Request for Bonus/Increase
Employee Information
Name: / Job Title:SSN: / Division/Department:
Pay Band: / Class Code/Slot/Position#:
BandRange: Minimum
Maximum / Current Base Salary:
Does the employee occupy an FTE position?
○ Yes ○ No
Requested Salary Action:
One-Time Bonus Award:
$ Requested Bonus Amount To be awarded effective
Base Pay Increase:
% of Increase above current base salary $ Above current base salary
Note: Most recent EPMS/FPMS must be attached for base pay increases
(Complete entire form and channel through the chain of command through the area Vice President to the President for approval.)
Approved Recommended Salary:Disapproved annualized / Area Vice President’s Signature and Date:
Approved Recommended Salary:
Disapproved annualized / President’s Signature and Date:
Director, Personnel Signature /
New Approved Salary:$ Annualized
% of Increase Effective Date /
Bonus Award:
$ DollarsEffective Date
(cannot exceed $3,000 per fiscal year)
Bonus/Increase Documentation
Justification: (at least 1 criteria must be chosen and be completely documented in an the narrative section)
A. Significant increase in service, quality of work, or productivity- Developing/implementing improved work processes
- Tangible cost savings
- Productivity enhancements
- Filled in for another employee for an extended period of time without pay
- Honors or awards
- Discipline related or professional awards/recognition
F. Innovation in job assignments
G. Other specific contributions to the success of the organization
Has the employee received a “meets performance requirements” or above on their current performance appraisal? ____ Yes ____ No
Narrative: should be detailed to include quantitative and qualitative information as well as specific examples that demonstrate the items checked in the justification section above.
Performance Pay Calculation Guideline Section
Section I:
Increased Productivity:Recommend increase of 0-5% %
Section II:
Awards/Honors:Recommend increase of 0-5% %
Section III:
College/Division Contributions: Points
Rate the employee from 1 to 10 points based on the level of contribution made
in the areas of College and/or division goals, leadership, positive attitude, workplace safety, Exceptional customer service, and/or work process improvement.
Current Salary to Average Salary for Similar Positions: Points
(Contact Director of Personnel for average salary) $
Over or at average salary= 0 points
.1 % to 4.9 % under average salary= 3 points
5.0 % to 9.9 % under average salary= 4 points
10.0 % or more under average salary= 5 points
Point conversion:
1 to 3 points= 2%
4 to 6 points= 4%
7 to 9 points = 6%
10 or more points = 8% Total Points
Percent of Increase this Section
Recommended Salary Increase Calculation
CALCULATION: Add total percent increase from Section I, Section II and Section III.
The recommended salary increase must not exceed the maximum of the band/salary schedule. Any recommendations above 10% must be discussed with the Director of Personnel.
Procedures for Performance Pay for FY12
1. Each fiscal year the President will determine the funds available for performance and bonus pay and will notify each Vice President of the availability of funds.
- Each Vice President will review the contributions and performance of their eligible employees for possible consideration of a performance pay increase. Such increases shall be reserved for the top performers and will not be an across the board increase or bonus for all employees.
- If the Vice President feels a performance pay increase is warranted, he/she will submit a completed TCTC Request for Performance form with all pertinent documentation. He/She should use the Performance Pay Calculation section as a guide in determining the appropriate amount of increase.
- Performance Pay increases may be submitted once a year. The due date for 2011-2012 Fiscal Year is: November 11, 2011. All requests should be submitted to the Director of Personnel no later than this date. Requests not submitted by November 11, 2011will not be considered or approved.
- The Director of Personnel will present completed requests to the President for his review and approval.
- Upon approval or disapproval, the President will forward the requests to the Director of Personnel for processing in the December paycheck. Vice Presidents will be notified of final resolution, including amount of increase, by December 9, 2011.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Employee must be in an FTE position (temporary employees are not eligible)
- Employee must have completed their probationary period
- Employee who has been issued a Substandard Warning Notice and are in their improvement period are not eligible for consideration.
- Employee has met all job expectations and has gone above and beyond in at least two areas resulting in exceptional customer service;significant increase in quality or quantity of work; significant cost savings or cost reduction; or substantial contribution to college mission.
FY12 Note: The College recognizes the need to maintain competitive salaries for our faculty and staff and we will begin addressing, through this performance pay program, areas where the employee’s salary is less than the peer/discipline average. This will be an on-going process that will be evaluated annually and addressed as funding allows.