- Set the appointment for the visit with the focalpointat the hospital
- Organize for transportation
- Ask the focal point to send you data and needed documents before the visit to have a chance to review them
- Prepare your notebook and needed documents (report of the previous visit, indicators, workplan, … etc)
- Set the mobile to silent mode
- Arrive on time
- Introduce yourself to the team if they have not met you before
- Do your best to have a quick constructive visit
- State the aim of the visit
- Make notes in a notepad or notebook
- Pay attention to all what the team members mention and explain
- Review the rates of collected indicators and compare with previous months, praise progress
- Check if the team displays data/rates in wards (e.g., using run charts) and encourage to divide by profession
- With team, review available checklists to indicators used at the hospital
- Check with the team that each change they worked on was tested per the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle
- If the team has weakness in using PDSA, provide just-in-time trainingwith them on a topic they select
- Analyze the team’s operation and productivity (itsstrengths, weaknesses, and needs for assistance)
- If the team is at a standstill, attempt to understand whyand help them by a demonstration (begin the exercise with the team)
- Ask about QC meetings regularity and review documented meetings they prepared
- Physically check the achievements the site claims to have accomplished (rooms, lab.. etc.)
- During the round to the hospital wards where the team focusses work in, note cleanliness, organization ofspace, functionality and use of the materials/equipment
- Be positive, don’t focus on weaknesses and don’t face team with their mistakes (if any)
- Praise the team for all positive changes they are working on, be constructive and provide positive feedback
- With the team, prepare the wrap-up for the visit(strengths, points to be improved, actions to be carried outand by whom, and the time frame)
- Identify what needs to be addressed at the next visit (list the main issues here)
- Give feedback to the team, and to the managers if theyare not part of the team, and thank them for their time and participation
- Plan the next coaching visit appointment
- Draft a visit report using the format that was selected
- Update the site data, including changes and indicator results in the databases of computers and filing cabinets (share folder)
- Make a report to the other staff members
- Follow up on all raised questions and needs by the team and get back with answers within a week after the visit
Coaching visit checklist. Applying Science to Strengthen and Improve System (ASSIST) Project, 2017