Preschool Schedule**October 9-13**Week 8
Time / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
8:30 / Arrive
Free Play / Arrive
Free Play / Arrive
Free Play / Arrive
Free Play / Arrive
Free Play
8:50 / Morning Meeting & Theme Circle
Calendar, Helpers, Rules/Procedures
Introduce Letter PersonM, Letter People Poem. Read letter from MR. M.
Show what’s inside ME bag.
WOW word: Munch
Focus Question: How do our senses help us? / Morning Meeting & Theme Circle
Calendar, Helpers, Rules/Procedures
Learn more about Mr. M. Read, “My Senses” big book.
WOW word: observe
Link Vocab and comprehension pg. 102
Develop phonological awareness: pg. 105 / Morning Meeting & Theme Circle
Calendar, Helpers, Rules/Procedures
Read, “How Much Lunch?” pg. 109
Make a list of words beginning with letter M.
WOW word: examine / Morning Meeting & Theme Circle
Calendar, Helpers, Rules/Procedures
Connect to Focus Question pg. 114
Turn and talk – How can we use our senses to examine something.
WOW word: aroma, texture / Leave for field trip at 8:50 A.M.
9:10 / AM Centers:
  1. Literacy games/books
  2. Ipads - games
  3. M projects
  4. Names/Activity
  5. Play dough/sensory
table / AM Centers:
  1. Literacy games/books
  2. Ipads - games
  3. M projects
  4. Names/Activity
  5. Play dough/sensory table
Guidance 9:25-9:55 / AM Centers:
  1. Literacy games/books
  2. Ipads - games
  3. M projects
  4. Names/Activity
  5. Play dough/sensory table
/ AM Centers:
  1. Literacy games/books
  2. Ipads - games
  3. M projects
  4. Names/Activity
  5. Play dough/sensory table
Library 9:25-9:55 / FIELD TRIP

10:10 / Recess/Brain Break / Recess/Brain Break / Recess/Brain Break / Digital Literacy 9:55-10:25
10:25 / Wash Hands/Bathroom / Wash Hands/Bathroom / Wash Hands/Bathroom / Wash Hands/Bathroom
10:35 / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
11:00 / WIN / WIN / WIN / WIN
11:25 / PE / PE / PE / PE
11:45 / Math Circle:
Comparing Quantities Pg. 98 / Math Circle:
Comparing Quantities – model more and equal. Pg. 104 / Math Circle:
Comparing Quantities – Guide and practice. Pg. 110 / Math Circle:
Review one-to-one correspondence. Pg. 116
12:00 / PM Centers
  1. Math shelves
  2. Ipads
  3. Math Table
  4. Counting, number recognition, one-to-one math sheets
Play dough/Sensory table / PM Centers
  1. Math shelves
  2. Ipads
  3. Math Table
  4. Counting, number recognition, one-to-one math sheets
  5. Play dough/Sensory table
/ PM Centers
  1. Math shelves
  2. Ipads
  3. Math Table
  4. Counting, number recognition, one-to-one math sheets
  5. Play dough/Sensory table
/ PM Centers
  1. Math shelves
  2. Ipads
  3. Math Table
  4. Counting, number recognition, one-to-one math sheets
  5. Play dough/Sensory table

12:45 / Story/Bathroom / Story/Bathroom / Story/Bathroom / Story/Bathroom
1:00 / Rest Time / Rest Time / Rest Time / Rest Time
1:35 / Wake/transition / Wake/transition / Wake/transition / Wake/transition
1:45 / Music / Music / Music / Music
2:05 / Snack / Snack / Snack / Snack / Snack
2:15 / Free Play – behavior dots / Free Play – behavior dots / Free Play – behavior dots / Free Play – behavior dots / Free Play – behavior dots
2:30 / Recess / Recess / Recess / Recess / Recess
2:55 / Pack up/color calendar in planner / Pack up/color calendar in planner / Pack up/color calendar in planner / Pack up/color calendar in planner / Pack up/color calendar in planner
3:10 / Dismissal / Dismissal / Dismissal / Dismissal / Dismissal