Parish of Long Melford
Notice of Meeting of the Parish Council
Dear Cllr / Sir/Madam
I hereby give you notice that the next meeting of the Long Melford Parish Council will be held at The Library, Hall Street on Tuesday 16thJulyat 7.30p.m.
Prior to the meeting the Planning Committee will be meeting to consider planning applications at 6.45 p.m.
All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the Meeting as set out hereunder.
Dated this 10th day of July2013 Gifford Lewis
Clerk of the Parish Council
Business to be Transacted
01/07/13Chairperson’s announcements
02/07/13Apologies for absence
To receive apologies for absence.
03/07/13To Agree the Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 18th June 2013
To agree the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 18th June 2013 as a true record.
04/06/13Declarations of interest or hospitality
For Members to declare any interests in items on the agenda.
05/06/13Application for Dispensations
For Members to consider any requests for dispensations from Members with pecuniary interests in the matters to be discussed.
06/06/13To Receive the Minutes and Approve Recommendations of:-
(i)Planning Committee Meeting of 18th June 2013 (separately attached)
(ii)Burial Ground and Open Spaces Committee Meeting of 2nd July 2013 (separately attached)
To receive the minutes from these Committees and endorse the recommendations from the Burial Ground and Open Spaces Committee.
07/07/13To Receive a Report from the Street Lighting Working Group
To receive a verbal update from a meeting of the Street Lighting Working Group of 9th July 2013 and coverage of the trail area with the amended costs.
08/07/13To Receive the Following Reports and Comments
- District Council
- County Council
- Police
09/07/13To Adjourn the Meeting for a Public Forum Related to Matters within Long
To propose that Standing Orders be suspended in order that members of the public may ask questions regarding Long Melford and/or the business about to be transacted.
10/07/13ToReconvene the Meeting Following the Public Forum
To propose that Standing Orders be enforced at the conclusion of the public forum.
11/07//13To Receive and Note the Listing of Presented Cheques for June 2013(attached)and BankReconciliations
To note those cheques paid in June 2013 and receive advice on the corresponding bank reconciliations.
12/07/13To Consider Actions to Prevent Littering and Dog Fouling
To considerpotential actions to reduce the incidences of litter and dog fouling in key locations in the parish and to note the winner of the competition announced at the Street Fair.
13/07/13To Consider the Promotion of the Village and the Parish Council’s Continuing Commitment tothe Long Melford Website (attached)
To review the promotion of the village and the role and on-going commitment of the Parish Council in the Long Melford website.
14/07/13To Note an Application to be Submitted Big Lottery Fund under the Awards for All Programme for Funding towards Expenditure at the Long Melford Country Park and Valley Walk
To note that application is to be submitted for funding of up to £10,000 for tools, training and equipment for use at the Long Melford Country Park and Valley Walk
15/07/13To Consider a Funding Request by the Long Melford Community Association (attached)
To consider a request by the Long Melford Community Association for funding towards the annual Produce and Craft Show over the weekend of 7th / 8th September 2013.
16/07/13To Consider the State of the Former Garage, Southgate Street
To consider at the request of a parishioner any action that may be taken concerning the state of the former garage, Southgate Street.
The Public and Press are Welcome to Attend this Meeting
08/07/13To Receive Reports - Police
Neither Pc 1142 EniseBala nor PCSO 3231 Hannah Partington wil be able to attend the Council meeting. A crime report is to be prepared by PCSOPartington and may be available at the time of the meeting.
Pc 1142 Balawill be at the Babergh West Safer Neighbourhood Priority Setting Meeting (PSM) which prior to the Council meeting at 6pm in the Parish Room, Little Waldingfield. Cllr Nunn is intending to attend this meeting.
One parishioner on have had badges stolen from his car has raised that there appears to be an increase in crime in the village and particularly in Hall Street. Since January 2013 the crimes in Hall Street have totalled 21. This amounts to the following:-;
- 7 x shoplifting
- 5 x business burglary
- 6 x theft
- 3 x criminal damage
The Parish Council is recommended to consider any written report prepared by PCSO 3231 Partington with the above figures and any available advice from Cllr Nunn (should he be present) for a new SNT priority where extra attention can be given to the village.
10/07/13To Receive and Note the listing of presented cheques for June 2013
Date / Cheque No. / Payable to / For / Amount £18.06.13 / 502179 / Horsley Holder Properties Ltd / Office - Annual Rent from 01/06/13 / 5000.00
18.06.13 / 502180 / SLCC Enterprises Ltd / Working with your council - course / 75.00
18.06.13 / 502181 / ICCM / Membership fees for Institute of Cemetery & Crematorium management / 90.00
18.06.13 / 502182 / The Landscape Group / Cordell Rd - maintenance of toilet, grass cutting & litter picking / 1148.65
18.06.13 / 502183 / Warren Dove / IT support – Inv 531 / 35.00
18.06.13 / 502184 / Zen Internet Ltd / Broadband for July 2013 / 18.37
18.06.13 / 502185 / Alan Sawyer / Expenses / 74.62
18.06.13 / 502186 / Alan Sawyer / Salary - June
18.06.13 / 502187 / Gifford Lewis / Mileage & postage / 72.50
18.06.13 / 502188 / Gifford Lewis / Salary - June
18.06.13 / 502189 / Yvonne Hall / Salary - June
18.06.13 / 502190 / British gas / Gas usage for office – 01/05/13 to 25/05/13 / 69.86
18.06.13 / 502191 / LMOS / Grant of £5000 & refund of Donation from R Kemp £1000 / 6000.00
18.06.13 / 502192 / Alan Sawyer / Commonwealth War Graves as previously paid into LMPC bank account / 80.00
TOTAL / 15207.28
13/07/13Promotion of the Village and the Parish Council’s Continuing Commitment tothe Long Melford Website
The Parish Council at the last meeting deferred consideration on the website. Whilst the Clerk has undertaken some exploration work a parishioner has submitted his thoughts in the wider consideration of the promotion of the village.
The reference is toparticularly to both Kibworth and Lavenham and their respective stances in promoting themselves.
- Kibworth -
The parish’s revamped website, promotes history trails, tourism, photo galleries, online museum, display boards, leaflets. The parishioner visited this village a few years ago and states that their history is not a patch on that of Long Melford. It is not especially attractive to visit, there is a tiny shopping area, and parking is a nightmare!
The business part of the village has driven this promotion, via a local pub landlord, with a team of retired professionals/history buffs. They obtained £48000 in funding from the HLF, and hence the revamped their website, was one major new benefit to Kibworth.
- Lavenham -
Lavenham Guildhall having just been awarded £85000 of HLF funding for a complete revampand towards the village museum. The website demonstrates the approach by this village and its businesses.
In addition, Babergh District Council has recently received a neighbourhood plan application from Lavenham Parish Council. This is out for consultation until 15th August 2013 with PDF filesand any further information on the Babergh District Council Website at;
The village and its promotion are limited to anexpensive and non-targeted website. Accordingly, the parishioner further comments by stating possibly it is time for some in thestrugglingbusiness community, and perhaps Parish Council,to perhaps take things a stage further. The approach needs to be at least to try to emulate what Kibworthand Lavenhamhave been doing. Even Clare, whilst again smaller than Long Melford, has a beeper face to the outside world.
Finally the parishioner remarks that Long Melford, its businesses, jobs, and its people, will ultimately be left behind, if things are not improved, andcapitalisedupon.
15/07/13To Consider a Funding Request by the Long Melford Community Association