Course Syllabus 2016-2017

English 9

Teacher: Mrs. Pope Room: 704 Email:

Dear Parents: Feel free to email me at any time if you want to check on your child’s progress or if you have any questions or concerns. You will also find assignments, homework, handouts, and links on my webpage on the website. Click on Pope under the staff directory.

About this class

This course covers the 9th grade common core standards for English/Language Arts. We will be focusing on improving and advancing skills in reading, writing, critical thinking, and expression of ideas.


v  Be in class on time every day.

v  Bring materials every day.

v  Focus on classwork while in class. No electronics, makeup, or other distractions

v  Be kind and respectful to everyone at all times.

v  Participate in activities and discussion


Notebooks: daily classwork, including warm ups, parts of speech, journals, quote analysis, quick writes, and notes will be done in a composition style notebook that will be kept in class. These notebooks will be graded periodically. These assignments are done during class time and cannot be made up.

Classwork: text-based inquiry, charts, organizers, question/answers, etc. These will be done in class, either independently or collaboratively. Most of these assignments can and should be made up within a reasonable amount of time. (tbd by teacher/ will vary by assignment)

Tests/Quizzes: There will be occasional tests and quizzes over materials covered. These can and should be made up if missed.

Writing/Projects: essays, projects, presentations, etc. These are extremely important and MUST be made up. You will find it very difficult to pass this class without completing these assignments. These assignments must be revised until they receive a grade of a C or higher.

Homework: Homework will be independent reading assignments. Students should be reading at home every night. A reading log with further instructions will be sent home with students when these assignments begin.


Each student will be distributed a laptop to use during the school year. We will use these laptops, both in class and for homework. Please return the paperwork as soon as possible so your child does not fall behind on this work.

Grading Policies

Assignments will be given either a letter grade or a Check, based on the following rubrics :

ü+ neat, complete, correct (3 pts./A) )

ü neat, some work is incomplete or incorrect (2 pts./C )

ü- sloppy, much work is incomplete or incorrect (1 pt./F)

0 insufficient work

A- Outstanding (5 pts.)

B- Very Good (4 pts)

C- Ok (3 pts)

D – Needs Work (2.5 pt/Redo)

F- Unacceptable (0 pts./Redo)

The final grade is an average of the points of all work based on the scale below.

A=90+ B=75-89% C=60-74% D=50-60% F =0-49%

While a grade of D or higher does fulfill the requirement for high school graduation, it is important to remember that a D will not fulfill the requirement for college entrance. All students should aim for a C or higher in all core classes.

Tutoring/Questions/Problems:The easiest and best way to contact me is through my email: . I am also available after school, during nutrition and at lunch. If you need extra help, have a question or a problem, or just need a quiet place to work, my door is open.