Vocabulary is defined according to the context in which it is used in the book.


absenteeism how often a worker does not go to work

abuse misuse/the wrong use

accumulation a gradual increase over a period of time

acid rain rain that contains acid which can harm the environment

addictive something your body needs regularly and you cannot stop taking it

ally a person or organization that cooperates with or helps another in a particular activity

apprenticeships the process of learning a trade by working for an employer

arms industry businesses that produce/provide weapons

assembly line an arrangement of workers and machines in a factory along which the good being made passes from one operation to the next until the good is completed

assumption(s) something thought/believed to be true but without proof


ban official order stopping something from being used/done

bankrupt stopped trading permanently due to a lack of money

bankruptcy having to stop trading permanently due to a lack of money

barber a shop where men’s hair is cut

bureaucratic involving many official processes/rules

burglaries breaking into buildings and stealing things


capacity the amount of something a firm is able to make

charge(s) police statement(s) saying someone may be guilty of a crime

child allowance money given by the government to families with children

collude come to a secret understanding

confess admit to doing something wrong

conserved saved/used more sparingly

conviction court decision that someone is guilty of a crime

copyright(s) legal right(s) to be the only person/company that can produce a book/perform a play/song

corruption illegal/immoral behavior particularly by person(s) in power

customs the place at a port, airport or frontier where officials check incoming goods, travellers, or luggage


degradation becoming worse in condition

depletion reduction in amount

deregulation the removal of government rules/controls from business activity

differentiate make different

dilemma difficult choice

diversification the making of different products or getting involved in new business areas


elite a group of people with a high level of power/influence because they have money/knowledge/skills

enforce make people obey rules/laws

enforcing making people obey rules/laws

equalization the act of making equal/the same

equity fair treatment for everyone

exaggerating making something sound better than it really is

exceed(s) are/is greater than

exhausted used up completely

explicit expressed in a clear and direct way

exploitation making use of something to gain maximum profit from it

eyesore something that is very ugly


facilitate make easy/possible

flood barrier a structure that stops/slows down the overflow of water

flood defences structures put into place to protect dry areas from water

fluctuation(s) frequent change(s) especially from a high to a low level and back again

forum public meeting/debate opportunity


government franchise the right, sometimes exclusive, to produce a good or service officially granted a firm by a government

graze feed on grass


implicit describes something that is understood but not often directly stated

incrementally increasing slowly and in regular amounts/values

indefinitely not having a known/clear end point

infrastructure the basic structure/systems of a country (e.g. roads/railways)

injection putting money into a plan/organization

interact affect each other/act together

intersect cut across or through


judicial system relating to the law and the decisions that court judges make


labour union(s) organization(s) formed by workers to protect their rights

landlocked a country that is surrounded by other countries

lay off (workers) temporarily end workers' employment due to a lack of work

legally allowed by law

legislation law/set of laws

licence a permit from an authority to own or use something, to do a particular thing, or to carry on a trade


made redundant being told by your employer that there is no longer a job for you

malnourished ill/weak due to a lack of (good) food

marketing advertising and promotion

maximized made as great as possible

mines deep holes in the ground used for removing coal, gold etc.


national defence the systems that a country uses to defend itself against attack

necessitates makes something necessary

negotiate reach an agreement through discussion


ore rock or earth from which metal can be taken


patent a government license that gives the holder exclusive rights to a process, design, or new invention for a designated period of time. It gives a firm the right to stop another firm from making, using or selling that which has been granted a patent.

persistent continues to exist/happen for a long time

plea bargain(s) agreeing to say something in court which shortens your jail time

plumber someone whose job is to repair water pipes

potential possible, as opposed to actual

prisoner(s) person/people in jail

prohibition making something illegal/against the law

prosecutor court lawyer trying to prove someone is guilty of a crime


ration card a card/voucher issued by a government to let the holder get goods that are in short supply

reform(s) change(s)/improvement(s) to a law/system to make it fairer/more effective

reserve(s) supply(ies) of something that is/are kept and used when needed

respiratory related to breathing/the lungs


sanitation the removal/treatment of waste/water

sewage a mixture of human waste and used water

shut down stop operating

slope the angle/gradient of the curve

social unrest people/society protesting/behaving violently in response to a political situation

society a group of individuals involved with each other in some way. In economics it often refers to the three main stakeholders, the consumers, the producers, and government.

speculation investing hoping to gain, but with the risk of loss

steep how high/big the angle/gradient is

steeper has a higher/bigger angle/gradient

steepness the height/size of the angle/gradient

sue make a legal claim for harm done

sustainable able to be continued/maintained


third parties people indirectly involved with/affected by an agreement/legal case between other people

time lag(s) period(s) of time between two linked events

trade union(s) professional/trade organization(s) that represent workers in disputes with employers

trade-off a situation that involves giving up something in return for gaining another thing

trademark(s) special name(s)/mark(s)/word(s) on a product that show which company made it

trading buying/selling of large quantities of goods especially between countries

trawlers type of fishing boat

treaty(ies) formal written agreement(s) between countries/governments

trial looking at evidence in a court to see if someone is guilty of a crime


unification joining together

uniform being the same in all its parts


written off cancelled

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