Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Saturday, January 24, 2015

FYSA Office

Auburndale, Florida

Conference Room

8:30 A.M.

Call To Order: Meeting was called to order at 9:09am.

Roll Call: Vice President of Competition - Vacant

Guests: Bryan Bachelder, Dale Burke, Mike Strickler (10:45am) from FYSA Office

Adopt Agenda: Motion to adopt agenda as amended by Rhonda Link-Cummings, 2nd Diana Robertson. Motion passes.

Approval of Previous Minutes: Motion by Rhonda Link-Cummings to approve minutes from October 25, 2014, 2nd Diana Robertson. Motion passes.

Correspondence: None

Executive Session - Taken from 9:15-10:38am

Unfinished Business: Discussion regarding DC redistricting and rules regarding restructuring of EC/BOD. Alice, Becky and Elsa will look at rules and report back at the next EC meeting in May.

EC Member Reports:

President: The following items occurred during Region III meetings recently:

Becky McLaren has been appointed Risk Management Chair for Region III. Dave Robertson has been nominated as Tops Soccer Chair for Region III and Marino will continue on the President’s Cup Committee for Region III.

Region III would like to challenge changes for Hosting National Cups at the USYS meeting next month. Several issues regarding the Boys ODP were also addressed at the meeting.

Secretary: Proposal for Turning Point Audience Response System to be used at the AGM voting session. Motion by John Stacey to move forward with proposal as quoted, 2nd by Tessie Goicoechea. Discussion. Will ask Carmen to contact company to set up potential demo for use at the next EC Meeting. Motion Passes.

Treasurer: 1. Budget attached

John Stacey would like a Budget Vs Actual financial report for prior fiscal year to be distributed to the EC.

2. Grant: Four (4) Proposals were submitted by three (3) clubs. Marino would like to see more advertising to clubs regarding the Grant Program. John would like to see the process reopened with another email to clubs. Mike would like to see a better job with the procedures for the grant proposals.

Florida Celtic Soccer Club - requesting $4740.00 for scholarship players. Approval recommended by committee. Motion by Rhonda Link-Cummings to approve scholarship amount for recreational players only four (4), 2nd by John Stacey. Discussion. John removes his 2nd, Rhonda withdraws her motion.

Motion by Marino Torrens to approve grant proposal as submitted for $4740.00, for player scholarships, 2nd by Becky McLaren. Motion Passes.

Florida Celtic Soccer Club- Motion to accept proposal as submitted for $5000.00 for equipment, by John Stacey, 2nd by Rhonda Link-Cummings. Motion passes

Martin United Soccer Club- Approval recommended by committee. Motion to accept proposal as submitted for equipment in the amount of $2635.30 by John Stacey, 2nd by Rhonda Link-Cummings. Motion passes.

Tarpon FC - Approval recommended by committee for 6 of 7 scholarships. Motion to accept recommendation of committee to approve 6 of 7 scholarship player in the amount of $4200.00 by John Stacey, 2nd by Rhonda Link-Cummings. Motion passes.

  1. Diana has distributed a Credit Card Expense Form to all members of the EC. Form needs to be completed as stated and in a timely manner.

Vice President of Player/Coaching Development:

FYSA Bucks - We are getting special pricing for Lids on the Online Store. The On-line Store is now ready. Link will be sent to all clubs. Motion by John Stacey to open FYSA Bucks online Store from now until April 30th, 2nd by Marino Torrens. Motion passes.

TOPS Soccer - John and Dave will look at merchandise in the online store to see if any unique items are needed for the Tops Soccer Programs.

Vice President of Administration: 1. Merger - Motion by Marino to accept merger between B3JYS & B3CAA to become Florida Elite Soccer Academy, as submitted, 2nd by Rhonda Link-Cummings. Motion passes. Will go into effect 2015/2016 season.

  1. Name Change: Motion by Becky McLaren to accept the Code change of C6CPU to C6GTB, 2nd by Marino Torrens. Motion passes.
  1. All forms on the website are currently being updated. Some are now being converted to loadable PDF forms.

4. A bill has been introduced to the Florida Senate by Senator King, regarding legislation that could impact coaches that are ejected from a game.

Registrar: 1. YTD Registration Report attached. There are several clubs that are showing 0’s in all fields. DC’s need to contact these clubs and see what the issue is.

  1. District codes can be removed easily if needed to adapt to competitions, redistricting, etc. We need to check if this will create any duplicate club codes after district removal.
  2. NGIS is being currently sent to the Agent of Record. Leagues are not currently being notified.

Vice President of Competition: Report from FYSA Office attached

Regional Vice President Reports:

Region A- Patti Wilson would like to extend thank yous to Marino Torrens and Bryan Bachelder for all of their help setting up region cup. Fields have been a very big issue this year.

Region B- Schedules for Regional Cup will be up on the Website Feb 7.

Region C- Number of teams is up for this Regional Cup.

Region D - Regional Cup will struggle this year with hotel availability due to Spring Break.

State of the Office: Report attached.

Director of Coaching Report: Attached

Calendar needs to be set as early as possible.

We have 3 teams going to Tulsa for Nationals

We have 5 teams advancing to Southern Regionals from seeding.

Committee Reports: None

New Business: 1. Spectator Violence 2.Next EC Meeting, Saturday May 9th, 2015

For the Good of the Game:

Executive Session: 3:30-4:15pm

Motion to Adjourn: at 4:25pm by Marino, 2ndby Becky McLaren