MOE CEIS Data Notes

Part B MOE & CEIS Data Notes

2012-13 Reporting Year

This document provides information or data notes on the ways in which states collected and reported data differently from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) data formats and instructions. In addition, the data notes provide explanations of substantial changes or other changes that data users may find notable or of interest in the data from the previous year.


Actual reduction taken by LEAs was rounded to the nearest dollar.

Based on the designated LEA determinations of Needs Assistance in FFY 2011 (SY 2011-2012), Baldwin County was allowed to reduce under Part B IDEA MOE provision in error. It should be noted, in review of financial documents, Baldwin County met MOE before implementing reduction under Part B IDEA MOE.

The LEA, Vestavia Hills City, denied their allocation for section 619 funds during FFY 2012 (SY 2012-2013).

The LEAs, Chickasaw City and Satsuma City, were newly established systems during FFY 2012 (SY 2012-2013), and therefore had no allocations for section 611 during FFY 2011 (SY 2011-2012).

Based on the designated LEA determination of Needs Assistance in FFY 2011 (SY 2011-2012), one LEA was allowed to reduce and exceeded the 50% reduction under the Part B IDEA MOE provision in error. It should be noted that in review of financial documents, that specific LEA met MOE before implementing reduction under Part B IDEA MOE.


Mount Edgecumbe High School, NCESID 200006, is a high school program only and does not receive 619 funds.

American Samoa

American Samoa does not receive 619 funds.


Arizona determined that the following LEAs that were identified as "NA" were not eligible to have a determination during FFY 2011-12.

Advanced Education Services Inc / Closed
Archway Classical Academy North Phoenix / New School
Arizona State Hospital / State
Empire Elementary District / No CWD-Transporting
Empower College Prep / New School
Forrest Elementary District / No CWD-Transporting
Institute for Transformative Education / New School
International Charter School of Arizona / New School
Kaizen Education Foundation DBA Havasu Preparat / New School
Kaizen Education Foundation DBA Mission Heights / New School
LaTierra Community School / New School
Legacy Traditional Charter School-Laveen Village / New School
Maryvale Preparatory Academy / New School
North Phoenix Preparatory Academy / New School
Pinal County Special Education Program / State
Reid Traditional School's Painted Rock Academy / New School
Rucker Elementary District / No CWD-Transporting
San Fernando Elementary District / No CWD students
South Phoenix Academy Inc / New School
South Valley Academy Inc / New School
Step Up Schools was EDU Prize Inc / New School
The Paideia Academies / New School
Trivium Preparatory Academy / New School
Twenty First Century Charter School Inc DBA Bennett Academy / Closed
University Public Schools Inc-Phoenix HS / New School
University Public Schools Inc-Polytechnic Elem / New School
University Public Schools Inc-Polytechnic HS / New School
Vicki A Romero HS / Closed

One LEA was required to reserve 15% for CEIS also voluntarily used up to 15% for CEIS. The discrepancy is due to a data entry error.


1. Students in the following school districts were served with required carryover funds. No new funds were allocated: DECATUR SCHOOL DISTRICT and FAYETTEVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT.

2. HAAS Hall Charter School does not operate a special education program and does not receive IDEA 611 or 619 funds. Therefore, they do not have an allocation or APR determination.

3. The following two state agencies in Arkansas do not make determinations: Department of Human Services Division of Youth Services (DYS), and Arkansas Department of Corrections.

4. The following schools were not in operation for the year in which the determinations were made: SIATech Charter School and Pine Bluff Lighthouse Charter.

5. The following State operated programs does not receive separate early childhood special education funding: AR SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND andAR SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF DDS.



In California, Special Education Funds are granted to Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs). The SELPAs allocate funds to their member districts. Most SELPAs administer the preschool program for their member districts. That is the reason districts are reporting No Value for Preschool 619.

In California, we require LEAs that are significantly disproportionate to develop a Significant Disproportionate Plan which must be approved by their local board. Districts entered zero in D2 because they spent the fiscal year developing the plan and submitted to the local board. Each of these districts intends to serve students in SY 2013-14.

In California, we allocate funds in whole dollars and the amount LEAs set-aside for CEIS is in whole numbers.


The Southwest BOCS (800252) merged with the San Juan BOCES (800253) in FFY 2010.

The Department of Corrections (800230), the Division of Youth Services (800232) and the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo (800259) do not serve preschool children.

The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) issues local levels of determination annually for the Administrative Units and two of the State-Operated Programs. As required, the CDE uses the same criteria when issuing local levels of determination as the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), uses when making state-level determinations. Specifically CDE uses compliance indicators 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, and 20 when making determinations.

The mission of the Colorado Mental Health Institute in Pueblo (800259) is to psychopharmacologically stabilize children in order to place them somewhere else. Therefore, Colorado has decided to not issue determinations to the Colorado Mental Health Institute in Pueblo for the following reasons:

• Student count in these facilities is extremely small, and data are not statistically significant. There are on average fewer than 15 children in the facility at any given time, and not all children placed there are in special education.

• Length of stay is approximately 10 days at these facilities and therefore there is not significant time for the special education staff to evaluate eligibility (indicators 9, 10, and 11).

• Neither of these institutions takes students who are 3 years old, and therefore indicator 12 is not applicable.

Colorado has decided to not issue determinations to the Department of Corrections (DOC 800230) for the following reasons:

• Student count in this facility varies throughout the year, but generally the child count is relatively small and not statistically significant. Colorado’s child count date is December 1 annually. A typical child count for students with disabilities within the DOC on December 1 was 56 students.

• DOC does not have a child find obligation, therefore indicators 9, 10, and 11 are not applicable. Students come to DOC with an individualized education program (IEP) or they do not have one.

• DOC does not serve students who are transitioning from Part C to Part B, and therefore indicator 12 is not applicable.

• 34 CFR §300.324(d) provides that certain requirements do not apply to children with disabilities who are convicted as adults under state law and incarcerated in adult prisons, including the requirements in §300.320(b) (relating to transition planning and transition services) for those who age out before they are eligible to be released from prison. Therefore, indicator 13 is not a relevant factor for the DOC.

The CDE holds these State-Operated Programs accountable for implementing state and federal special education law through a variety of ways, including data collection, desk audits, and monitoring activities.


Secondary school districts received no 619 funds for the two reporting years.


Some LEA's may not have reported values for FFY 2011 and/or FFY 2012 619 allocations (A3A and A3B) because they did not receive 619 funding.

Federated States of Micronesia

The Federated States of Micronesia has a unitary system and only receives 611 funds. FSM is not required to determine significant disproportionality that would trigger required CEIS because unitary systems are not required to take any action with respect to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of sec. 300.646.


Several districts (Bradford and Flagler) provided CEIS voluntarily or required during 2011-12 also reported students receiving CEIS during 2012-13, the second year for which funds were available. A new district was added, Florida Virtual School, during 2012-13 receiving Part B funds only.

For 2012-13, Florida Virtual was the only new LEA. Florida Virtual is eligible for Part B funds ONLY. LEA determination for Florida Virtual for 11-12/12-13 was “not applicable.” There were no new schools reported for 2012-13 with 619 funds.


Students in the following LEAs received CEIS with carry over funds from the prior year: DOUGHERTY COUNTY (1301830) and LAURENS COUNTY (1301890).

All state and commissioned charters operating as Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) received determinations based on data from the 2012 -2013 school year (FFY12). These determinations were issued in the 2013-2014 school year (FFY13) and will be included in the next Maintenance of Effort and Coordinated Early Intervening Services Datareporting cycle.

A determination was not issued for Heritage Preparatory Academy. This charter school was not operational during the 2013-2014 school year.

While some state agencies, such as the Department of Labor and the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, do serve students with disabilities for discreet periods of time; these agencies are not regarded as LEAs


Guam Department of Education, Division of Special Education is a unitary school system and does not receive LEA/ESA allocations for Section 619.


FFY 2011 and/or FFY 2012 619 allocations were not reported for LEAs that do not have preschool programs. The LEAs that received no determinations (B2) were not in operation when the determination that controls MOE reduction was made. No 611 allocations were reported for FFY 2011 for LEAs that were not in operation to receive Part B 611 funds in FFY 2011.


In cases where a determination was not provided, the LEA represents a state-operated program where the Department of Education does not have data on and does not provide determinations for.

No local district in Iowa receives Section 619 funding, only Intermediate Education Units (Area Education Agencies).

The total Part B Flow through (State Total) is $105,989,039 for the FFY 2011 (2011-12).That total doesn’t change.The changes in amounts and number of districts were the result of mergers that occurred (16 districts into 8 districts 7/1/11) and (6 into 3 on 7/1/12). The individual districts and dollars were merged into the new district. At least one of those caused a change in two AEAs amounts. The 2011 listing had the premerged districts and the 2012 deleted the old district that merged into the one left in the list. Lineville-Clio merged into Wayne CSD and disappeared from the list.


KDE uses whole dollar amounts when determining the 15% of the IDEA Allocation that must be reserved for CEIS for those districts required to implement CEIS.

Christian County Schools, NCESID 2101150, was required to use funds from FFY 2011for CEIS, but opted not to implement CEIS programming until FY 2012-2013.

Kentucky School for the Blind (NCESID 2100094)did not receive any allocations for Section 619 because it does not serve preschool students.


Explanation of Warning Messages: A5>C2B If there is an amount in C2B, there is a slight difference due to additional decimal places in A5 Or If C2B is 0, then the LEA was not significantly disproportionate and was not required to reserve 15%

FFY 2011 and/or FFY 2012 619 allocations were not reported for an LEA because it was ineligible to receive 619 funds.

Although LA’s application protocols required these LEAs to reserve 15%, some LEAs were incorrectly labeled as being significantly disproportionate. These LEAswere not reported with a reason for significant disproportionality (C2A.1, C2A.2, C2A.3, and C2A.4).

The LEA with no FFY 2011 611 allocation opened in 2012-2013 and had no allocation in 2011-2012.

The LEA with no determination opened in 2011-2012. LA does not have an LEA determination for an LEA in its first year of operation.


Most of the LEAs with NA reported for FFY 2011 allocations were newly-added SAUs for FFY2012 reporting. In all other cases, the allocation in question was 0 either because the SAU had no preschool population (as with NCESID 2306780 and 2308500) or because the SAU had no students (as with NCESID 2307440).

Marshall Islands

The Republic of the Marshall Islands does not receive 619 funds. Therefore, the correct value for A3A is zero. And since this has always been the case, by default, A3B is also zero.


The SEED School of Maryland is a State residential middle/high school, grades 6-10, for at-risk youth. The school is assigned a local school system number for Title I purposes, but results are collected and reported in the Maryland Report Card as a school, not as a local school system.


Districts without 3-5 year olds did not receive allocations.


Under column B2- determinations, LEAs that received an NA were newly opened. The LEAs did not have data that corresponded to the appropriate data years, 2011-2012 in order for the department to issue a determination. The NA is appropriate and the LEAs will have a determination for the following year.


Some LEAs that did not reserve 15% for required CEIS due to an increase in thestate award amount for Part B Section 611 funds in State Fiscal Year 2013 in the amount of $35,043.00. The Minnesota Department of Education allocated those additional fundsto the LEAS.

MN rounds up to the nearest dollar when reporting the amount of funds reserved for CEIS. Any differences between auto-calculate figures and the actual amount reserved was a results of rounding.

In situation where funds were voluntarily reserved for CEIS but no students were reported as receiving CEIS, the districts used the CEIS budget for staff development.Districts can be involved in initiatives that involve the planning phase of tiered models of intervention such as Response to Intervention (RtI) and Positive Behavioral Intervention.

No FFY 2011 and/or FFY 2012 619 allocations were reported for LEAs that did not have a school program that spans the age range of children ages 3-5 and did not receive section 619 funds.

No FFY 2011 and/or FFY 2012 611 allocations were reported for LEAs in the following situations:

1)LEA’s that have declined funds in FFY 2011 or 2012

2)LEA’s with small enrollments, small allocations

No FFY 2011 611 or 619 allocations were reported for new LEAs.


Coahoma Co AHS and Forrest County Ag High School LEAs do not have preschool populations and therefore do not have 619 allocations.

Pearl River Co School District failed to reserve the required 15% CEIS funds in SY 2012-13. The SEA issued a finding of noncompliance to the LEA.The LEA has completed all corrective actions that were indicated by the State in its notification of finding of noncompliance.


The 611 allocations for the following districts in St. Louis County are allocated to the Special School District of St. Louis County: Clayton, Ferguson-Florissant, Hazelwood, Kirkwood, Mehlville, Pattonville, Rockwood and University City.

The FFY 2011 allocations were not reported for Crossroads Academy of Kansas City and Academy for Integrated Arts because they are charter schools that opened in 2012-13 and therefore had no 2011-12 allocations. Additionally, these charters schools do not receive 619 allocations.


The LEAs that did not report 619 allocations are high school districts that did not receive any 619 funds, as they do not serve that age group.


The warnings on our file are due to district populations being too small to generate any funding and due to rounding of dollar amounts.

The FFY2012 CEIS amounts reported in column C3B included an amount from the previous FFY2011 district grant allocation.

In addition to the calculated CEIS share (maximum 15%) of the FFY2012 grant district allocation, the reported district amount included the related CEIS share (maximum 15%) of restored funding of the FFY2011 grant that became available to the state of Nebraska in February 2012. The total amount of reinstated FFY2011 funds for Nebraska was $698,520 from which a district allocation and related CEIS amount was calculated and available for the remaining grant period.