The University of Oregon
Dept. of Romance Languages
102 Friendly Hall
Eugene OR 97402
Office Phone: (541) 346-5813
2002 Ph.D. Romance Languages (Spanish). Department of Romance Languages and Literatures,
The University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI.
Graduate Certificate in Film Studies. Department of Film and Video Studies.
The University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI.
1999 M.A. International Affairs. Latin American Studies (Political Science). Center for International Studies. Ohio University. Athens, Ohio.
1994 M.A. Spanish. Department of Modern Languages. Ohio University. Athens, Ohio.
1991 B.S. Biochemical Engineering. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
(ITESM) Mexico.
Positions Held:
2014- Present Visiting Assistant Professor. Dept. of Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Oregon. Eugene.
2007- 2014 Assistant Professor. Dept. of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese and at the American Studies Program.
The University of Virginia.
2006- 2007 Director of the Summer Graduate School. Middlebury College in Guadalajara.
2005- 2007 Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Hispanic Studies. The University of Kentucky.
2003-2005 Chair of Latin American Studies Program and Assistant Professor of International Studies and Romance Languages. Washington University in Saint Louis.
2000-2003 Visiting Assistant Professor Dept. of Hispanic Studies. Vassar College.
Areas of Specialization:
20th & 21st Century Latin American Literature and Cultural Studies. Mexican and Central American novel and poetry. Latin American and U.S. Latina/o Film and Visual Culture.
Academic Awards, Honor Societies and Grants:
2010 XXVIII Efraín Huerta National Poetry Award. Tampico, Mexico.
2009-2010 Page Barbour Grant. 100 Years in Quest for Democracy, the Mexican Revolution,
Legacies & Debates. UVA
2008 Summer Research Grant. University of Virginia. (Project: Cyberhistory in Contemporary Mexico)
2007 Excellence in Diversity Fellows Program. Teaching Resource Center. UVA (Grant and Participant)
2004 International Activities Grant. Washington University. (Project: Mexican Cinema of Transition)
2002-2003 Vassar College Research Grant (Project: Historical Telenovelas in Mexico and Brazil)
2001 NEH Summer Institute and Grant “Brazil: the Invisible Giant.”
2000 Vassar College Media Studies Program Summer Grant (Project: Visual Representations of Coloniality
and Postcoloniality in the Hispanic World)
1998-9 Rackham Pre-doctoral Fellowship. The University of Michigan
1998 Multicultural Course Development Grant. (Project: Design Courses on Latin American Popular Culture)
1997 University of Michigan Summer Grant for Research in Nicaragua
1996 University of Michigan Summer Grant for Research in Nicaragua
University of Michigan, International Institute Grant for Research in Nicaragua
1994 MAIA Outstanding Academic Achievement Award. Center for International Studies. Ohio University.
Outstanding Graduate Student Award Nominee. Department of Modern Languages. Ohio University.
Ohio Humanities Council.
Phi Beta Delta. Honor Society for International Scholars.
1992 Sigma Delta Pi. National Spanish Honor Society.
1987 and 1989 National Poetry Award ITESM, Mexico.
Nicaragua and the Politics of Utopia, Development and Culture in the Modern State.
Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2015.
Fábula del Poder, Corporalidad, Estado y Violencia en la Narrativa de Sergio Ramírez.
Guadalajara: CUCSH- Universidad de Guadalajara, 2015.
Cyberhistory: New Media Representations of Mexican & Mexican American History. (In progress)
Revolution Reloaded, the New Historical Novel and the Mexican Revolution. Edited Collection. (In progress)
Articles in Refereed Journals
Chávez, Daniel. “Film Adaptation and Transnational Cultures of Production: the Case of Guillermo Arriaga.”
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Submitted. (2014).
- - - , “From Miss Cristera to the Desert Within: Toward a Contemporary War of Images in Mexico.”
Studies in Hispanic Cinemas. 9.1 (2012): 63-80.
- - - ,“El coronel no tiene con quién jugar, representaciones latinoamericanas en la literatura y el
videojuego.” Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies. 14 (2010): 159-176.
- - - , “The Eagle and the Serpent on the Screen, the State as Spectacle in Mexican Cinema.”
Latin American Research Review. 45.3 (2010): 115-141.
- - - ,“Alsino y el cóndor, hacia una crítica del espectador latinoamericano y nicaragüense.”
Chasqui. 37.2 (2008): 27-47.
- - - , “Cuando el estado habla en cómic, historieta e historiografía en México.” Quaderns de Filologia. Estudis de
Comunicació. 3 (2008): 51-76. (Universidad de Valencia).
Chávez, Daniel. “Technologies of the Self and the Body in Octavio Paz’s ‘The Works of the Poet.’”
Revista Hispánica Moderna. 60.1 (2007): 15-33.
- - - , “La alta modernidad visual y la intermedialidad de la historieta en México.”
Hispanic Research Journal. 8.2 (2007): 155-69.
- - - , “Globalizing Tequila: Mexican Television’s Representations of Neoliberal Reconversion of Land and Labor.”
Arizona Journal of Hipanic Cultural Studies. 10 (2006): 1-17.
- - - , “Tomochic: Nationalist Narrative, Homogenizing Late Nineteenth Century Discourse and Society
in Mexico.” Chasqui. 35.2 (2006): 72-88.
- - - , “El Barzón, Performing Resistance in Contemporary Mexico.”
Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies. 2 (1998): 87-112.
Swales, J. D. Chavez. et. al. “Consider this. . . Imperatives in Academic Writing.”
Applied Linguistics. 19.1 (1998): 97-121.
Chávez, Daniel. “Propuestas para un análisis del discurso en Noticias del Imperio de Fernando del Paso.”
Revista de Literatura Mexicana Contemporánea. 1.3 (1996): 29-34.
- - - , “Ideología y juego intertextual en La Campaña de Carlos Fuentes.”
Mester 13.2 (1994): 31-43.
Book Chapters (refereed)
Chávez, Daniel. “Escribir novelas, como escribir películas, adaptación, capital cultural y culturas de producción
trasnacional en el cine de Guillermo Arriaga.” en Vargas, Juan Carlos. ed. Géneros y rumbos del cine contemporáneo. Universidad de Guadalajara /FICG. 2014. (Forthcoming).
- - - ,“De faunos hispánicos y monstruos en inglés, la imaginación orgánica en el cine de Guillermo del
Toro.” en Vargas, Juan Carlos. ed. Tendencias del cine iberoamericano del nuevo milenio: Argentina,
Brasil, España y México. Universidad de Guadalajara / Cineteca Nacional. 2011. 373-410.
- - - ,“Residencia en la imagen, Pablo Neruda en la fotografía y el cine.” Neruda en el corazón de
España. Roses, Joaquín ed. Córdoba: Universidad de Córdoba / Diputación de Córdoba, 2004. 89-103.
Teaching Experience:
2013 Globalization and the Contemporary Mexican Novel. Graduate Seminar
Dept. of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese. The University of Virginia.
Latina/o Confidential. Detective Fiction and Racial Identity in the United States
Undergraduate seminar. American Studies Program. The University of Virginia.
Culture and Revolution in Latin America. Undergraduate Seminar
Dept. of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese. The University of Virginia.
2012 U.S. Latin@ visual culture. Undergraduate Seminar
American Studies Program. The University of Virginia.
Spectacle and Dissidence, the Politics of Latin American Cinema. Graduate Seminar
Dept. of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese. The University of Virginia.
2011 Screening Macondo, Film Adaptations of Latin American Literature
Dept. of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese. J-Term. The University of Virginia.
2010 Formations in American Cultural Studies. Core Course.
American Studies Program. The University of Virginia.
New Trends in Latin American Narrative. Undergraduate Seminar
Dept. of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese. The University of Virginia.
Polygraphic Writing in Mexican Literature. Graduate Seminar
Dept. of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese. The University of Virginia.
Cuando Ellas Miran. Women Directors in Hispanic Cinemas. Undergraduate Seminar.
Dept. of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese. The University of Virginia.
Introduction to U.S. Latino Studies.
American Studies Program. The University of Virginia.
2009 Visual Culture and Nation Building in Mexico and Brazil. Graduate Seminar
Dept. of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese. The University of Virginia.
Globalization and the Contemporary Mexican Novel. Graduate Seminar
Dept. of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese. The University of Virginia.
Latino/a Political Participation. Seminar
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. Washington D.C.
2008 U.S. Latino Cultural and Social Movements. Seminar
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. Washington D.C.
Mexican Literature of the 21st Century (Novel and Poetry). Undergraduate Seminar
Dept. of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese. The University of Virginia.
Latina/o Cinema and Social Narrative. Undergraduate Seminar
American Studies Program. The University of Virginia.
Visual Culture and Nation Building in Latin America. Undergraduate Seminar
Dept. of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese. The University of Virginia.
Crossing Borders. Introduction to Latino Studies.
American Studies Program. The University of Virginia.
2007 From Text to Bronze Screen, Film Adaptations of U.S. Latino Literature
Dept. of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. The University of Virginia.
Graduate Seminar: Reading Jalisco, from Regional to Global Literature in Rulfo, Arreola and Yáñez. Graduate School Program. Middlebury College in Guadalajara, México.
Graduate Seminar: Cuando Ellas Miran, Directoras del Cine Hispánico.
Dept. of Hispanic Studies. The University of Kentucky, Lexington.
Undergraduate Senior Seminar: Nuevas Tendencias en la Narrativa Latinoamericana.
Dept. of Hispanic Studies. The University of Kentucky, Lexington.
Literature and Revolution in Latin America, Women Perspectives
Dept. of Hispanic Studies. The University of Kentucky, Lexington.
2006 Graduate Seminar: El Reino de la Imagen, Cultura Visual y Representación Colonial en América Latina. Dept. of Hispanic Studies. The University of Kentucky, Lexington.
Latin American Film. Undergraduate Course.
Dept. of Hispanic Studies. The University of Kentucky, Lexington.
Summer Graduate Seminar: Cultura Visual y Construcción de la Nación en México
Graduate School Program. Middlebury College in Guadalajara, México.
Graduate Seminar: Cultura Visual y Construcción de la Nación en América Latina
Dept. of Hispanic Studies. The University of Kentucky, Lexington.
2005 Graduate Seminar: Políticas del Cine Latinoamericano
Dept. of Hispanic Studies. The University of Kentucky, Lexington.
Graduate Seminar. Protest and Pleasure, the Politics of Latin American Cinema. Dept. of Romance Languages and Literatures. Washington University in Saint Louis.
2004 Crossing Borders II. “Globalization and the Persistence of Borders.” International and Area Studies Program. Washington University in Saint Louis.
Undergraduate Seminar “Cultura y Revolución en Latinoamérica” Dept. of Romance Languages and Literatures. Washington University in Saint Louis.
Graduate Seminar. Women Film Directors “Cuando ellas miran.” Summer Spanish School. Middlebury College.
Mass Media and Nation Building in Latin America. International and Area Studies Program. Washington University in Saint Louis.
Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Literatures. Dept. of Romance Languages and Literatures.
Washington University in Saint Louis.
2003 Hispanic Cultures and Civilization. Dept. of Romance Languages and Literatures.
Washington University in Saint Louis.
Graduate Course. “Hispanic Cinemas: from Text to Screen.” Summer Spanish School
Middlebury College, Vermont.
Hispanic Culture through Film. Summer Spanish School
Middlebury College, Vermont.
2002 Latin American Modernity, “Pólvora y Tinta” Literature and Revolution in Contemporary Latin America. Department of Hispanic Studies. Vassar College.
Hispanic Cultures through Cinema, a course on Latin American Cinema. Spanish Summer Language School. Middlebury College. Vermont.
Advanced Grammar for the Masters in Spanish. Summer Language School.
Middlebury College, Vermont.
Senior Seminar on Latin American Media. “Historical Melodrama from Serial Novel to Telenovela in Mexico and Brazil.” Latin American Studies Program, Vassar College
2000-2002 Latin American Colonial Literature Survey. “El Reino de la Imagen.”
Dept. of Hispanic Studies, Vassar College
Introduction to Latin American Cultural Studies. Dept. of Hispanic Studies, Vassar College.
Intermediate Spanish Language Course. Dept. of Hispanic Studies, Vassar College.
1999 Introduction to Hispanic Literary Studies. Dept. of Romance Languages and Literatures University of Michigan
Webmaster for advanced language courses (fourth semester)
1998 Cultura Popular en Latinoamérica. Teaching and Research Assistant for Professor Frances Aparicio. Selection of readings, music and films. Preparation of multimedia presentations. Webpage design and maintenance, CD, CD-ROM design and production.
Dept. of Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Michigan
Intermediate Course. Cómics e Historia en Latinoamérica.
Residential College, University of Michigan.
1996-1997 Intermediate Readings and Advanced Composition (Latino/a Cultures in the US).
Residential College, University of Michigan.
1996 Intermediate Course. Cultura y Revolución en Latinoamérica.
Residential College, University of Michigan.
1994-1996 Intermediate Spanish (Third and Fourth Semester). Design and implementation of summer program syllabi, organization of cultural activities, design of exams and other materials. Integration of internet based cultural activities. Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Michigan.
1991-1994 Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced Spanish. Modern Languages. Ohio University.
1990-1991 Coordinator and Instructor of the Creative Writing Workshop, Poetry. ITESM Queretaro. Mexico.
Conferences (selection):
2014 “Verde Newton, Ethics and Poetics of the Subject in the Poetry of Cristina Rivera Garza.”
Organizer and Chair. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. Lexington KY. April 10-12.
2013 “Border Doom and Joy: The Uses of the US-Mexico Border as a Dystopian Space in
Videogames.” Latin American Studies Association, XXVIII International Congress (LASA).
Washington DC. (May 29-June 1)
2011 Guest Speaker. Does Democracy Need a New Woman? Desire and Politics in Mexican Cinema of the 21st Century. Virginia Latino Higher Education Network (VLHEN). James Madison University. Harrisonbourg VA. October 3, 2011.
2010 Dialectics of the Gaze, Octavio Paz Poet-Photographer. International Conference on Octavio Paz.
California State University. Los Angeles. CA. May 14-15.
Sujeto Clínico y Poesía en Los Textos del Yo de Cristina Rivera Garza. International Conference in Spanish and Latin American Poetry. Wake Forest University. Winston-Salem. NC. April 9-10.
2009 Broadcasting “Miss Cristera:” Contemporary Mexican Film, the Church and the Return of the
Fantasy of Repression. Latin American Studies Association, XXVIII International Congress (LASA). Río de Janeiro, Brazil. (June 11-14)
Guest Lecture.“Taming the Revolution, Televisual Nation and the Historical Telenovela in Mexico.” Latin American Media: Distortions and Resistance. Georgia State University
Symposium on Latin American Studies. Atlanta, GA. (April 1st).
Guest Lecture. “From Amores Perros to The Burning Plain, Serendipity and Adaptation in the
Films by Guillermo Arriaga.” Pomona College. Pomona, CA. (February 18)
2008 Filming Everyday Violence under Neoliberalism.
Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. Lexington, KY. (April 17-19)
2007 Chair. La identidad entre dos culturas en la poesía americana.
Conference of Hispanic and Spanish American Poetry. University of Virginia. (November 8-10)
Chair. Baroques, Borders, and Other Hemispheric Projects.
American Studies Association, Annual Meeting (ASA). Philadelphia. (October 11-14)
Mapping Riches, Primitivism and Denial of Coevalness in Visual Discourses about Mexico.