Minutes - Committee Meeting (Tele-conference)

14th January 2010

Participants: Peter Price, Tom Casey, Zac Foley, Elmer Bakker

Apologies: Mike Dunphy, Mary Higgins, Kate Fryer

Item 1 - AGM Preparation

The following committee members have agreed to stand for re-election:

Tom Casey – Chair

Kate Fryer – Secretary

Elmer Bakker – PR Officer

Mike Dunphy – has agreed to stay on as a committee member with a view to passing on treasurers role when person identified for role

Mary Higgins, Peter Price, Robert Elsey, Zac Foley - to re stand as Committee Members.

Leaves Deputy Chair and Education officer roles to be filled.

Item 2 – Branch Meeting 19th January 2010 @ Bristol Golf Club 8.300am start

a)Peter will run AGM

b)Peter advertised in SOPO newsletter, MOD, Linked In, Ecademy Bristol Group

c)Tom will run “Embedding Sustainability into Procurement” Seminar

Speakers: Tom Casey, Mark Barnett

d)Tom to ensure projector/laptop and screen available

Item 3 – March 2nd Event – Shared Services@ Bristol Business Centre (The Street Cafe)

Event being organised and in hand with Mary Higgins.

Need to Liaise with BristolBusinessSchool (Wendy and Caroline for final details).

Item 3 – Proposed Events for balance of 2009/2010 programme

Following considerable discussion it was agreed to develop the following events:

May: Mike Lewes from CRiSPSAction: Elmer

Sept: Eversheds Competitive DialogueAction: Peter and Mary

Oct: PMMS Use of Body Language in NegotiationsAction: Peter and Zac

Reserve Event: Supply Chain of Bloodhound ProjectAction: Elmer (if not used in this year – to be used as 1st event in next years programme)

These proposals need to be agreed with Caroline and Wendy at BristolBusinessSchool.

Item 4 Branch Strategy review

Unfortunately no committee member can commit time to this project on a full time basis

Item 5 Date of Next Committe meeting

Next branch meeting to be held w/c 8th February (but not 8th February).

This should be a face to face – probably at Portishead with representation from Bristol Business school.