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Regional topics from Latin America

Life cycle assessment from early development stages: The case of gelatin extracted from tilapia residues

Ana Paula C. Sampaio1 • Men de Sá M. de Sousa Filho2 • Ana Lídia A. Castro3 • Maria Cléa B. de Figueirêdo4

Received: 11 March 2016 / Accepted: 20 July 2016

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Responsible editor: Ian Vázquez-Rowe

1Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará (IFCE), Brazil

2Brazilian Agriculture Research Corporation (Embrapa),Brazil

3Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Brazil

4Brazilian Agriculture Research Corporation (Embrapa), Brazil

 Maria Cléa B. de Figueirêdo

TableA1 Inventory of process A at lab scale, after improvement

Process of gelatin extraction from skin
Inputs and outputs / 1st Acid hydrolysis
(± SD2) / 1st Washing (± SD2) / Basic hydrolysis (± SD2) / 2nd Washing (± SD2) / 2nd Acid hydrolysis (± SD2) / 3th Washing (± SD2) / Extraction (± SD2) / Deodorizing and demineralization (± SD2) / Drying and milling
(± SD2)
Skin (g) / 8.27 (± 2)
HCl 1 M (g) / 0.0051 (± 2)
NaOH 0.1 M (g) / 0.18
(± 2)
HCl 0.2 M (g) / 0.002
(± 2)
Activated carbon (g) / 1.65 (± 2)
Cationic resin (g) / 4.04 (± 2)
Distilled water (l) / 0.03785 (± 2) / 0.08078 (± 2) / 0.04377 (± 2) / 0.08078 (± 2) / 0.08093 (± 2) / 0.08078
(± 2) / 0.734
(± 2)
Energy (kWh/g) / 0.0003 (± 2) / 0.0003 (± 2) / 0.0005 (± 2) / 0.0185 (± 2) / 0.0527 (± 2) / 0.0419 (± 2)
Effluent (l) / 0.03864 (± 2) / 0.03541 (± 2) / 0.05627 (± 2)
Gelatin (g) / 1.00 (± 2)
Emissions to the water
BOD (g) / 0.006483
(± 2.23) / 0.009038 (± 2.23) / 0.031803 (± 2.23)
COD (g) / 0.007423
(± 2.23) / 0.012603 (± 2.23) / 0.045789 (± 2.23)
Total phosphorus (g) / 0.000652
(± 2.23) / 0.000035 (± 2.23) / 0.000025 (± 2.23)
Ammonia (g) / 0.000137
(± 2.23) / 0.000028 (± 2.23) / 0.000046 (± 2.23)
Nitrate (g) / 0.000003
(± 2.23) / 0.000004 (± 2.23) / 0.000008 (± 2.23)
Total nitrogen (g) / 0.001754
(± 2.23) / 0.001428 (± 2.23) / 0.001434 (± 2.23)

TableA2Inventory of process B at lab scale, after improvement

Process of gelatin extraction from residues of MSM
Inputs and outputs / MSM Separation (± SD2) / 1st Acid hydrolysis (± SD2) / 1st Neutralization (± SD2) / Basic hydrolysis (± SD2) / 2nd Neutralization (± SD2) / 2nd Acid hydrolysis (± SD2) / 3th Neutralization (± SD2) / Extraction (± SD2) / Deodorizing and Demineralization (± SD2) / Drying and milling (± SD2)
Residues of MSM (g) / 30.8 (± 1.11)
MSM (g) / 25.2 (± 1.11)
Residue filleting (g) / 63.7 (± 1.11)
CH3COOH 0.2N (g) / 1.113
(± 2)
NaOH 50% (g) / 0.75 (± 2) / 0.615 (± 2)
NaOH 0.2N (g) / 1.05
(± 2)
H2SO4 50% (g) / 1.1224 (± 2)
HCl 0.2N (g) / 0.0047
(± 2)
Activated carbon (g) / 3.21 (± 2)
Cationic resin / 8.02 (± 2)
Distilled water (l) / 0.637 (± 2) / 0.09134 (± 2) / 0.01308 (± 2) / 0.15813 (± 2) / 135.73 (± 2)
Energy (kWh/g) / 0.0006 (± 2) / 0.009 (± 2) / 0.0011 (± 2) / 0.0381 (± 2) / 0.1003 (± 2) / 0.0782 (± 2)
Effluent (l) / 0.0781 (± 2) / 0.1181 (± 2) / 0.1022 (± 2)
Gelatin (g) / 1.00 (± 2)
Emissions to the water
BOD (g) / 0.12739
(± 2.23) / 0.19952
(± 2.23) / 0.03004
(± 2.23)
COD (g) / 0.19249
(± 2.23) / 0.31594
(± 2.23) / 0.05665
(± 2.23)
Total phosphorus (g) / 0.00628
(± 2.23) / 0.00322
(± 2.23) / 0.01542
(± 2.23)
Ammonia (g) / 0.00020
(± 2.23) / 0.00037
(± 2.23) / 0.00004
(± 2.23)
Nitrate (g) / 0.00001
(± 2.23) / 0.00007
(± 2.23) / 0.00004
(± 2.23)
Total nitrogen (g) / 0.00299
(± 2.23) / 0.00493
(± 2.23) / 0.00205
(± 2.23)

Fig.B1Comparison of Processes A and B after improvements at lab scale