Medical Writing & Publishing
What do you need to know?
Successful medical publishing requires understanding the process of writing and publishing a paper. It is essential to know the publishing recommendations and understand the key factors to speed up the process.
The Medical Faculty of the University of Helsinkiarranges in co-operation with Pfizer Medical Writing & Publishing training day for medical doctors on Tuesday 20 September 2016at Pfizer Finland, Tietokuja 4, 00330 Helsinki. The training takes place at 9-16.15..
Chairman for the training is professor Klaus Olkkola from the University of Helsinki. Lecturers are Hervé Maisonneuve, MD,Associate professor, Public health, Lyon School of medicineand Riitta Lassila, MD, PhD, professor of hemostatic disorders, HUCH.
Course is interactive and will be held in English. Credits for all specialties will be applied for the training. The training is free of charge. Travel arrangements and travel costs should be organized and covered by the attendee.
Please register by 15.8.2016 to Johanna Vattuaho, Pfizer (). Remember to inform of any dietary restrictions.
Warmly welcome!
Klaus OlkkolaKirsi Kalpala Pia Eloranta
Professor, Director of ClinicumSenior Medical Advisor Scientific Advisor
University of HelsinkiPfizerPfizer
p. 09 471 72510p. 040553 8981p. 040523 1942
Medical Writing & Publishing: What do you need to know?
Time: Tuesday 20 September 2016
Venue: Pfizer Finland, Tietokuja 4, 00330 Helsinki
8.30-9.00Arrivals and breakfast
9.00-9.05Opening words/ chairman Klaus Olkkola, University of Helsinki and Merja Väkeväinen, Pfizer
9.05- 10.30The research paper / Hervé Maisonneuve
- Why do researchers write?
- How to write an original paper?
10.30- 10.45Coffee break
10.45- 12.30Journal’s editing and publishing / Hervé Maisonneuve
- How to choose a journal? The impact factor
- The peer review game: work of reviewers
- How to deal and work with co-authors? Criteria for authorship
12.30- 13.15Lunch
13.15- 13.45Questionnable research practises / Hervé Maisonneuve
- Quality of references
- Beautification of RCTs
13.45- 15.15Experiences as an author and reviewer- panel discussion / Riitta Lassila, Klaus Olkkola and Hervé Maisonneuve
15.15-15.30Coffee break
15.30- 16.15Instruction to authors and the future of journals
- Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, December 2015
- The EQUATOR network: reporting guidelines
- The future of journals: open access, social networks
16.15Meetingclosure/ chairman Klaus Olkkola
Lääketeollisuus ry:n jäsenyrityksenä Pfizer Oy julkistaa terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille tilaisuuteen liittyen annettujen taloudellisten etuuksien arvon internetsivuillaan, mikäli yksittäinen terveydenhuollon ammattilainen on antanut siihen suostumuksensa. Pfizer pyytää julkistamista koskevat suostumukset suoraan tapahtumaan osallistujiksi nimetyiltä henkilöiltä. Jos suostumusta ei anneta, tiedot julkaistaan saajaa yksilöimättä siten, ettei yksittäinen etuuden vastaanottaja ole tunnistettavissa. Tiedot annetuista taloudellisista etuuksista kerätään kalenterivuosittain ja julkaistaan seuraavan vuoden kesäkuun loppuun mennessä.