(E)Gravitational force

9. When an object oscillating in simple harmonic motion is at its maximum displacement from the equilibrium position, which of the following is true of the values of its speed and the magnitude of the restoring force?

SpeedRestoring Force

(A)Zero Maximum

(B)Zero Zero

(C)½ maximum½ maximum

(D)Maximum ½ maximum

(E)Maximum Zero

10. Which of the following is true when an object of mass m moving on a horizontal frictionless surface hits and sticks to an object of mass M m, which is initially at rest on the surface?

(A)The collision is elastic.

(B)All of the initial kinetic energy of the less- massive object is lost.

(C)The momentum of the objects that are stuck together has a smaller magnitude than the initial momentum of the less-massive object.

(D)The speed of the objects that are stuck together will be less than the initial speed of the less-massive object.

(E)The direction of motion of the objects that are stuck together depends on whether the hit is a head-on collision.

11. Two objects having the same mass travel toward each other on a flat surface, each with a speed of 1.0 m/s relative to the surface.The objects collide head-on and are reported to rebound after the collision, each with a speed of 2.0 m/s relative to the surface. Which of the following assessments of this report is most accurate?

(A)Momentum was not conserved, therefore the report is false.

(B)If potential energy was released to the objects during the collision, the report could be true.

(C)If the objects had different masses, the report could be true.

(D)If the surface was inclined, the report could be true.

(E)If there was no friction between the objects and the surface, the report could be true.

12. An automobile moves at constant speed down one hill and up another hill along the smoothly curved surface shown.

Which of the following diagrams best represents the directions of the velocity and the acceleration of the automobile at the instant that it is at the lowest position, as shown?

(A)v:, a:(B)v:, a:(C)v:, a:

(D)v:, a:(E)v: , a: 

26. Which three of the glass lenses, when placed in air, will cause parallel rays of light to converge?

(A)I, II, and III(B)I, III, and V(C)I, IV, and V

(D)II, III, and IV(E)II, IV, and V

Questions 27-28 A standing wave of frequency 5 Hz is set up on a string 2 m long with nodes at both ends and in the center, as shown.

27. The speed at which waves propagate on the string is

(A)0.4 m/s (B)2.5 m/s(C)5 m/s

(D)10 m/s(E)20 m/s

28.The fundamental frequency of vibration of the string is

(A)1 Hz (B)2.5 Hz(C)5 Hz

(D)7.5 Hz(E)10 Hz

29. For the five types of electromagnetic radiation listed, which of the following correctly describes the way in which wavelength, frequency, and photon energy change as one goes from the top of the list to the bottom?

Radio waves

Infrared radiation

Visible light

Ultraviolet radiation

Gamma radiation

WavelengthFrequency Photon Energy


(B)Decreases Increases Increases

(C)Increases Decreases Decreases

(D)Increases DecreasesIncreases

(E)Increases Increases Increases

30. Sound in air can best be described as which of the following types of waves?

(A)Longitudinal(B)Transverse (C)Electromagnetic


31. An object is placed near a plane mirror, as shown.

Which of the labeled points is the position of the image?

(A)A (B)B (C)C (D)D (E)E

43. A particle oscillates up and down in simple harmonic motion. Its height y as a function of time t is shown in the diagram.

At what time t does the particle achieve its maximum positive acceleration?

(A)1 s (B)2 s(C)3 s(D)4 s

(E)None of the above, because the acceleration is constant

44. A weight lifter lifts a mass m at constant speed to a height h in time t. What is the average power output of the weight lifter?


45. A block of mass 3m can move without friction on a horizontal table. This block is attached to another block of mass m by a cord that passes over a frictionless pulley, as shown.

If the masses of the cord and the pulley are negligible, what is the magnitude of the acceleration of the descending block?


46. A car initially travels north and then turns to the left along a circular curve.This causes a package on the seat of the car to slide toward the right side of the car. Which of the following is true of the net force on the package while it is sliding?

(A)The force is directed away from the center of the circle.

(B)The force is directed north.

(C)There is not enough force directed north to keep the package from sliding.

(D)There is not enough force tangential to the car's path to keep the package from sliding.

(E)There is not enough force directed toward the center of the circle to keep the package from sliding.

47. A block of mass m slides on a horizontal frictionless table with an initial speed vo. It then compresses a spring of force constant k and is brought to rest. How much is the spring compressed from its natural length?



48. The planet Mars has 1/10 the mass of Earth and ½ Earth's radius.The acceleration of an object in free-fall near the surface of Mars is most nearly

(A)zero(B)1.0 m/s2 (C)2 m/s2

(D)4 m/s2(E)10 m/s2

53. A radar operates at a wavelength of 3 cm. The frequency of these waves is

(A)10-10 Hz (B)106 Hz (C)108 Hz

(D)3 x 108 Hz(E)1010 Hz

57. Two objects, of masses 6 and 8 kg, are hung from the ends of a stick that is 70 cm long and has marks every 10 cm, as shown.

If the mass of the stick is negligible, at which of the points indicated should a cord be attached if the stick is to remain horizontal when suspended from the cord?


58. In the Doppler effect for sound waves, factors that affect the frequency that the observer hears include which of the following?

I. The speed of the source

II. The speed of the observer

III. The loudness of the sound

(A)I only (B)III only (C)I and II only

(D)II and III only(E)I, II, and III

59. The figure shows two wave pulses that are approaching each other.

Which of the following best shows the shape of the resultant pulse when the centers of the pulses, points P and Q, coincide?




60. Observations that indicate that visible light has a wavelength much shorter than a centimeter include which of the following?

I. The colored pattern seen in a soap bubble

II. The colored pattern seen when light passes through a diffraction grating

III. The bending of light when it passes from one medium to another medium

(A)I only (B)III only (C)I and II only

(D)II and III only(E)I, II,and III

Questions 61-63 A plane 5 m in length is inclined at an angle of 37o, as shown.A block of weight 20 N is placed at the top of the plane and allowed to slide down.

61. The mass of the block is most nearly

(A)1.0 kg(B)1.2 kg(C)1.6kg

(D)2.0 kg(E)2.5 kg

62. The magnitude of the normal force exerted on the block by the plane is most nearly

(A)10 N(B)12 N (C)16 N(D)20 N(E)33 N

63. The work done on the block by the gravitational force during the 5-meter slide down the plane is most nearly

(A)20 J (B)60 J (C)80 J . (D)100 J(E)130J

Questions 64-66A ball is thrown and follows the parabolic path shown. Air friction is negligible.Point Q is the highest point on the path.Points P and R are the same height above the ground.

64. How do the speeds of the ball at the three points compare?



65. Which of the following diagrams best shows the direction of the acceleration of the ball at point P?


66. Which of the following best indicates the direction of the net force, if any, on the ball at point Q?


(E)There is no net force on the ball at point Q.

69. If the object distance for a converging thin lens is more than twice the focal length of the lens, the Image is

(A)virtual and erect (upright)

(B)larger than the object

(C)located inside the focal point

(D)located at a distance between fand 2f from the lens

(E)located at a distance more than 2f from the lens

Practice Multiple Choice 2 (1998)

71.A solid metal ball and a hollow plastic ball of thesame external radius are released from rest in a large vacuum chamber. When each has fallen 1 m, they both have the same

(A)inertia(B)speed (C)momentum

(D)kinetic energy (E)change in potential energy

72. A student weighing 700 N climbs at constant speed to the top of an 8 m vertical rope in 10 s. The average power expended by the student to overcome gravity is most nearly

(A)1.1 W(B)87.5 W(C)560 W

(D)875 W(E)5600 W

73. A railroad car of mass m is moving at speed v when it collides with a second railroad car of mass M which is at rest. The two cars lock together instantaneously and move along the track. What is the speed of the cars immediately after the collision?


(D)(m + M)v/m(E)mv/(m + M)

74. An open cart on a level surface is rolling without frictional loss through a vertical downpour of rain, as shown.

As the cart rolls, an appreciable amount of rainwater accumulates in the cart. The speed of the cart will

(A)increase because of conservation of momentum

(B)increase because of conservation of mechanical energy

(C)decrease because of conservation of momentum

(D)decrease because of conservation of mechanical energy

(E)remain the same because the raindrops are falling perpendicular to the direction of the cart's motion

75. Units of power include which of the following?

I. Watt

II. Joule per second

III. Kilowatt-hour

(A)I only (B)III only (C)I and II only

(D)II and III only(E)I, II, and III

76. A 2 kg object moves in a circle of radius 4 m at a constant speed of 3 m/s. A net force of 4.5 N acts on the object. What is the angular momentum of the object with respect to an axis perpendicular to the circle and through its center?

(A)9 N•m/kg(B)12 m2/s(C)13.5 kg•m2/s2

(D)18 N•m/kg(E)24 kg•m2/s

77. Three forces act on an object. If the object is in translational equilibrium, which of the following must be true?

I. The vector sum of the three forces must equal zero.

II. The magnitudes of the three forces must be equal.

III. All three forces must be parallel.

(A)I only(B)II only (C)I and III only

(D)II and III only(E)I, II, and III

78. The graph represents the potential energy U as a function of displacement x for an object on the end of a spring oscillating in simple harmonic motion with amplitude xo.

Which of the following graphs represents the kinetic energy K of the object as a function of displacement x?




79. A child pushes horizontally on a box of mass m which moves with constant speed v across a horizontal floor. The coefficient of friction between the box and the floor is . At what rate does the child do work on the box?

(A)mgv (B)mgv (C)v/mg


96.A concave mirror with a radius of curvature of 1.0 m is used to collect light from a distant star. The distance between the mirror and the image of the star is most nearly

(A)0.25 m (B)0.50 m (C)0.75 m

(D)1.0 m(E)2.0 m

97. When light passes from air into water, the frequency of the light remains the same.What happens to the speed and the wavelength of light as it crosses the boundary in going from air into water?


(A)Increases Remains the same

(B)Remains the same Decreases

(C)Remains the same Remains the same

(D)Decreases Increases

(E)Decreases Decreases

98. A physics student places an object 6.0 cm from a converging lens of focal length 9.0 cm. What is the magnitude of the magnification of the image produced?


99. One end of a horizontal string is fixed to a wall. A transverse wave pulse is generated at the other end, moves toward the wall as shown, and is reflected at the wall.

Properties of the reflected pulse include which of the following?

I. It has a greater speed than that of the incident pulse.

II. It has a greater amplitude than that of the incident pulse.

III. It is on the opposite side of the string from the incident pulse.

(A)I only (B)III only (C)I and II only

(D)II and III only(E)I, II,and III

100. An object is placed at a distance of 1.5f from a converging lens of focal length f. as shown.

What type of image is formed and what is its size relative to the object?

(A)Virtual and larger(B)Virtual and same size

(C)Virtual and smaller (D)Real and larger

(E)Real and smaller

101. A light ray passes through substances 1, 2, and 3, as shown.The indices of refraction for these three substances are n1, n2, and n3, respectively.Ray segments in 1 and in 3 are parallel.

1 2 3

n1 n2 n3

From the directions of the ray, one can conclude that

(A)n3 must be the same as n1

(B)n2must be less than n1

(C)n2must be less than n3

(D)n1 must be equal to 1.00

108. A block of mass 3.0 kg is hung from a spring, causing it to stretch 12 cm at equilibrium, as shown. The 3.0-kg block is then replaced by a 4.0-kg block, and the new block is released from the position shown, at which the spring is unstretched.

How far will the 4.0-kg block fall before its direction is reversed?

(A)9 cm(B)18 cm(C)24 cm(D)32 cm(E)48 cm

109. An object has a weight W when it is on the surface of a planet of radius R. What will be the gravitational force on the object after it has been moved to a distance of 4R from the center of the planet?


110. What is the kinetic energy of a satellite of mass m that orbits the Earth, of mass M, in a circular orbit of radius R?



111. Two objects of mass 0.2 kg and 0.1 kg, respectively, move parallel to the x-axis, as shown. The 0.2 kg object overtakes and collides with the 0.1 kg object. Immediately after the collision, the y-component ofthe velocity of the 0.2 kg object is 1m/supward.

What is the y-component of the velocity ofthe 0.1 kg object immediately after the collision?

(A)2 m/s downward (B)0.5 m/sdownward

(C)0 m/s(D)0.5 m/s upward

(E)2 m/supward

112. A beam of white light is incident on a triangular glass prism with an index of refraction of about 1.5 for visible light, producing a spectrum. Initially, the prism is in a glass aquarium filled with air, as shown.

If the aquarium is filled with water with an index of refraction of 1.3, which of the following is true?

(A)No spectrum is produced.

(B)A spectrum is produced, but the deviation of the beam is opposite to that in air.

(C)The positions of red and violet are reversed in the spectrum.

(D)The spectrum produced has greater separation between red and violet than that produced in air.

(E)The spectrum produced has less separation between red and violet than that produced in air.

Questions 113.-114Three objects can only move along a straight, level path.The graphs show the position d of each of the objects plotted as a function of time t.

113. The magnitude of the momentum of the object is increasing in which of the cases?

(A)I only(B)III only (C)I and II only

(D)I and III only(E)I, II, and III

114. The sum of the forces on the object is zero in which of the cases?

(A)II only(B)III only (C)I and II only

(D)I and III only(E)I, II, and III

119. A small vibrating object on the surface of a ripple tank is the source of waves of frequency 20 Hz and speed 60 cm/s.

If the source S is moving to the right, as shown above, with speed 20 cm/s, at which of the labeled points will the frequency measured by a stationary observer be greatest?


(E)It will be the same at all four points.

120. Plane sound waves of wavelength 0.12 m are incident on two narrow slits in a box with nonreflecting walls, as shown. At a distance of 5.0 m from the center of the slits, a first-order maximum occurs at point P, which is 3.0 m from the central maximum.

The distance between the slits is most nearly

(A)0.07 m(B)0.09 m(C)0.16 m

(D)0.20 m (E)0.24 m

121. An object, slanted at an angle of 45°, is placed in front of a vertical plane mirror, as shown.