Crypt School:Local Offer

Local Offer Description

What support is offered for students with SEND?

Because of the nature of our selective intake and the modest number of SEND students the support does not usually include the use of Teaching Assistants unless the student has a statement or EHCP. However, we can offer a wide range support tailored to the needs of the individual student. Students and the parents are at the heart of the decision making process.

Support for your child may include:

  • A transition plan for KS2 and close working the primary schools.
  • Initial screening for basic SEND needs (NB the school cannot provide full diagnostic assessments).
  • Interventions (mainly in small groups) for Maths, Literacy and Science as determined by their teachers.
  • Inclusion of the SEND register and the drawing up of an Individual Education Plan with specific targets and supports identified. Students and their parents will be fully included in this process.
  • Close liaison with LA advisory staff and external agencies that have been identified as part of a support plan.

Those involved in supporting your child may include:

  • The SENCo and Assistant SENCo
  • Head of Year and Tutor
  • Teaching Staff
  • Teaching Assistant for students with a Statement or EHCP
  • School counsellor
  • School Nurse
  • Advisory teachers working for the local authority
  • Specialist professionals such as Occupation Therapists, Physiotherapist and specialist Health teams

Throughout their time at school, close and regular communications between the SENCo, staff, pupil and parents will remain critical to the success of any intervention.

In summary, the nature of the support required depends entirely on the need that your child has and Crypt is always happy to talk in general to prospective applicants to the school with SEND needs. However, more detailed discussions cannot happen until entrance offers have been made.

Contact Name


Contact Telephone

01452 530291

Contact Email

Links: Please refer to website for SEND POLICY and SEND Report

Age Bands

16-18 (Sixth Form and transitions into Adulthood)
11-16 (Secondary School)