Bibliography of the ‘Culture Metrics’ Research Day at Manchester Museum,
19th January 2015

Arts Council England. (2013, October). Great art and culture for everyone. Retrieved from

Belfiore, E., & Bennett, O. (2010). The Social Impact of the Arts: An Intellectual History (Reprint edition.). Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Brown, A. S. (2006). An Architecture of Value. GIA Reader, 17(1).

Brown, A. S., & Novak-Leonard, J. L. (2013). Measuring the intrinsic impacts of arts attendance. Cultural Trends, 22(3-4), 223–233. doi:10.1080/09548963.2013.817654

Bunting, C. (2007, November). Public value and the arts in England: Discussion and conclusions of the arts debate. Retrieved from

Bunting, C., & Knell, J. (2014). Measuring quality in the cultural sector: The Manchester Metrics pilot: findings and lessons learned. Arts Council England.

Carnegie-Knight Task Force. (2007, January). Mandatory Testing and News in the Schools: Implications for Civic Education. Retrieved from

Carnwath, J. D., & Brown, A. S. (2014, July 14). Understanding the value and impacts of cultural experiences. Arts Council England. Retrieved from

Crossick, G., & Kaszynska, P. (2014). The AHRC Cultural Value Project. Retrieved from

Everett, M. C., & Barrett, M. S. (2011). Benefits Visitors Derive from Sustained Engagement with a Single Museum: Benefits Visitors Derive from Sustained Engagement with a Single Museum. Curator: The Museum Journal, 54(4), 431–446. doi:10.1111/j.2151-6952.2011.00108.x

Holden, J. (2006). Cultural Value and the Crisis of Legitimacy: Why Culture Needs a Democratic Mandate. London: Demos.

Howse, P. (2014, March 21). Ofsted proposes inspections overhaul. BBC. Retrieved from

Institute for Democratic Education in America. (2014). Where we stand. Retrieved December 15, 2014, from

Jennings, J. (2006, November 1). Ten Big Effects of the No Child Left Behind Act on Public Schools. Diane. Retrieved from

Klamer, A. (2003). Social, cultural and economic values of cultural goods. Cultural Economics, Japanese Association for Cultural Economics, 3(3), 17–38.

Landry, C., Bianchini, F., & Maguire, M. (1995). The social impact of the arts A discussion document.

Matarasso, F. (2012, January 20). On “the very idea of measuring cultural value.” Retrieved from

National Center for Fair and Open Testing. (2010, December). Racial Justice and Standardized Educational Testing. Retrieved from

New Economic Foundation. (2008). Capturing the audience experience: A handbook for the theatre. Commissioned by Independent Theatre Council, The Society of London Theatre and Theatrical Management Association.

Peaker, A., & Vincent, J. (1990). Arts in Prison: Towards a Sense of Achievement. London: Home Office.

Throsby, D. (2000). Economics and Culture. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press.

Throsby, D., & Bakhshi, Hasan. (2010). Culture of Innovation: An Economic Analysis of Innovation in Arts and Cultural Organizations. NESTA.

Value and Culture - An Economic Framework. (2014). Retrieved from

Walmsley, B. (2013). “A big part of my life”: a qualitative study of the impact of theatre. Arts Marketing: An International Journal, 3(1), 73–87. doi:10.1108/20442081311327174

Walmsley, B., & Oliver, J. (2011). Assessing the value of the arts. In B. Walmsley (Ed.), Key Issues in the Arts and Entertainment Industry. Oxford: Goodfellow.